While i went out for a walk/jog yest evening... this uncle rode past me... with a folding table tied to the back of his bike. pro sia lol
was bored sometime back, so i tried out some photo effects... can't wait for my dad to buy a mac + photoshop for mac... i really want photoshop!
can't believe i left out all the rest of the keyboard differences in my previous post on mac VS windows... while mac has a command button taking over most of the work of the control key as well as en eject keyboard button (rather than one on the side of the lappy, i think this is better actually, cos i keep pressing that button when keeping/handing my old lappy causing the disk drive to pop out), it has many missing buttons compared to the standard windows keyboard...
there's a delete button on mac, but it actually works like a backspace button on windows. to forward delete, you have to press the Fn key and delete together... something that i actually just learnt today bravo. i really should read the keyboard short cuts list on the apple site to see what else i've been missing out gosh...
there's not end, page down/up, or home buttons. my lappy multi touch pad pretty much fixes all these, but it’s a chore when i can't use all these on the trackpad when i'm on xp cos my bootcamp is corrupted (tried deleting the entire partition and reinstalling, tried to re-install bootcamp so many times on xp till i finally gave up... its not too bad tho, at least i can type out my password in maple, no nid to use the soft keyboard, imagine having to use the soft keyboard when i did the attendance taking, i would have died!) it also sucks that i have less keys to put my skills n pots on in maple... but nothing that i couldn’t get used to really.
there are shortcut keys for mac for page up/down and home... but i must say that having physical key was much easier. sure they save some space on the keyboard but that's more shortcuts to rem. using the mac is all having shortcuts and more shortcuts i swear... bad for those for are more mouse oriented and would prefer erm... less shortcuts imo. i think for one my dad is gonna have big trouble remembering all these shortcuts... if he will even use them at all.
for the benefit of myself and anyone who doesn’t know:
space moves the page down, like in windows too.
shift-space moves the page up.
fn-arrow key works like page up/down
command-arrow key works like home/end
option-arrow key moves the screen up/down a page at a time... like say in preview.
that's all i think? hope i didn’t miss out any...
just a lot at this page and there's soooo many shortcuts available. most of them i don't even know, wont ever use, and wont ever remember...
i do like working with the keyboard... but so many shortcuts... it just gets kinda ridiculous at times... not to mention all my apps have their own little shortcuts... i don't use them too often and can barely rem half of them... >< above: a list of the mac key symbols.
ah yes, i just ejected the photobucket installer... ejected a software? yeah u actually do that in mac... that's something i find cool abt mac. its really easy and fast to say stop ur usb drive. u just need to go to finder and hit the eject key beside ur drive. no nid to right click on the safety remove hardware button, than select the usb device, than select safety remove... to eject CDs u can too click on the eject button beside the drive in finder... or the button on ur keyboard... or just drag the disk icon on the desktop to the trash can... cool eh? i quite like this feature... cool and erm... fun? u can argue that its not much difference tho... but i still like the idea of not having the disk eject button on the side of the lappy. i constantly make the disk drive pop up when putting my old lappy into my bag last time.... or i'd reach sch/home only to find a half ejected disk drive cos something pressed the button during transportation. maybe that's why my disk drive on my old lappy died so fast... it died on me after like 1.5 years or smthing.
hmm, ok, that's all i can think of now... if i come up with more stuff i'll probably put them in yet another post or smthing.
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