So. The internet cabling in my house is a little complicated. No idea why my house is like this… but between rooms the wifi signal drops drastically! Just literally 10 metres away from the router, blocked only by 1 wall and 1 cabinet, and I can really poor, or just no signal!
Previously the router was in my room, and using the phone cable point… then when fibre broadband came, the fibre optics point was installed in the living room and we ran a really long cable all the way from the living room to my room. Then my dad brought TV boxes and stuff, and we signed up for a new Internet brand and they gave a new router - the exact same one as what we already had at home actually… but together with the TV boxes and co, my dad set up the router in the living room… well actually the corridor, that’s RIGHT OUTSIDE my room, and then things just went terribly from there. Internet was really slow, and I can’t even receive any signal on my bed when using my phone. More often than not it was using 4G. Finally, pissed off, and with that super long ethernet cable still running to my room, I plugged that ethernet cable to my lappy and enjoyed really zippy internet. And since my lappy was on cabled internet, I turned the wifi into a wifi hotspot so that I can connect my phone to it.
Great, right? Except that I had to keep my computer on if I wanted to play on my phone after lights out… and keeping my lappy on and charging the whole night wasn’t the best battery care. And then the problems with the wifi printer started. The printer is situated right at the end of my room, furthest away from the router… and it just won’t print many a times. And dad was getting extremely pissed… cursing the printer and what not every time he wanted to print something. In the end everyone just went back to using the USB port. Even my lappy was unable to connect to the wifi printer. And it’s just like… 3 meters away? I told my dad it was the wifi signal problem but he didn’t believe me.
So that was till CNY came and while spring cleaning I found the old router that I had kept earlier. I’ve been wanting to set up a second router for a while now but was just too lazy. (Plus, I already had fast internet :P ) So it was only till like… last week? Or the week before that I finally set it up. Everyone was rejoicing because the printer finally works now, when connected to that second wifi network that is. Esp my sis since she has loads of school notes to print. Previously it would like stop in the middle of printer her notes! And that really sucks.
But of course… it’s not that good a news for me because I have to go back to using wifi. And suddenly my internet download speed dropped by a TON! Episodes that would finish downloading in less than 10 minutes suddenly took forever. From at least 1 MB download speed in mega, I was getting what? 100 kbps?
So I finally went to buy an ethernet cable the day before, and set it up a while ago. Best 15 bucks I’ve spent! Did some speed tests and you can see the results.
This was using the wifi from router 1 (aka the router in the corridor). Very normal internet speeds… which should NOT be the case because we are paying for a fibre broadband plan! Also, the wifi signal from router 1 is weak.
Router 2 wifi. Aka the router in my room. I was using this to download stuff from mega… because the signal from this wifi is much better. BUT GOSH IT’S SO SLOW! No wonder my downloads were taking FOREVER to finish!
Now, the internet speed when using the ethernet cable from router 2. That’s much better.
I ran a test with the ethernet cable from router 1 too just to see if there’s any difference. Not much it seems. In fact what the upload speed is slower?
I ran the test with cable from router 2 again… the ping is much higher this time, but the download and upload speeds are still as decent. Yay! I guess there’s not much deterioration with the addition of a second router when using ethernet cable. The wifi though performs a lot worst. Wifi 2 is more for the printer though… but my mobile phones will be on wifi 2 too. It’s been alright so fast though. My game (Heroes of Order and Chaos) runs just fine, and much better on wifi 2 than wifi 1. With wifi 1 the signal often gets cut off halfway. My sis’s room though… it’s quite bad… the signal is bad too, and the speed is really slow. And her room is further and not as convenient to cable too… since the cable either has to go across the main corridor - bad bad bad! or go past the master bedroom door - also bad! Unless you go from the top/ceiling of course, in which case is really troublesome too, and you need even longer length of cable. At least in my case the cables just stick to the side of the walls and stuff, and didn’t have to go across any corridors (except when I was using it for my lappy, and I totally destroy the cable casing… recently just taped it up >< ). But at least that was the corridor in my room, not the house! (and already the damage to the cable was that bad… it’ll be worst if it’s the outside corridor… and people might trip!)
For that short distance between where I put my lappy, and the router… it’s just a distance of like… 2m or something? No less! I can touch them both if i stretch my hands out! I bought a freaking 10m long cable for it. 10m?!?!??! Are you kidding?

Nope. Not at all. I decided to do it nicely this time. Running the cable along the walls, behind my desk and all, so that I won’t trip over the cable and/or destroy the casing again. End result? I’m left with less than 0.5m of excess wire… and it’s always good to have just a little excess in case I need to shift things around in the future. Not bad at all. My lappy desk is a mess of wires though. Have to like… pack my table and sort out the mess of wires some day. There’s like the ethernet cable, the lappy power cable, the USB wire for the portable hard disk… and a USB wire for the non-portable hard disk… and with that non-portable hard disk, it needs a power source, so that’s another long cable. and then the lappy is connected to a USB hub, which is connect to my mouse, my cooler fan (for laptop), my USB fan (for my, but I hardly use it cos it’s so noisy, plus there already is a big fan blowing the lappy), charging wires for the bluetooth keyboard and speaker… Gosh what a mouthful.
As if that’s not enough, I also have a USB cable to my iPhone lying on my table, and of course, my earphones. Passed all my lightning cables to my sis already or there’ll be more!
And on the other desk with the router + printer, I have a microUSB cable for my portable charger… and also I have my iPhone and xiaomi chargers plugged in. Decided to throw out the lightning cable that died. If anything I can just buy a new cable in the future since I can claim that from my work place benefits… well it won’t even be enough to buy me a new iPhone though. Oh wells.
All the complicated set up… and mess of wires. But at least i have fast internet again now! Wahahaha!