wahaha... i have finally got my lazy butt/fingers moving and plotted out my sch time table nicely in excel. and printed it out. and emailed it out yo my friend/sis... and pasted it into the default mac aurora desktop pic so that my time table appears in the middle... my desktop was soooo cluttered, all the icons were completely blocking my time table! its alright now that i've cleared up everything tho! previously when i was mass downloading PVs and stuff... just dumped them randomly on the desktop... now they've got their own little folder tho XD
also bought this new app for my mac... dragzone... its really cool, i can just drag a pic on my desktop to upload it etc... very convenient. best thing is you can write your own scripts for the program too.... (tho i fail at scripting... or more like, i've nvr learned scripting b4 T.T) there are quite a few user written scripts available for download... lets you say twit pictures, shorten urls etc.
downloaded pymol for students. feel so stupid... been searching for molecular visualiser downloads but i didn’t try the education thingy on their website cos i tot you'll needa pay... turns out that they kindly let ppl download an old but free version. which is exactly wat i need to finish up my assignment for mol evo... which is due tmr as usual. wanted to finish it off fast but ended up getting distracted with dragzone (attempted to make a script, got things wrong and it didn’t work out...) and other stuffs and now its... 30mins to midnight and i still haven finished the assignments... whee! no dragon nest or maple today... oh wells... doesn’t matter.
okays, i've gotta go finish up that evernote hw. got this particularly... tough/philosophical qn on whether half human cyborgs of the future will be a stable species or will they be taken over by machines... and got more qns that require the use of pymol. quite tough/killer qns...
i wonder if anyone is regretting their decision to take mol evo now. like if there are any ppl that joined cos they heard the 1st lesson was very slack. well... the 2nd lecture was really tough. well actually tho i said we were given a total of 3 breaks in the 1st lecture, i pretty much used all the breaks to complete the assignments given... and in the 2nd lecture... he didn’t give us any breaks at all. unless you were stoning in class during the times when we were supposed to work on the assignments. no breaks at all for the whole 3 hours! i took a self declared toilet break but IMO that was one of the most intensive 3 hours i had in a long time... cos those assignments aren't very easy, and most of the time i couldn’t finish even finish half of the assignment within the time given >< so its like you've gotta listen to him, than you've gotta read up, maybe do some googling... than you've gotta do the assignments given.
BUT in spite of it all i really loved it. yeah sometimes you feel lazy to do the assignments, but you have to do it anyway so ya might as well try hard to finish it in class... this class is a challenge and i love it. its been a while since i got challenges like this and its really fun...! ok, i must be off to do my challenge. cya!

also bought this new app for my mac... dragzone... its really cool, i can just drag a pic on my desktop to upload it etc... very convenient. best thing is you can write your own scripts for the program too.... (tho i fail at scripting... or more like, i've nvr learned scripting b4 T.T) there are quite a few user written scripts available for download... lets you say twit pictures, shorten urls etc.
downloaded pymol for students. feel so stupid... been searching for molecular visualiser downloads but i didn’t try the education thingy on their website cos i tot you'll needa pay... turns out that they kindly let ppl download an old but free version. which is exactly wat i need to finish up my assignment for mol evo... which is due tmr as usual. wanted to finish it off fast but ended up getting distracted with dragzone (attempted to make a script, got things wrong and it didn’t work out...) and other stuffs and now its... 30mins to midnight and i still haven finished the assignments... whee! no dragon nest or maple today... oh wells... doesn’t matter.
okays, i've gotta go finish up that evernote hw. got this particularly... tough/philosophical qn on whether half human cyborgs of the future will be a stable species or will they be taken over by machines... and got more qns that require the use of pymol. quite tough/killer qns...
i wonder if anyone is regretting their decision to take mol evo now. like if there are any ppl that joined cos they heard the 1st lesson was very slack. well... the 2nd lecture was really tough. well actually tho i said we were given a total of 3 breaks in the 1st lecture, i pretty much used all the breaks to complete the assignments given... and in the 2nd lecture... he didn’t give us any breaks at all. unless you were stoning in class during the times when we were supposed to work on the assignments. no breaks at all for the whole 3 hours! i took a self declared toilet break but IMO that was one of the most intensive 3 hours i had in a long time... cos those assignments aren't very easy, and most of the time i couldn’t finish even finish half of the assignment within the time given >< so its like you've gotta listen to him, than you've gotta read up, maybe do some googling... than you've gotta do the assignments given.
BUT in spite of it all i really loved it. yeah sometimes you feel lazy to do the assignments, but you have to do it anyway so ya might as well try hard to finish it in class... this class is a challenge and i love it. its been a while since i got challenges like this and its really fun...! ok, i must be off to do my challenge. cya!
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