ok, so as i mentioned earlier... this post will be dedicated to the iToy apps and firefox add ons that i absolutely love/adore.
1st up. why firefox (ff)?
FF runs way faster than IE, and it has really nice add ons that make my life much easier.
google chrome is good too, but i've yet to check out the add ons - in fact i plan to do so right after this post. unfortunately, too many add ons slows down the program, and too many add ons in FF will cause occasional crashes... so dont go overboard with add ons... (after my latest round of add on searching in FF, it'll crash occasionally now, previously none at all, still i cant live w/o those add ons...)
ok the 1st add on: snap links
(listed in order of usefulness/importance/reliance)
right click, drag, and it'll open up all the links in box in a new tab. or in a new window etc... u select in the options menu :)
i use this all the time. eg. there's several new threads to read in forums, i open up all the threads at the same time to read. or there's several links to check out in HS/other sites... right click, drag, done! simple, but very very important. esp if u play games like pet dogs or fluff friends etc... open tons of links at once with this add on for easier petting!
2. easy drag to go
uber useful. select a text, drag and it will do a search for you. you can drag in all 4 (top,down,left,right) directions and each direction it can perform a diff task for you (once again, u get to set!)
you can set it to open pics in a new tab, copy the link location, or even save a picture... the save a pic part is especially useful for me when doing HS updates... when i'll need to constantly save pics from extractions and upload them to HS. saves me alot of time when this add on
3. Auto Dial
saves a whole list of the pages u visited recently and displays them when u open a new tab. the downside that is you cant arrange the display order :(
nonetheless, its still very useful for me... much better than the recent pages displayed in safari or chrome, as this allows the display of... 20 or more sites??? the 8 sites or so in chrome/safari just aint enough for a user like me.
those abv, are the absolute essential ones that i use every single time i'm on the web... the rest are also very useful, but not as essential/used that frequently
colorful tabs
as the name suggests. changes the tabs so that they look very pretty, and you can see at a glance which tab is which. allows you to fade the tabs that aint selected too to make it more obvious which tab you're at.
split browser
allows you to move a tab into a side window --- top, bot, left, right, ur choice. anyplace you like. you can make the two pages scroll at the same spd even... very useful when i'm copying stuff from say south perry to HS. i can just look at the two pages side by side (w/o having to open them on seperate windows, and resize both windows.) you can resize the size of the 'side tab' webpage. the down side is that your apps like snap links dont work on the 'side tab' window. so make the window that you need to use the rest of ur add ons on to be NOT the side tabbed window. if you need those add ons (like ez drag to go, snap links) on both, guess this still aint ideal :(
but already it makes life much easier for me when i added in stuff from south perry extractions to HS. (i didnt need ez drag to go on both tabs too)
allows you to store your copied text, pretty much like the clip board in msoft. downside is that there isnt a shortcut to selecting which copied text to paste. would very much prefer it if there was a keyboard shortcut to select which text to paste, would make my work on HS much faster/easier
reload every
the one and only auto refresher for firefox. used it alot when i was playing some broswer rpg games but since i've now quit them all, i dont use this at all anymore. used to set some forum pages to auto refresh every 1min or so, so that whenever i go to the site i dont have to manually refresh to see if there's new stuff... hmm... maybe i shd do that for the warrior's hall page again...
anyway... this app sits very nicely as just a small drop down button beside the original FF refresh button. really neatly tucked away indeed. you can set the exact amt of time to wait before refreshing, and you can control each window and tab separately.
i use this to check the time at various cities... sits as a neat row of times at where your status bar is(bot of the page). basically i used it quite often previously to check wat time is it at XX place where my fellow troops/other friends were... but now i refer to the times less often
ok... now for those apps that i use to keep in touch... i've come to rely on these add ons so much that they are absolutely essential now... but i felt they deserve another category of their own, plus they aint that 'work related' stuff, so their here rather than at the top of the list
scribe fire
the oldest of the 3 'keep in touch' add ons that i've got. basically its a platform that lets you sign in to all ur blogs, edit ur entries, and make new posts. w/o having to go to the website itself to sign in, create new entry... scribe fire is much more convenient... click the little icon on the bot right hand corner, and this screen pops up where u can make ur blog entry. there's a panel on the right that lets you choose which blog to post to, or choose a blog entry to bring up for editing/deleting. you can make the entry in rich editing or source editing (html)... can see a preview before you post too. very very convenient... in fact, all my entries theses days are made from scribe fire and scribe fire only. i only log in to blogger itself when i have changes to make to my blog layout/template.
as the name suggests.... its a twitter tool! you type your tweet in the address bar of FF, and hit a button to just tweet away! convenient eh?
oh speaking of which, yes i've gotten myself a twitter acct. i do talk alot abt gaming stuffs there tho, so be warned... still i'll be glad if you could follow me at http://twitter.com/darkillertg
and the last FF add on that i'll talk abt...
a very very useful tool... appears as an expandable bar on the left side of the browser... lets you sign in to sites like FB and twitter (the only two i use), and it'll inform you when ever there are updates. you can sign in the msn from there too, but i wont suggest that.. you'll get logged out of the msn live messenger program, and if you aint looking at ur FF page, (e.g. working on word) you wont know if ppl sent u a msg on msn.
but for FB and twitter wise its really great... i nvr bothered with FB updates... but with this i get to see if anyone made any updates, or sent me a msg etc... same for twitter... i'll know if anyone talked in my channel, or if those guys i'm following made any new post. you can reply right away from the add on too, very convenient. this together with the twitterbar... made me a much more regular user of twitter.
ok, now on to iPhone apps - listed in no particular order. i'll break them into two main categories. utilities and games. basically utilities will include all the work related stuff, while games are just.. games and other fun apps :)
1st up, Utilities!
AppBox Lite/Pro
all in one... very useful, so much so that i've paid abt 1.5bucks sgd to buy the pro version. since that's the one i have now, i'll say wat's in the pro version only
currency converter!
battery status, phone memory space info
alarm clock
calculate the no. of days btw dates, no of days till XX
level - you know the carpenter tool with liquid and a bubble in the middle?
flashlight - it is really bright...
holidays info
calculate discount price (doubt i'd use this tho, mental calculation ftw!)
apparently you can download some add ons to this app too! cool!
there's a units converter too, but its a bit troublesome to use, i prefer another separate units converter app...
very good units converter app. from weight to length to pressure to light intensity to... anything... everything! very user friendly too, it was very helpful when i did my biophysics on9 quizzes this sem
SG buses
lets you check which bus goes where. you can check by road name or the bus no. comes in handy at times when you are 'stranded' outside and need to know how to get hm
control ur comp/lappy with ur iPhone thru wifi!!!
Control iTunes on ur comp/lappy using iPhone :)
there are quite a few translators out there... i've got quite a few of them on my phone... not sure which is better and all... ><
dictionary! now you can check the meaning of any word anywhere you want... if only i had this when doing my essays or comprehension in jc...
Stick it
basically a post it note pad :) i prefer this kind of 'timeless' notes to the date ordered notes as in the bulit in note pad.
UYH - Use Your Handwriting
basically you just doodle watever note you have down, not type :)
Channel News Asia/ Straits Times
Lets you read article stubs on ur itoy
Office Plus
Lets you open office (word, excel etc) documents! i've got several apps doing the same stuff, not quite sure which is better... didnt use any of them much, dont really use office files on my phone so yeah... ><
save ur timetable on ur phone, pretty self explanatory...
basically lets you know of any notifications/pms/wall post on FB :)
you can reply from the app, but seems like you cant delete from the app...
you've probably seen the advertisements... since iphone has no radio... you have an alternative... download an app to listen to the radio from the web... yes its in real time :)
often apps have discounts for limited periods of times... this app keeps tracks of all the discounts and the new apps available!
ok, that's abt it for utilities... other small stuff here and there but... let's move on to GAMES and other FUN stuff!
Tons of nice background designs to choose from. you'll nvr get bored look at em
As seen from my previous post, i really really enjoy playing on this app. the glitter effects and color add on are must gets! download some free apps for the doodlebucks!
Tap Tap Revenge 3
the ultimate game on iphone! gosh... i'm so addicted to this game that i've spent quite alot of $$$ buying tracks. extremely fun... so many song packs that i downloaded and liked... my very very most favourite one has to go the the owl city pack though. fireflies and vanilla twilight. love the song, love the blue background, love the rhythm. its perfect!
aint a person with good hand eye cooridination? no matter! i started off flanking songs in the easy mode! now i still fail at some songs in the hard mode, but very much improved already. i still panic when i see hoards of tappers coming my way but hey... this game IS fun. started off having to play with two thumbs, now i can play with three fingers, and i can play on my left hand too! really addictive game!
Tap Studio
lets you make ur own tap tap games from the songs in ur ipod!
iBubble Lite/Pro
If u like those bubble shooting game, this is it. very simple game, yet the game play format makes its so very very addictive. really. i've spent days playing this game on my itoy till i run my battery flat. a word of warning tho, this game seems the drain the itoy battery rather fast...
a classic game, nothing much to introduce abt it:)
Very fun arcade style game... u send a chicken flying thru the clouds and see how far up you can go
tap as fast as you can! very addictive too... so much so that i spent like 3 bucks to unlock more maps and the names pack...
Music Quiz/Name the Song Lite
picks songs from ur ipod, plays them for a while and gives you a list of song titles to pick from :)
just... word search :) good at training ur... searching spd :P
its... smthing like teris... but with slightly different gameplay. i'd say the style is very interesting :)
Paper Toss
addictive... toss the paper ball into the basket! but beware the fan blowing....
Drag a roll of toilet paper as fast as you can, very fun... compete among ur friends ;P
Just ur regular sodoku puzzles ;)
if you've played hedgehog launcher... yeah this game is quite similar to that :) cute drawings, cute upgrades... wat more can you ask for?
something like bejeweled, but even more fun since you have to flip the phone in all sorts of directions to complete the level!
Piyo Blocks
also something like bejeweled, this game allows you to make multiple moves even before the previous combo ends. here, running out of moves wont lose the game, you only lose when you run out of time (yes, so many bejeweled like games, i'm a huge fan of bejeweled and bounce out, but since those aint free, i've to look for alternatives)
the third and last bejeweled like game i've got. in this game there's timed and untimed modes... either way, if you're out of moves... you out!
Quest Knight
Very fun tossing game... kinda like... heh... playing the flash game before but i've forgotten the name. you toss guys and prevent them from reaching the castle. too bad the free version has limited lvls, but still, its fun.
Lemonade Tycoon 1/2
i love the tycoon kind of games... you can play on... forever and ever!
there's also the farmville like series of games that i play... all with similar concepts... shant list them all here... i'm sure you can find them urself on the app store :P lazy and it IS getting really late...
ok... nite nite all!

1st up. why firefox (ff)?
FF runs way faster than IE, and it has really nice add ons that make my life much easier.
google chrome is good too, but i've yet to check out the add ons - in fact i plan to do so right after this post. unfortunately, too many add ons slows down the program, and too many add ons in FF will cause occasional crashes... so dont go overboard with add ons... (after my latest round of add on searching in FF, it'll crash occasionally now, previously none at all, still i cant live w/o those add ons...)
ok the 1st add on: snap links
(listed in order of usefulness/importance/reliance)
right click, drag, and it'll open up all the links in box in a new tab. or in a new window etc... u select in the options menu :)
i use this all the time. eg. there's several new threads to read in forums, i open up all the threads at the same time to read. or there's several links to check out in HS/other sites... right click, drag, done! simple, but very very important. esp if u play games like pet dogs or fluff friends etc... open tons of links at once with this add on for easier petting!
2. easy drag to go
uber useful. select a text, drag and it will do a search for you. you can drag in all 4 (top,down,left,right) directions and each direction it can perform a diff task for you (once again, u get to set!)
you can set it to open pics in a new tab, copy the link location, or even save a picture... the save a pic part is especially useful for me when doing HS updates... when i'll need to constantly save pics from extractions and upload them to HS. saves me alot of time when this add on
3. Auto Dial
saves a whole list of the pages u visited recently and displays them when u open a new tab. the downside that is you cant arrange the display order :(
nonetheless, its still very useful for me... much better than the recent pages displayed in safari or chrome, as this allows the display of... 20 or more sites??? the 8 sites or so in chrome/safari just aint enough for a user like me.
those abv, are the absolute essential ones that i use every single time i'm on the web... the rest are also very useful, but not as essential/used that frequently
colorful tabs
as the name suggests. changes the tabs so that they look very pretty, and you can see at a glance which tab is which. allows you to fade the tabs that aint selected too to make it more obvious which tab you're at.
split browser
allows you to move a tab into a side window --- top, bot, left, right, ur choice. anyplace you like. you can make the two pages scroll at the same spd even... very useful when i'm copying stuff from say south perry to HS. i can just look at the two pages side by side (w/o having to open them on seperate windows, and resize both windows.) you can resize the size of the 'side tab' webpage. the down side is that your apps like snap links dont work on the 'side tab' window. so make the window that you need to use the rest of ur add ons on to be NOT the side tabbed window. if you need those add ons (like ez drag to go, snap links) on both, guess this still aint ideal :(
but already it makes life much easier for me when i added in stuff from south perry extractions to HS. (i didnt need ez drag to go on both tabs too)
allows you to store your copied text, pretty much like the clip board in msoft. downside is that there isnt a shortcut to selecting which copied text to paste. would very much prefer it if there was a keyboard shortcut to select which text to paste, would make my work on HS much faster/easier
reload every
the one and only auto refresher for firefox. used it alot when i was playing some broswer rpg games but since i've now quit them all, i dont use this at all anymore. used to set some forum pages to auto refresh every 1min or so, so that whenever i go to the site i dont have to manually refresh to see if there's new stuff... hmm... maybe i shd do that for the warrior's hall page again...
anyway... this app sits very nicely as just a small drop down button beside the original FF refresh button. really neatly tucked away indeed. you can set the exact amt of time to wait before refreshing, and you can control each window and tab separately.
i use this to check the time at various cities... sits as a neat row of times at where your status bar is(bot of the page). basically i used it quite often previously to check wat time is it at XX place where my fellow troops/other friends were... but now i refer to the times less often
ok... now for those apps that i use to keep in touch... i've come to rely on these add ons so much that they are absolutely essential now... but i felt they deserve another category of their own, plus they aint that 'work related' stuff, so their here rather than at the top of the list
scribe fire
the oldest of the 3 'keep in touch' add ons that i've got. basically its a platform that lets you sign in to all ur blogs, edit ur entries, and make new posts. w/o having to go to the website itself to sign in, create new entry... scribe fire is much more convenient... click the little icon on the bot right hand corner, and this screen pops up where u can make ur blog entry. there's a panel on the right that lets you choose which blog to post to, or choose a blog entry to bring up for editing/deleting. you can make the entry in rich editing or source editing (html)... can see a preview before you post too. very very convenient... in fact, all my entries theses days are made from scribe fire and scribe fire only. i only log in to blogger itself when i have changes to make to my blog layout/template.
as the name suggests.... its a twitter tool! you type your tweet in the address bar of FF, and hit a button to just tweet away! convenient eh?
oh speaking of which, yes i've gotten myself a twitter acct. i do talk alot abt gaming stuffs there tho, so be warned... still i'll be glad if you could follow me at http://twitter.com/darkillertg
and the last FF add on that i'll talk abt...
a very very useful tool... appears as an expandable bar on the left side of the browser... lets you sign in to sites like FB and twitter (the only two i use), and it'll inform you when ever there are updates. you can sign in the msn from there too, but i wont suggest that.. you'll get logged out of the msn live messenger program, and if you aint looking at ur FF page, (e.g. working on word) you wont know if ppl sent u a msg on msn.
but for FB and twitter wise its really great... i nvr bothered with FB updates... but with this i get to see if anyone made any updates, or sent me a msg etc... same for twitter... i'll know if anyone talked in my channel, or if those guys i'm following made any new post. you can reply right away from the add on too, very convenient. this together with the twitterbar... made me a much more regular user of twitter.
ok, now on to iPhone apps - listed in no particular order. i'll break them into two main categories. utilities and games. basically utilities will include all the work related stuff, while games are just.. games and other fun apps :)
1st up, Utilities!
AppBox Lite/Pro
all in one... very useful, so much so that i've paid abt 1.5bucks sgd to buy the pro version. since that's the one i have now, i'll say wat's in the pro version only
currency converter!
battery status, phone memory space info
alarm clock
calculate the no. of days btw dates, no of days till XX
level - you know the carpenter tool with liquid and a bubble in the middle?
flashlight - it is really bright...
holidays info
calculate discount price (doubt i'd use this tho, mental calculation ftw!)
apparently you can download some add ons to this app too! cool!
there's a units converter too, but its a bit troublesome to use, i prefer another separate units converter app...
very good units converter app. from weight to length to pressure to light intensity to... anything... everything! very user friendly too, it was very helpful when i did my biophysics on9 quizzes this sem
SG buses
lets you check which bus goes where. you can check by road name or the bus no. comes in handy at times when you are 'stranded' outside and need to know how to get hm
control ur comp/lappy with ur iPhone thru wifi!!!
Control iTunes on ur comp/lappy using iPhone :)
there are quite a few translators out there... i've got quite a few of them on my phone... not sure which is better and all... ><
dictionary! now you can check the meaning of any word anywhere you want... if only i had this when doing my essays or comprehension in jc...
Stick it
basically a post it note pad :) i prefer this kind of 'timeless' notes to the date ordered notes as in the bulit in note pad.
UYH - Use Your Handwriting
basically you just doodle watever note you have down, not type :)
Channel News Asia/ Straits Times
Lets you read article stubs on ur itoy
Office Plus
Lets you open office (word, excel etc) documents! i've got several apps doing the same stuff, not quite sure which is better... didnt use any of them much, dont really use office files on my phone so yeah... ><
save ur timetable on ur phone, pretty self explanatory...
basically lets you know of any notifications/pms/wall post on FB :)
you can reply from the app, but seems like you cant delete from the app...
you've probably seen the advertisements... since iphone has no radio... you have an alternative... download an app to listen to the radio from the web... yes its in real time :)
often apps have discounts for limited periods of times... this app keeps tracks of all the discounts and the new apps available!
ok, that's abt it for utilities... other small stuff here and there but... let's move on to GAMES and other FUN stuff!
Tons of nice background designs to choose from. you'll nvr get bored look at em
As seen from my previous post, i really really enjoy playing on this app. the glitter effects and color add on are must gets! download some free apps for the doodlebucks!
Tap Tap Revenge 3
the ultimate game on iphone! gosh... i'm so addicted to this game that i've spent quite alot of $$$ buying tracks. extremely fun... so many song packs that i downloaded and liked... my very very most favourite one has to go the the owl city pack though. fireflies and vanilla twilight. love the song, love the blue background, love the rhythm. its perfect!
aint a person with good hand eye cooridination? no matter! i started off flanking songs in the easy mode! now i still fail at some songs in the hard mode, but very much improved already. i still panic when i see hoards of tappers coming my way but hey... this game IS fun. started off having to play with two thumbs, now i can play with three fingers, and i can play on my left hand too! really addictive game!
Tap Studio
lets you make ur own tap tap games from the songs in ur ipod!
iBubble Lite/Pro
If u like those bubble shooting game, this is it. very simple game, yet the game play format makes its so very very addictive. really. i've spent days playing this game on my itoy till i run my battery flat. a word of warning tho, this game seems the drain the itoy battery rather fast...
a classic game, nothing much to introduce abt it:)
Very fun arcade style game... u send a chicken flying thru the clouds and see how far up you can go
tap as fast as you can! very addictive too... so much so that i spent like 3 bucks to unlock more maps and the names pack...
Music Quiz/Name the Song Lite
picks songs from ur ipod, plays them for a while and gives you a list of song titles to pick from :)
just... word search :) good at training ur... searching spd :P
its... smthing like teris... but with slightly different gameplay. i'd say the style is very interesting :)
Paper Toss
addictive... toss the paper ball into the basket! but beware the fan blowing....
Drag a roll of toilet paper as fast as you can, very fun... compete among ur friends ;P
Just ur regular sodoku puzzles ;)
if you've played hedgehog launcher... yeah this game is quite similar to that :) cute drawings, cute upgrades... wat more can you ask for?
something like bejeweled, but even more fun since you have to flip the phone in all sorts of directions to complete the level!
Piyo Blocks
also something like bejeweled, this game allows you to make multiple moves even before the previous combo ends. here, running out of moves wont lose the game, you only lose when you run out of time (yes, so many bejeweled like games, i'm a huge fan of bejeweled and bounce out, but since those aint free, i've to look for alternatives)
the third and last bejeweled like game i've got. in this game there's timed and untimed modes... either way, if you're out of moves... you out!
Quest Knight
Very fun tossing game... kinda like... heh... playing the flash game before but i've forgotten the name. you toss guys and prevent them from reaching the castle. too bad the free version has limited lvls, but still, its fun.
Lemonade Tycoon 1/2
i love the tycoon kind of games... you can play on... forever and ever!
there's also the farmville like series of games that i play... all with similar concepts... shant list them all here... i'm sure you can find them urself on the app store :P lazy and it IS getting really late...
ok... nite nite all!
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