Hi there! Yes its been so long since i last posted. I’m way, way more active in LJ but yeah… Its like since I’ve not posted in so long, it becomes hard to start posting here again… but whatever. Finally decided to break the ice. Maybe next time round I’ll post something with more… content then this haha...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Did you know?
Why is one-north mrt station so name?
Because that place called one-north mah!
Ya la, but why is that place called one-north?
Actually the name is picked cos the coordinates is 1°N i.e. One degree North, meaning that we are just 1 degree north of the equator. i remember that place was like EXACTLY 1 degree north, but i can't find the gps coordinates of the place (plus that place a bit big). Yup, so now you know.
A/N: I saw this piece of info when we were visiting that area for some social studies field trip way back in like sec 4. There was some exhibit (YES! EXHIBIT!) by jtc explaining the development of the place etc...
Google Translate…
Is really hilarious at times...
it used to be just 李光耀, but seems like now they improved it. if you click on the translation, they give you a few choices...
and then there's this...
note: no racism intended!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Apple Disk Image - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
been wondering what a while now what the letter DMG stand for... finally went round to checking it out
Friday, March 22, 2013
Its been a while since i last posted here eh?
Yeah cos i wasn’t in any mood to post.
Still not in the best of moods… and probably won't be till i hear back from them. Who you ask? Somebody. *shrugs*
Or more like… several ppl. lol.
Ah wells… nothing more to say here. maybe some other time...
Thursday, February 28, 2013
moment of truth
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Apple Updates iPhone, iPad Software | TIME.com
ahhhh yet another software update. unfortunately for my 3gs... it doesn’t do anything/much since i don't have siri, don't have flyover, don't have 4g/LTE....
yeah u get the idea.
Apple to Sell 128GB iPad Starting Next Tuesday | TIME.com
oh great... just when i need/have to consider buying an ipad for my work... apple gives me one more option, and one more headache.
to wait or not to wait for march and hopefully an ipad refresh? that is the question.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
The Slow but Almost Certain Demise of Apple’s OS X Dashboard | TIME.com
The Slow but Almost Certain Demise of Apple’s OS X Dashboard | TIME.com
man I'd be really sad if/when it gets culled too. Ok maybe not if, but when... unless a miracle happens and Apple does something to revive the dashboard... but development in dashboard widgets have indeed come to a standstill. I use the dashboard a lot. I've got a scientific calculator there, a screenshot taking widget, iStat pro, countdown timer, 3 sticky notes worth of information, a calendar app... and more. I've filled up my entire dashboard with widgets and the whole she-bang is just a mouse movement away - i have it as an active corner for easy activation. I use it anywhere from 30 to a few hundred times a day and i'd very much rather they leave it alone then take it out...
I've said time and again that as convenient as menubar apps might be, i have WAY too much on my menu bar already. Its just... impractical. For the most part, the active app itself would take up at least half the bar with all the usual 'file, edit,view' etc etc menus. On the other wise, the date, time and battery % takes up another like... 25% of the space. That leaves me with not much space left for menu bar apps. Most of the time i'll have to switch to the finder (where the menu items are lesser and short) just to see my menu bar app icon. I'd very much rather have my dashboard thank you.
New… iDevice…!
I want a new phone...
My phone's screen protector spoilt. Like the thing itself spoilt this time… not the usual 'i scratched it badly' kind of spoilt.
First a bubble appeared and i was like ?!?!?! how come a bubble appeared from the middle of the protector out of nowhere? THen by the time i reached home, even more bubbles appeared. On impulse, i peeled off the screen protector only the find that the glue had, idk? melted? shrink? it was all curled up, creating air spaces in the void beside where there was no more glue - no wonder all the bubbles appeared! So i tore the whole thing off only to realised half of the glue had came out already. Now i've got a really shiny (and bare) iPhone screen… (always been using matt surface protectors). Haiz. Passed by a handphone shop the other day and i was still thinking that i should get a new screen protector… but didn’t see any for iPhone 3g one on sale. Should i even bother buying a screen protector? Or shd i just change a new phone? o.o My phone is in a really bad condition now. Home button doesn’t respond half the time, worst still, now even the on/off button isn't responsive. On Monday I was listening to songs as usual… and i must have checked the time on my phone or something then tried to turn off the screen. Obviously it didn’t register cos the next thing i knew my song was BLASTING and it totally shocked me. I though some sort of emergency siren came off, then i realise wait it’s still the same arashi song and hurriedly tried to lower down the volume, but my finger was still at the volume control part of the screen cos the volume shot back up again. Seriously gave me a huge scare!
And my phone battery life! Nowadays I'm reaching home with just like… 8% battery life to spare or something… in the past it barely goes below 20%. AND that’s with my playing games on the train. Nowadays i don't even dare to play games for fear of my phone battery going flat before the day ends. Maybe i'll have to turn off 3G… haiz.
And iPad… i was getting the paperwork for my job done and all, and my boss asks if i have an iPad… which i don't… and he's like… 'hmm, maybe wait till you earn money first then say' or something… cos now they do everything on the iPad… don't need laptop anymore… >< of cos i want an iPad…! And a new iPhone. Hardly a day passes by w/o my sis complaining about how slow it is… and yes its constantly too full. I need at least 32gb… heck even then i think it'll be too full. And really i only have 200++ apps in my phone now! I cut down a lot already k! Last time it was like 4xx, 5xx apps… i think my song bank increased quite some bit haiz. No good no good :(
Saturday, January 19, 2013
What colour is the Tokyo tower?
At first, I thought the answer was a straight forward white and red.
After all it looked like white and red to me.
image credits to the Japanese Wikipedia.
And the miniature Tokyo Tower nanoblock thingy i got from my sis and friend for my bday last year looked red and white too...
But meh… turns out that the answer wasn’t so simple after all. Its not red… but orange! Huh ORANGE? That's so wrong! Was my first thought too… but turns out that its this special International Orange… as wikipedia explains. Why international orange? To comply with air safely regulations. Wiki says that there's 3 variations of the international orange, 1 for aerospace, one for engineering… and a slightly lighter version of the engineering one was painted on the golden bridge to increase visibility to ships. Yes, all info taken from wikipedia… its quite an interesting read… And while you're at it you might want to read the article on Tokyo Tower too.
Its not in the article though, but there were times when the tokyo tower was lighted up most splendidly in multiple colours (rather than just one colour as the photos in wiki shows). In 2008 it was lighted up in all 7 colours of the rainbow for the 50th anniversary of the tower.Credits to Japanese wiki.
And of cos… last year the tower was given Arashi colours for the Hana Arashi campaign ;)
Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank
This is seriously hilarious!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
What's the similarity between radar, kayak and stats?
Answer: They are all palindromes. I.e.: they are the same spelt forwards or backwards.
I'm sure those studying/studied bio would have heard/learnt of palindromic sequences… XD
Thursday, January 10, 2013
NEL oh NEL...
I signed up for the SMS notification thing by SBS… and i frequently get spammed by SMSes and notifications from the SBS iris iPhone app...
I wonder what happened again this time… I'm glad I hardly take the NEL… :X
What's the similarity between sonic hedgehog, desert hedgehog, and indian hedgehog?
Ans: They are all protein homologues in the hedgehog signalling pathway.
Reading NTFS drives on Mac for Free
Small thing, big problem.
Sighz. Another long night battling with IT stuff today.
Dad wanted to xfer his SP Engg show photos to his SD card, but to his charging his macbook pro won't recognise the SD card no matter what. My comp could recognise the card though… but only in read only mode. In the end we could get his comp to read the SD card when the physical setting is set to 'lock' mode… but even when we tried on my comp, my mum's pappy, we still could not get the SD card to read AND write. It just opens in read only mode no matter what. So yeah… something wrong with the card.
Then we tried to open his external hard disk on the mac… and it turns out that the driver to read the NTFS file is… not working…
I installed OSXFUSE on his computer already… but…???
Turns out that i still had to install that old, discontinued NTFS-3G thing for it to work. OSXFUSE is only a MacFuse replacement product… and for the whole she-bang to work, BOTH the drivers had to be installed. So i DLed and installed NTFS-3G. But nope it didn’t work. Nothing came up… turns out that I had to enable NTFS-3G in the pref pane… but still… only got an error msg and it can't mount the drive. Turns out that… I have to reinstall OSXFUSE and install the additional MacFuse compatibility layer as well… and so after all that hassle… yeah finally got the entire package to work.
Good thing though, is that i found a patch to prevent that 'timeout' or whatever error thing that always pops up when i plug a NTFS drive into my comp. Meh… i installed everything nicely on my dad's comp last time, but after his hard disk was changed i thought the NTFS-3G thing was not needed to read the NTFS drives and just installed OSXFUSE was sufficient so… yeah… ><
To summarise…
How to read NTFS drives on mac (Lion/Mountain Lion etc) for FREE:
1. Install NTFS-3G. Download NTFS-3G for Mac OS X 2010.10.2. Yes, the support for this software has been dropped.
2. Install Fuse_wait (work around patch, it works alright w/o this too, just that you get a popup every time you plug in the drive)
3. Install OSXFuse and make sure you select the MacFuse compatibility layer checkbox when installing. DL the latest stable release, at the time of writing it is version 2.5.4.
Select all three checkboxes. The package name is greyed out in the abv picture because all three have already been installed on my computer.
Credits to this post on macbreaker for alerting me to the patch. As mentioned in the post (and as any google search will yield), Paragon NTFS also lets you write on NTFS drives but it costs 20 USD. Tuxera NTFS is from the same guys who made NTFS-3G, and it costs 25 Euros. Tuxera is kinda like the pro version of NTFS-3G if you wish… they used to develop both the pro and the free version, but eventually support for the free version was dropped (actually about two years ago).
So yup… that's all for this post…! Now i'll have a reference if i ever need to install all these all over again… e.g. if i ever get a new mac… IF… :X *dreams on*
Friday, January 04, 2013
Revision time
What's this u ask? A rock ODAC gave out during open house. In RGS. Meaning that i got this rock in sec 1. Yup and its still on my table. Worked as a great paper weight when i was studying for my license test the day before...
Got a simple pocket calculator for my test on Monday. mcq… need 75 out of 100 qns correct to pass… wish me luck!
Thursday, January 03, 2013
squeaky clean
Its been a while since i came on marsedit to erm… blog!
been moving more and more to else where to post...
anyway… i feel accomplished. just cleaned my mouse, keyboard and screen.
preferred cleaning agents:
Denatured alcohol aka 95% ethanol for cleaning mouse and keyboard.
some monitor cleaner fluid from Daiso aka 2 dollars shop aka 100 yen shop for cleaning the screen.
Just use tissue paper and cotton swabs… no need for fancy micro fiber cloth (actually, i bought one from Daiso but… idk where it went… :X bought a spectacles cleaning cloth too but i just end up using my shirt/tissue. opps. still my specs is in a million times better condition than my mums!)
oh take note when buying the alcohol… its available in pharmacies, together with all the other medical use…erm… fluids? make sure you read the ingredients… some have castor oil and stuff added to the thing… so that its more gentle to the skin and what not… good for the skin maybe, but bad for your electronics. You'll end up dirtying the thing you were trying to clean :X
yes… just feeling really random today :X