Friday, September 21, 2012

New Microsoft Keyboard Splits Space Bar, Left Side Used as Backspace Key | Techland |

New Microsoft Keyboard Splits Space Bar, Left Side Used as Backspace Key | Techland |

haha... for me... well... its quite true... i pretty much always use my right thumb to hit the space bar too. and yeah... the delete/backspace button is a little far away... though for me i always use my 4th finger to hit it. in fact, my right pinkie is completely useless... it just pops right up n i don't use it to hit a single key. My left pinkie tho, is in charge of A, the shift button, capslock etc... basically all the buttons it should be hitting. Except when say I'm trying to hit type A. Or Z. Or Q. Then my left pinkie goes out to hit the shift key while my 4th finger hits the alphabet. While my right pinkie just dances around in midair doing absolutely nothing. Heck even the 4th finger of my right hand is pretty slack... most of the thing all it does it to hit the delete button. Even when typing letters like P i just my middle finger :X

bad typing habits/skills indeed :X

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