i'm going on holiday to taipei next week form 14th to the 21st. of June
yes. we only booked the hotel and tickets online yest morning at like
3am... uber last min stuff as you can see... i cant believe its thursday now already and we are flying off on monday morning gosh!
been reading bryan wong's blog for the past 2 days or so. my sis chanced upon his blog to find that its amazingly updated... yes, bryan wong the media corp artise. and yes his blog is updated! with very nice pics of his travels, shows, entries on his emotions/thoughts etc... he's set up a fb page and twitter too, but his twitter isnt very updated... anyway his fb page is at http://www.facebook.com/bbryanwong
lol, why i am so random to start promoting his blog etc you ask? well honestly i've been quite a fan of bryan and kim ng... i remember the time when they hosted shows after shows after shows together... their shows were abt all that i watched on tv... and these days with the much decreased standards of many sg tv shows... bryan's shows are just abt all that i watch on chn U/8 (well almost, occasionally there are funny, worthy shows like the ѫp show and the paris and milan show where aunty lucy made her debut... oh the noose is good too, but that's a chn 5 show). esp when there are irritating hosts like mark lee. really really dislike him, idk why he is so popular/hosts/appears in so many shows...
anyway... on tv programs... aint watching any sg made shows atm lol...
hmm, back to bryan's blog... yeah, very surprised that he keeps a blog, keeps it updated, and bothers to upload all those nice pics from his trips/shows etc... very nice entries really. i highly recommend you to go read em :) quite surprised, his english is really good actually... enjoyed reading his entries, really shows the.. human/real? side of him? very interesting experiences that he shared too... was after reading his entries that kinda motivated me to come back to post smthing on my blog :)
ok, so the taiwan trip...
did some more research just now. perhaps half of the research is done already (or more)
tmr gotta plan out the itinerary... and finish up the research. gotta do all the small things like freeing up the camera's memory card etc too...
dl-ed more apps onto my phone... and i've been having quite a blast on doodle buddy. esp with the new color tone thing (now i can use just abt any color under the rainbow!) and glitter brush! gosh, i love the glitter brush! it looks so good from afar/on my iPhone! heh... doodles on mine are nvr meant to be stared at/taken seriously, mind you!
okays... so the pix!

and some random crap i drew previously w/o the nice colors and glitter tool

and on mousehunt... still discovering all that long tail has to offer... but i absolutely LOVE the new trap checks that dont require entire page refreshes... the new crafting/inv and travel page... the much more convenient trap/base/cheese change on the camp page itself... gosh i <3 all the new non-page refresh changes, THEY ROCK! MUACKS MH! really wont mind donating to the game... the devs deserve the donations... however still hesitating since i'm not yet in dire need of sb+ atm, and just remember abt my FB credits which i can use for buying sb+ later on. previously wanted to buy sb+ already, but didnt know how much to donate... the more u donate at once, the cheaper it gets... but the largest amt to donate really is quite a huge sum... plus i've spent some $$$ on buying songs for Tap Tap Revenge... so yeah... see how things goes later on.
man, when i wake up later... it'll be thurs already (i know it IS thurs now already)... and we're flying off on sunday. gosh... so little time left! guess i wont have time to start up on my new training grounds thread till after i come back... gd thing is that the hotel we booked has free wireless! so i can still check up on forums when i'm in taipei... IF i'm not too tired that is. (of cos, i <3 my iPhone!!!)
currently listening to Love Story by Taylor Swift over and over on replay on the cute mp3 speaker i won (connected to my iToy, lame i know, but if u dont use stuff, they'll spoil quite fast). i <3 that song, and can listen to it hours on end...
yeah yeah, i've been copying and pasting stuff over from the other blog but well....
okays... so... exams ended... results were out, i did as badly this sem as i did last sem. exact same lousy gpa GOSH. seriously... i suck. i cant make myself motivated to study anymore. i really... feel like quitting after looking at my results. i did study. i did try. but not hard enough. nor consistent enough. and i still cant make myself stay awake, pay attention to 2 hours of lect. i just fall asleep halfway through. as usual, i say i will do better the next time round... but as usual... its not going to come through. oh gosh... someone slap me awake... someone... anyone...
so far away from my goals.
so far
1st class hons i guess has just became an impossible dream
nah, it was impossible the moment i stopped studying when i entered jc.
its like i stopped all my gears, and things nvr went right since then.
once stopped... my gears could no longer be started...
i guess there is some hope though... all that involvement in HS and other stuff... now i can happily not maple even if its 2x exp or when there's events going on... playing lesser... but it could very well merely translate to time spent on other game related stuff... or just non sch work stuffs. e.g. my training grounds guide. not that those are really bad... but not having the motivation to study...
promised to do things like read up on my chem and jap during the hols... time is slipping by and i've not done anything! next week will be gone... tho i've got an uber long hols till end of aug... but i'm intending to visit a friend in China in aug... she's from chong qing and we'll also be gng to visit the shanghai world expo! but being the lazy person that i am... i've not done anything apart from check the air ticket prices. absolutely nothing..... gah................
so in the mean time.. apart from a whole sem that flew past... and the exams... my dad got me an iPhone (aka iToy) as a bday prezzie! over 500bucks... plus an expensive plan... at 1st was reluctant to change phone... their all so ex these days... was looking for smthing similar to my old phone... candy stick type, not slide, with keypad, no touch screen... but those type were really... extinct! really couldnt find a single phone that fit the bill (esp cos i wanted SE back)
however cos the ear piece contact on my old phone was really... dying... i decided its better to take hold of the opportunity of the IT show to get a new phone... already settled on anio by sony E... took the queue number... but at the very very last min... realise that the touch screen of anio was really really sucky. cant even like unlock the phone properly... used iPhone for a while... the touch screen was uber good... and my dad kept tantalizing me with getting the iPhone... so yeah, last min decision made right at the counter - get an iPhone instead of the anio. Black - i wont have it otherwise, white is really not my color despite how my dad says white is nicer. really i think it looks better in black. my mum got a sumsung jet at the same time :)
no research, no nothing done prior to that. my sis helped did some research but it was btw anio, jet and omina... not iPhone. i didnt even know that the ear piece jet is the normal one... and the touch phone idiot that i was didnt even know how to lock the phone... nor how to take out my sim card...
but after that... gosh now i really <3 my new toy. the touch screen is fantastic! everything works really well... expect when i dropped it from like wrist height in the toilet... the one and only menu button didnt respond... like i had to press it really really hard/hold it... sometimes it just didnt respond at all... really gave a quite a big scare.... thankfully it 'recovered' after that (i dropped it at night, the next day it was working almost completely alright again)... i think the parts just went lose or smthing, but got back into place later. phew! (now the button works perfectly fine!)
i do miss the music ID feature on my old SE phone... where the phone will sample the music being played in the bg and search on the SE site for a matching song... and the bluetooth on iphone doesnt allow sending of files... well there are apps that allow for that, but mostly only btw other iphone users... :(
but apart from those two... gosh i love the phone! all the millions of apps and games! its just grand! the currency converters... unit converters... the fantastic fast speed, convenient web surfing... heh esp the web surfing... really makes my dad jealous everytime - his is a HTC touch pro 2. windows OS, so he can run xcel and stuff really just like a windows comp, screen resolution better than mine too, but the downside is that things aint as userfriendly, and the touch screen is no fight compared to itoy. case in point regarding the userfriendlyness...
itoy: there are only two buttons, pressing the top button offs the screen, AND locks the phone
htc: you have to 1st lock the phone, than press the top button to off the screen. turning the screen off DOES NOT lock the phone. you have to lock it 1st, than off. no doubt its uber irritating... so much so that ppl made programs that re-programs the top button to lock the phone directly... basically its an iPhone emulator... just that it gave the user even more functional tweaks than on the actual iphone. so now my dad happily has a iphone mimic in his pocket :P (at least the lock function and the background when the phone is locked part, yes they even mimic the clock and the slide button) oh yeah... the htc original unlock method is just touch two diff parts of the screen, making it very easy to accidentally unlock the phone and end up calling random ppl... so the iphone slide to unlock mimic solved the problem (as with the slide the answer stuff, made things more user friendly...)
yay! wang xin and sandra are both coming back in june/july <3 you troopers! gosh, how much would wx have changed!!! lol, i wonder if she still remembers she's called wx and not just Yvonne!
hmm... seems like i have a hell lotta stuff to say... i shall continue in my next post that'll be on FF add ons and iPhone apps! :D

yes. we only booked the hotel and tickets online yest morning at like
3am... uber last min stuff as you can see... i cant believe its thursday now already and we are flying off on monday morning gosh!
been reading bryan wong's blog for the past 2 days or so. my sis chanced upon his blog to find that its amazingly updated... yes, bryan wong the media corp artise. and yes his blog is updated! with very nice pics of his travels, shows, entries on his emotions/thoughts etc... he's set up a fb page and twitter too, but his twitter isnt very updated... anyway his fb page is at http://www.facebook.com/bbryanwong
lol, why i am so random to start promoting his blog etc you ask? well honestly i've been quite a fan of bryan and kim ng... i remember the time when they hosted shows after shows after shows together... their shows were abt all that i watched on tv... and these days with the much decreased standards of many sg tv shows... bryan's shows are just abt all that i watch on chn U/8 (well almost, occasionally there are funny, worthy shows like the ѫp show and the paris and milan show where aunty lucy made her debut... oh the noose is good too, but that's a chn 5 show). esp when there are irritating hosts like mark lee. really really dislike him, idk why he is so popular/hosts/appears in so many shows...
anyway... on tv programs... aint watching any sg made shows atm lol...
hmm, back to bryan's blog... yeah, very surprised that he keeps a blog, keeps it updated, and bothers to upload all those nice pics from his trips/shows etc... very nice entries really. i highly recommend you to go read em :) quite surprised, his english is really good actually... enjoyed reading his entries, really shows the.. human/real? side of him? very interesting experiences that he shared too... was after reading his entries that kinda motivated me to come back to post smthing on my blog :)
ok, so the taiwan trip...
did some more research just now. perhaps half of the research is done already (or more)
tmr gotta plan out the itinerary... and finish up the research. gotta do all the small things like freeing up the camera's memory card etc too...
dl-ed more apps onto my phone... and i've been having quite a blast on doodle buddy. esp with the new color tone thing (now i can use just abt any color under the rainbow!) and glitter brush! gosh, i love the glitter brush! it looks so good from afar/on my iPhone! heh... doodles on mine are nvr meant to be stared at/taken seriously, mind you!
okays... so the pix!
and some random crap i drew previously w/o the nice colors and glitter tool
and on mousehunt... still discovering all that long tail has to offer... but i absolutely LOVE the new trap checks that dont require entire page refreshes... the new crafting/inv and travel page... the much more convenient trap/base/cheese change on the camp page itself... gosh i <3 all the new non-page refresh changes, THEY ROCK! MUACKS MH! really wont mind donating to the game... the devs deserve the donations... however still hesitating since i'm not yet in dire need of sb+ atm, and just remember abt my FB credits which i can use for buying sb+ later on. previously wanted to buy sb+ already, but didnt know how much to donate... the more u donate at once, the cheaper it gets... but the largest amt to donate really is quite a huge sum... plus i've spent some $$$ on buying songs for Tap Tap Revenge... so yeah... see how things goes later on.
man, when i wake up later... it'll be thurs already (i know it IS thurs now already)... and we're flying off on sunday. gosh... so little time left! guess i wont have time to start up on my new training grounds thread till after i come back... gd thing is that the hotel we booked has free wireless! so i can still check up on forums when i'm in taipei... IF i'm not too tired that is. (of cos, i <3 my iPhone!!!)
currently listening to Love Story by Taylor Swift over and over on replay on the cute mp3 speaker i won (connected to my iToy, lame i know, but if u dont use stuff, they'll spoil quite fast). i <3 that song, and can listen to it hours on end...
yeah yeah, i've been copying and pasting stuff over from the other blog but well....
okays... so... exams ended... results were out, i did as badly this sem as i did last sem. exact same lousy gpa GOSH. seriously... i suck. i cant make myself motivated to study anymore. i really... feel like quitting after looking at my results. i did study. i did try. but not hard enough. nor consistent enough. and i still cant make myself stay awake, pay attention to 2 hours of lect. i just fall asleep halfway through. as usual, i say i will do better the next time round... but as usual... its not going to come through. oh gosh... someone slap me awake... someone... anyone...
so far away from my goals.
so far
1st class hons i guess has just became an impossible dream
nah, it was impossible the moment i stopped studying when i entered jc.
its like i stopped all my gears, and things nvr went right since then.
once stopped... my gears could no longer be started...
i guess there is some hope though... all that involvement in HS and other stuff... now i can happily not maple even if its 2x exp or when there's events going on... playing lesser... but it could very well merely translate to time spent on other game related stuff... or just non sch work stuffs. e.g. my training grounds guide. not that those are really bad... but not having the motivation to study...
promised to do things like read up on my chem and jap during the hols... time is slipping by and i've not done anything! next week will be gone... tho i've got an uber long hols till end of aug... but i'm intending to visit a friend in China in aug... she's from chong qing and we'll also be gng to visit the shanghai world expo! but being the lazy person that i am... i've not done anything apart from check the air ticket prices. absolutely nothing..... gah................
so in the mean time.. apart from a whole sem that flew past... and the exams... my dad got me an iPhone (aka iToy) as a bday prezzie! over 500bucks... plus an expensive plan... at 1st was reluctant to change phone... their all so ex these days... was looking for smthing similar to my old phone... candy stick type, not slide, with keypad, no touch screen... but those type were really... extinct! really couldnt find a single phone that fit the bill (esp cos i wanted SE back)
however cos the ear piece contact on my old phone was really... dying... i decided its better to take hold of the opportunity of the IT show to get a new phone... already settled on anio by sony E... took the queue number... but at the very very last min... realise that the touch screen of anio was really really sucky. cant even like unlock the phone properly... used iPhone for a while... the touch screen was uber good... and my dad kept tantalizing me with getting the iPhone... so yeah, last min decision made right at the counter - get an iPhone instead of the anio. Black - i wont have it otherwise, white is really not my color despite how my dad says white is nicer. really i think it looks better in black. my mum got a sumsung jet at the same time :)
no research, no nothing done prior to that. my sis helped did some research but it was btw anio, jet and omina... not iPhone. i didnt even know that the ear piece jet is the normal one... and the touch phone idiot that i was didnt even know how to lock the phone... nor how to take out my sim card...
but after that... gosh now i really <3 my new toy. the touch screen is fantastic! everything works really well... expect when i dropped it from like wrist height in the toilet... the one and only menu button didnt respond... like i had to press it really really hard/hold it... sometimes it just didnt respond at all... really gave a quite a big scare.... thankfully it 'recovered' after that (i dropped it at night, the next day it was working almost completely alright again)... i think the parts just went lose or smthing, but got back into place later. phew! (now the button works perfectly fine!)
i do miss the music ID feature on my old SE phone... where the phone will sample the music being played in the bg and search on the SE site for a matching song... and the bluetooth on iphone doesnt allow sending of files... well there are apps that allow for that, but mostly only btw other iphone users... :(
but apart from those two... gosh i love the phone! all the millions of apps and games! its just grand! the currency converters... unit converters... the fantastic fast speed, convenient web surfing... heh esp the web surfing... really makes my dad jealous everytime - his is a HTC touch pro 2. windows OS, so he can run xcel and stuff really just like a windows comp, screen resolution better than mine too, but the downside is that things aint as userfriendly, and the touch screen is no fight compared to itoy. case in point regarding the userfriendlyness...
itoy: there are only two buttons, pressing the top button offs the screen, AND locks the phone
htc: you have to 1st lock the phone, than press the top button to off the screen. turning the screen off DOES NOT lock the phone. you have to lock it 1st, than off. no doubt its uber irritating... so much so that ppl made programs that re-programs the top button to lock the phone directly... basically its an iPhone emulator... just that it gave the user even more functional tweaks than on the actual iphone. so now my dad happily has a iphone mimic in his pocket :P (at least the lock function and the background when the phone is locked part, yes they even mimic the clock and the slide button) oh yeah... the htc original unlock method is just touch two diff parts of the screen, making it very easy to accidentally unlock the phone and end up calling random ppl... so the iphone slide to unlock mimic solved the problem (as with the slide the answer stuff, made things more user friendly...)
yay! wang xin and sandra are both coming back in june/july <3 you troopers! gosh, how much would wx have changed!!! lol, i wonder if she still remembers she's called wx and not just Yvonne!
hmm... seems like i have a hell lotta stuff to say... i shall continue in my next post that'll be on FF add ons and iPhone apps! :D
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