Wednesday, October 12, 2011

let's talk iPhone

ok, since i have really nothing better to do while waiting for iOS 5 to come out - or rather, i have no mood to do anything else... let me talk about why i'm so excited for the new iOS 5.

News is that the iOS 5 will be out at 1am... that's like 2hr 40mins more as of now... sighz...

Notification center
Aye... with all my tons of games, straits times etc etc... i wake up each morning with many notifications, many of which DISAPPEAR before i even get to see it. They are just gone the moment i unlock my phone... also, since i play quite a lot of games on my phone, the pop up notifications get freaking annoying.... especially when you play games like tiny towers and you get a notification every few minutes (you could turn notifications for the game off completely, but if i do that, i probably wont visit the game altogether so i leave it on).

Reminders, To-Dos lists etc... all in one calendar app
Yes, i have many to-do lists and reminder apps now. Which is precisely the problem. There are too many of them, and I've downloaded too many of them. In the end i don't know which to use, and end up not using any at all. Something integrated into the system would be nice.

iCloud and wireless updates/backups etc
I guess this is the main draw for many, and it is for me too. I found out just how irritating it was when I wanted to get a photo i just took on my phone to my comp in sch the other day. The cheap, retractable usb cable i bought from Daiso lets me charge my phone through USB, but it doesn’t properly connect my phone to the lappy, so it is not recognised in iTunes or iPhoto. Bravo. I really wished i ALREADY HAD iOS 5 + iCloud there and than. Even at home i'll have to purposely connect my phone to the lappy, since usually i change it with the power point by my bedside (nightly routine of mine is to play games on my bed till i'm really tired, then plug in the phone w/o me having to get up from the bed, then go to sleep).

Automatic backups every night when your phone is connected to a power source would be really good for ppl like me who charge their phone every single night. Call me kiasu or whatever, but i really dislike it when my phone is low on battery. I like to see my battery icon FULL... partly why i bring the retractable wire to charge my phone in school i guess. Since nowadays i leave the router on 24/7, i'll be able to use this feature to its fullest. (Somehow there's barely any 3G connectivity in my home).

Every iOS 5 and OS X Lion user will get a free iCloud account with 5GB of storage space... Not a lot though... hopefully they will increase the storage space in the future. I might not get it to sync my songs or smthing, since my songs already take up 3.2GB of space, leaving me with barely room to store anything else on the iCloud.

hmm, the above 3 are the first things that comes to my mind when i think of iOS 5. hmm, siri is still quite a mystery to me. Didn’t watch the keynote presentation... but i've read a few things from other webpages. Some say that siri is completely not available for non-iPhone 4S users, others say that owners of the older models will be a much less powerful siri that works in very limited areas. Either way, i'm still not too convinced on the idea of talking to my phone... i'm not a very articulate person by nature really. So siri... we'll see what i get in like 3 hours time.

hmm what other features is there? Nothing much else? Quite a lot of the stuff is for iPad, which i don't have. Like the multi finger gestures and the swiping to navigate between apps... will we get that on the iPhone too? o.o I remember the website saying that it's only for the iPad or smthing...

hmm, maybe i should go read the apple page on iOS 5 yet another time since i have nothing better to do anyway...

For the Nth time today:
This version of the iPhone software (4.3.5) is the current version.

oh yes, iMessage... doesn’t affect me much since i don't have that many friends using iPhone. okay... my jc clique are all using iPhone now, but we al have Whatsapp already AND i don't use that much either...

Twitter integration... will probably encourage me to tweet a little more... now really hardly tweet anything unless i'm very bored or purposely make an effort to...

Camera on the lock screen, and take photo using the volume up button... good additions, now i wont have to stupidly scroll around looking for my camera button but i really need to take a picture. i don't take pictures that often normally though... but still it’s a good feature to have, especially when you are on holiday overseas or on a trip somewhere with your friends and family (basically on an occasion where there's an opportunity to photo whore). Well, the volume up button to take picture would be EXTREMELY useful actually... else having to finger around and jab the screen is really hard especially when you are trying to take a photo of something say really high up and you are already stretching you hands out with the phone as far as you can go...

 (blogging is really a good way to pass the time, i've already spent like 30mins on this post so far)

hmm... there's the enhanced photo apps which lets you do some rotation, cropping etc, basically stuff OTHER apps have been allowing you to do all the while. Well, i've already go TONS of apps that can do those for me so... nah, this isnt an exciting feature. Next!

Safari... tabbed browsing, for iPad only... sighz. Reading mode and reading list thing... i'm not too sure if i'll use it much. I probably wont...

Calendar... the auto syncing with my iCal through iCloud is definitely something i'm looking forward to. The new calendar layout looks much nicer than the current one too.

bummer, that's about all i guess? i've ran out of things to say and there's still like 2 hours of waiting left to go... hopefully the download wont take TOO long. I'm sure there are TONS of iDevice users camping and waiting to download the new OS the second it gets released... yeah, i know, i'm one of them... i wasn’t even this excited for iOS 4. hmm what did iOS 4 bring us? Pretty much all i can remember are: the option to choose a different picture for your home screen and lock screen... and folders to put your apps... really can't remember anything else. ><

okays... 2hr 15mins more... let me find something else to occupy my time with... sighz...

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