Thursday, January 03, 2013

squeaky clean

Its been a while since i came on marsedit to erm… blog!

been moving more and more to else where to post...

anyway… i feel accomplished. just cleaned my mouse, keyboard and screen.


preferred cleaning agents: 

Denatured alcohol aka 95% ethanol for cleaning mouse and keyboard.

some monitor cleaner fluid from Daiso aka 2 dollars shop aka 100 yen shop for cleaning the screen.

Just use tissue paper and cotton swabs… no need for fancy micro fiber cloth (actually, i bought one from Daiso but… idk where it went… :X bought a spectacles cleaning cloth too but i just end up using my shirt/tissue. opps. still my specs is in a million times better condition than my mums!)


oh take note when buying the alcohol… its available in pharmacies, together with all the other medical use…erm… fluids? make sure you read the ingredients… some have castor oil and stuff added to the thing… so that its more gentle to the skin and what not… good for the skin maybe, but bad for your electronics. You'll end up dirtying the thing you were trying to clean :X

IMG 2978IMG 2980

yes… just feeling really random today :X

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