Yay! Day 7 of the trip! That’s almost the end already!!
We went to a food court right beside our hotel and had soup dumplings for breakfast. One was the traditional pork dumplings, the other had crab meat.
It came with free buns.
Some strange structure that we had no idea what it was for, right beside the Sophia church.
The lamp post is pretty.
Panorama shots.
Told you we look loads of photos of the church!
And another.
Stop STOP! That’s enough! Ok ok, I hear you :P
We went to a underground shopping area nearby. We have made arrangements with the taxi drivers who are always hawking for business outside our hotel. Well they are good people though. Honest, and friendly. We booked one driver for the whole day to take us to the snow expo and the snow and ice festival in the afternoon. For just 280 yuan. Basically he’ll stay in the carparks and wait for us while we enjoy. Not an easy job in the harsh winter…
Anyway, back to the underground shopping area… pretty much just standard shops there, nothing really photo worthy. But there’s this one shop that’s really chic. Afternoon tea. It’s a play on the words. The Chinese characters used actually means ‘dance tea’, but it is pronounced the same way as ‘afternoon tea’.
Decoration in the shop. You wouldn’t think China if I just should you this photo right?
Pipes and taps as hangers.
Very trendy eh?
They have an area where you can sit down and have afternoon tea. Speaking of afternoon tea… I get reminded of Kageyama and his tea time XD
Pretty frosting on the door.
You MAY see that in sg too… like… in the freezer maybe…. :X
It snowed! Snow getting caught on the fur on my jacket rim.
We had that Lao Chang Chun Bing again for brunch, because it was tasty and so cheap. Like the bill for four was not even 100 yuan?
Of course, we ordered different fillings for our wrap this time.
Mum made a mistake and ordered the same veggie though :P
Scrambled egg! Cooked with free range eggs (you get to choose, price is different of course). It was so very delicious! Just the right amount of butter… and the thing is that the eggs itself was really tasty. Sasuga free range eggs. It was more fragrant than the usual farm breed chicken eggs.
Ok, this was at the snow expo already.
Ah right. That’s the full name. Kinda long. Hence the need for the photo :P
We took a tram and it went pass many snow sculptures at the start >< Including on of Despicable Me minions… >< Anyway, there were some activities you could do in the snow expo too, like this dog sledge thing. Paid separately of course (tram ride too). Cute huskies!
It’s gonna be just another photo spam post, because there’s nothing much to really say about the snow sculptures.
These ones are made for the competition. Like they had competition between universities and competitions between provinces… or something.
All made of white white snow.
We didn’t go closer to investigate if that building/structure was also made of snow… seems a bit impossible to me though?
Hmm it was there! I think there was a strip of marble on the floor here between the snow and the regular flooring. I didn’t notice it and stepped on it on the way back! And slipped and fell! Stupid marble $(!^%(!#*)!*)!!!!! The snow was powdery and therefore not slippery at all! All the fault of that polished marble! After that I stepped on the polished marble else where another two times and nearly fell too.
See that rim at the side of the road. Polished marble. And freaking slippery!!!
Wrapped up trees.
They were still building!
Just one piece of vast, white land.
This place was called the ‘snow ink garden’.
Vases of snow, with the patterns painted on with ink.
Yup, the snow’s the canvas.
My dad’s favourite crab XD
The painter was still working, and someone from some TV station was there interviewing him.
He did a demo, painting on the snow wall and then rubbing/scraping it off, paint and snow when he was done. I took a video… will have to upload that soon!
Nice view… with the sunset… looks like some sort of monster XD
There’s a stage there, but no performances when we went.
They had this exhibit of how life in a village might be like.
Inside the hut. That’s a baby cradle.
That raised platform is for sitting, sleeping etc. Coal is burned below for warmth, hence the need for the raised platform.
Sorry. I just like huskies. They have such beautiful, thick fur. I don’t have the patience, time nor money for pets though… just this is enough.
Another row of huts, showcasing village life. They sell some food inside as well.
Rabbit. Looks real as far as I can tell…
Dried foods, and frozen persimmons.
Inside the row of huts. They showcase various various tools used by the village hunters.
They were putting on the lights for the snow sculptures.
Tons of snow sculptures.
All you see is white white snow.
Genie and a kid
Tank robot?
Another robot
Newton themed sculpture
China’s nation wide snow sculpturing competition.
Snow. An endless expense of it. Actually, this is the songhua river, frozen over and covered in snow.
The rock outside the snow expo. It says ‘sun island’.
Alright, that’s all for Part 1 now! Because the post has gotten too huge! Please see Part 2!
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