ok... what i hate most abt blogger is still the pathetic photo uploading... and how many a times it doesn’t even work! and i'm just uploading a photo already on the web for godsake! i end up having to open an old post, and grap the HTML for inserting a photo from there (since my own html skill are close to zero)
we dined at 北京楼 restaurant for lunch (note: idk why this photo refuses to load for me. if u can't see it, click the words to open the photo in a new window/tab)
roasted duck. very good... crispy skin and the duck is very tasty - fresh duck. not like those frozen ones where the meat is tasteless and lost its original flavor. the sauce they gave to go with the duck is great too!
sea cucumber + goose feet + broccoli + pine nuts. i forgot wat fanciful name they gave the dish though. the broth is good, and the sea cucumber heavenly. the goose feet? to me it was nothing special... kinda like duck feet with more meat. taste wise that is. of cos there's more meat than duck feet... honestly i was much more impressed with the sea cucumber. it was soft but still springy. the dish is a one portion to a person, and you have to at least by two plates each time. my family got the min. 2 and we shared. The restaurant is actually famous for their seafood, but we only realized after ordering that we left out the seafood… except for the 2 pieces of sea cucumber… oh wells. We ordered more than enough dishes already so we didn’t really try their seafood in the end.
The dishes that we ordered… we had like one veggie, one tofu (counted by piece, min. 3 pieces, we had 1 piece per pax), one roost duck, one lamb pot, fried beehon with 冬粉… and two desserts.
that’s the羊肉锅 or lamb pot. Curiously the chunks of lamb came with… SKIN! Very much like your braised pork… only w/o the layer of fat underneath the skin, and the skin much more chewy and not as soft (compared to pork skin). 1st time I had lamb cooked with the skin. We figured that most of the time the skin + fur went to other places like handbags and all. I didn’t really like this dish though… sure the meat was soft and well cooked, but in the process of their food preparation, they removed the 羊烧味. Good news for many I guess, but the unique and strong flavor of lamb (and beef) is what makes me (and my dad n sis) attracted to it.
French beans… or something… tasted great but a bit too oily and salty... the only dish we couldn’t finish…
The restaurant’s trademark handmade tofu. Very unique, 1st time I see seaweed mixed into tofu and gosh the tofu and a very unique texture – it was very smooth and loose… the broth was great too. The seaweed at one end… the taste of seaweed isn’t strong or overpowering, just the right touch.
some vegetable+fruit juice they serve as an appetizer to all customers… they forgot to give us when we went though, my dad had to ask for it so we actually drank it after before our desserts rather than before our meal. We had trouble guessing what went into the juice… my guess was something like green apple + plums + star fruit… other guesses by the rest include celery, and… other green veggies like spinach… I’m 100% sure there are plums in there though. Like the salted ones u eat as a snack… could taste that quite strongly. Slightly sour, yet sweet, light and refreshing… very nice appetizer, just too bad it came late.
We had fried durian and honey dew sago for desert. The fried durian was good. Cool durian wrapped in those deep fried Vietnamese rolls… the ones where the roll is like some sort of netting
outside the restaurant
a huge fish tank... but hardly can see any fishes... my sis say she saw a lot of dead fish inside but i didn’t take note ><
we had Japanese food for dinner...
my sis ordered a... grape milk shake... if my memory doesn’t fail me.
salmon salmon our favourite. unless there's otoro. that's a completely different story. that'll be like comparing heaven and earth... ok, maybe i exaggerated a bit
curry omurice. was not bad but... i prefer the curry from that Go! Go! Gorilla Curry! at somerset 313 or Ion orchard (not sure if they opened outlets elsewhere). this dish is really cheap tho, was like 50% off for members and we joined the membership on the spot (20rm for 1 year, the always have special offers for members at half price...) i rem this dish worked out to smthing like 3+sgd... (once again, if my mem didn’t fail me...)
king spider ramen. basically tempura soft shell crab on top of ramen. does look quite scary and spider like tho
shioyaki ika... salt grilled squid. this one's surprisingly gd... i was expecting the ika to be over cooked and hard but nope... its was still nice and soft. personally not that fond of squids (to order a squid dish that is), but it was on 50% offer for members. we basically ordered all the non-vegetarian dishes on offer for members.
it does look quite spider like, don't u think?
their trade mark bento set A... the agedashi tofu was soaked in veggie soup... i prefer it 'dry' tho. sushi and sashimi was not bad... but kinda normal.
salmon + rice. i told u we liked salmon.
the restaurant had a really good ambiance. we went to another shop outlet at times square (erm, is that wat the shopping center right after the woodlands checkpoint is called?) before quite a while back. the place there was nicely furnished too, but it was too small and very cramp. i think the shopping center we went to this time was pelangi or smthing... my memory really sucks when it comes to such numbers and text/words... i can remember pictures and scenes vividly like i can recall the details of a movie i watch long ago and recite wat's going to happen next when Chnl 5 replays the movie X period of time later... i cannot however, for the death of me, memorize things like the times tables (as in, multiplication tables), or all the drug properties and side effects to pass my pharmaco module. but i digress...
a pond in the restaurant! yes its inside a shopping center... the restaurant is really big and spacious compared to those in sg. wat to say, msia big, sg small. simple as that.
pretty decorations...
ok, last picture!
the wooden massage stuff i mentioned earlier. randomly taken when placed on my bed. not the best place to take a photo but my table is way too messy.
ok... so that's all the pics we took... all in all we had a delightFULL day, really ate to our hearts content. the chinese food was more worth it than the japanese food though. both meals cost around the same price.... prefer the salmon we can get from the wholesaler somewhere in... woodlands? or smthing, i mix up the locations of the wholesalers... cheaper so u can eat more haha.
okays... i shd get going so that's all for now.
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