Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So i finally started on lab work stuff last week. Like last Tuesday? Started off with extracting DNA with another fyp student, so that we can sort of get to know the procedures and know where everything is in the lab. prior to that i've not even SEEN the labs bravo.

Following the other fyp student around totally reminded me of my time at ibn when i followed fan around. heck, maybe i reminiscent about the past a bit too much for my own good… but i can't help it, that's just the way i am :X

The way this lab works is totally different from the individual research group style in ibn. There its one group one lab, and in my previous lab our relations between group members was pretty good so… there wasn’t any hard and fast rule like exactly which part of the bench belongs to who… pipettes i just use whatever's on the rack - most of the time there's no name written on it anyway…

Here, its more like an individual thing? like you use your own pipettes and stick strictly to your own space. fyp students in sbs were each rented a set of pipettes… but somehow there was communication disparities… when we emailed the prof to ask, we were told that ppl working in that lab didn’t have to attend the safety briefing (and hence no pipettes)… but other fyp students from my course DID go for the briefings and were given pipettes -.-''' zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a little zzzzz up to me but yeah… at least we aren't gonna do much lab work… and we're just using my mentor's stuff. and work space. things are kinda weird in here… like the lab ppl were asking why are there suddenly 2 more students in the lab when our mentors did inform them long ago that we will be in the labs. admin stuff tsk. always so troublesome...

working in the lab made me feel… alive though… like i finally have a motive, an end in mind… what to do etc. made me realize that as much as i love doing stuff (games, surfing the web, writing blog entries etc etc etc) on my comp, working wise, i prefer lab work to… bioinfo stuff. granted when u do lab work u still have loads of reading and writing to do, but at least… somehow… the lab work in an anchor? keeps me more focused or something… my place is in the lab… not the office… i feel more at home in the labs.

So we spent the better part of last Friday preparing the reagents… and after that we discussed about the intro.

And yesterday… ah.. my mentor has a habit of coming really late. We were supposed to meet at like 10am, but he turns up after 30mins or so later, and than checks his emails and other stuff on his comp… and we headed off for the labs like… maybe at 11 or so? i actually don't mind the time i have in the morning to use my comp and stuff… its just that starting at 11am? we worked all the way till 4pm. Lunch at 4pm… bravo… my stomach died a bit halfway through :X

So we'll be continuing with the 2nd part of the experiment today. At 2pm he says… i think we'll take till… 7-8pm? since we'll probably start closer to 3 than 2pm. Not the 1st time we ended at 8 though, just last Friday our report discussion took us all the way till 8pm.

ABout the intro that i showed my mentor last Friday… blah… it wasn’t the best piece of work i've ever written… its all broken up in bits of disjointed text… quite a horrible piece of work really. in contrast, my friend has got the intro nicely written up already. Only that i kind of fainted when i saw the 1st part of her intro. It was a totally non-scientific way of writing… in my mind i was like what the hell are you doing? delete that whole 1st para kind of thing :S sighs… the differences between the two of us. i think i kind of over reacted at 1st tho and i was glad i didn’t say anything else i would have been totally rude. my mentor did ask her to change away that part tho so all's well.

I shd care more about my own pathetic piece of writing than criticizing the work of other's. At least they have a proper, flowing introduction already, which is a lot more than what i can say for myself :X

sighz, I'm still the same as before. unable to find the mood to write and only able to do last minute work. no pressure, no work. sighs. At least i don't play games or watch videos in the office, but i do end up spending time to blog instead :X

managed to get mendeley to cite stuff the way my sch wants for my report… sighs. really feeling like a zombie today… and i already slept 7 hours last night… some how its still not enough? sighz.

kk, back to my pathetic intro.

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