Yeah yeah... my table is UBER messy... but that's not the point... nope, i didn’t change my desktop pic to my dad's bike... yup... that's my dad's new comp XD |
well... in the recent IT show... my dad got himself a macbook pro... still the same old macbook pro with the same old look... but its got much improved hardware now... instead of the messily 250GB hard disk space mine has, it now comes with 500GB hard disk space... and free upgrade to 8GB ram too... recently i found out the reason why stuff like my firefox was always hanging up - my ram was FULL. i.e. i overworked my comp... >< ew... but how? Maybe its cos i have too much stuff running in the background... like i have word doc open, 3 browsers running (some times there's a few game windows open too)... yes i use 3 browsers - firefox, chrome, and safari all at once... than there's tracks, and a tweeter app... and iTunes, and adium (like msn), iPhoto is on many a times too... and there's all the menu bar apps like alfred... i used to have quick sliver too but cos of the ram usage problem i've offed it... there's mobile mouse server, evernote, clipboard... lock screen, dropbox... typinator... etc etc... not saying that they each use up loads of ram... but it all adds up right? and gosh my hard disk space! its almost full! after all... 40GB got partitioned to XP... that only leaves me with like 200GB... and i've got LOADS of photos in here which i really should backup to the external hard disk soon so that i can free up some disk space here.... so yeah... the point is that its forever space not enough for me :X
my dad managed to get his iPad at the IT show too... turns out that somehow the organiser didn’t allow iPads to be sold there... (must be cos the telcos want to sell it WITH the data line plans) but they still sneaked it in anyway... but no offer of any sort... my dad totally regret waiting for the IT show to get his iPad... sighz... at least they gave freebies like the 8GB ram for the mac. My dad's super duper unlucky with his stuff... his top priority was actually the iPhone... but in the end he couldn’t get it cos the 16GB one ran out of stock... (and he refused to pay 120bucks more for the 32 GB one)... after that we went to check out the singtel shop several times but it was always out of stock... he finally managed to get the phone on sat... just, in the afternoon of my cousin's wedding...
So now it's all set... my dad got all 3 apple products that he's been eyeing for the longest time... i pretty much half of the time last week helping my dad with his apple products... setting up his email, explaing things to him as best as i can etc etc... i transferred a bunch of songs to his itunes too, so his ipad and phone will have some songs too... it's a real pity that he's so busy with work recently that he barely has time to use his devices... me and my sis did have some fun with a bit of games though... but nothing much... i'm not gonna flood his idevices with games... he's using it for work afterall... i'll just stick to my trusty old iphone... which is atm running out of space... sighz... i need to find apps to delete again...
tsk... when i start working, i'll probably have to invest more $ in an iphone with like 64gb memory :S cos all my rpg games take up so much space :X.... oh wells... i'll probably have to spend a lot of time in the near future answer my dad's endless qns abt the devices... mostly abt how he want things to work like they do on windows and stuff.... sighz... being the engineer that he is... he wants to be in absolute control... i don't mind not having as much control as him so yeah..... i'm find with my mac...
k... running out of stuff to say... guess that's all for now... tata!
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