Thursday, January 07, 2010

taking on too much?

well my dad was quite surprised when i said i took 8 modules in total last sem... and this sem i have 7 core... and i still planned on taking 2 electives cos i desperately need to clear my electives... he was saying i'm taking on too much.

yeah maybe...
this sem i have 7 core, + lab, planning to take 2 electives, one of them is jap lvl 3 which WILL take me alot of time to remember all the new vocab and such...

and then i have:
HS DB mod
self imposed warrior's hall regular poster/helper? not sure what u call it
hero's lounge... thread starter (not lounge starter!)
my training grounds guide
and my latest project. HUGE project. a website of my own (still its free hosting) with:
the entire encylopedia of all the warrior related FAQs
SM guide
hero guide
aran guide
NW guide
training grounds guide
acc calculator and damage calculator (my own version)

alot of my new project stuff are not done of cos, and that's gonna take an awful lot of time... already i've pushed the new project aside for a couple of days, in favor of playing the game itself.
of yes, how can i forget my array of characters to train....

gotta... yes... gotta force myself to study during certain periods of time per week. MUST do....


okay ok... i decided to write some stuff here...

exams came and passed. my holiday in korea + china came and passed... -.-

i really have to think up of ways to make earning interesting to entice myself to devote more time to studying, apart from the host of games and game related stuff i do. results was a... kiss your high almighty 1st class hons dream gdbye... terrible. i can believe my dad didnt really scold me abt it. i guess we all know. i've been playing games right up to the very last min again and arghs. i hate myself for doing such things. yet when the time comes to actually mug for exams, i JUST CANT do it. man i suck! yes i do suck... even though... arghs... As was one big failure already... i'm doing it all over again. and again. and again. do i ever learn? i guess not. yes in a way i'm still freaking childish i guess. so old and still playing such childish games actively. and than spding so much X on it. arghs.............

i dont know.

i give up.

maybe i'll try typing out my own notes next year and see how things goes. at least that'll force me to actually read my lect notes more. yeah.