Yeah.... so 1st week of sch is over. yes... an update... maybe i WILL be able to keep my promise of blogging even during the term (and not just during hols) after all.
No more 4 day week for me, i switched on of my wednesday class on virology and microbiology for a monday class on muscles. decided to make the switch after finding out that there's 3 assignments for viro/microbio (and there's group project too) + falling asleep epicly in the 1st class + not finding the lecture material very interesting.... well the pull factor was the many reassurances of my friends that muscles is very factual and easy to understand... and the exams are really straightforward, and there aren't any of the assignments or presentations like in other courses. i think there'll be quite a lot of stuff to remember in that course tho, as with cell bio... but viro didn’t feel any much better either... plus the assignments... i've already got assignments and presentations a plenty in ALL the other core electives i'm taking... a course w/o any of those for a change is certainly welcomed. With that change i think my time table is more of less set... though it’s a 5 day week now, the good thing is that i've mostly 1 class/lecture a day with the exception of 2 lects on tuesday and 3 tuts on thurs. 1 lect a day means that i'm less likely to sleep in class... which certainly is a good thing. (bad thing of course, is that i have to pay more for my bus/mrt fare and waste more time on traveling. Esp wedn when i will be spending 2 hours on transport [2 ways] for a 2 hour lect -.-''')
So here's my current and hopefully final course combination:
BS 3016 Molecular Evolution
BS 4008 Clinical Application of Omics
BS 405 Current Topics in Muscular Biology and Neuromuscular Diseases
BS 406 Current Topics in Cell Biology
BS 3016 Molecular Evolution
BU 8301 Fundamentals of Business Law
Need to take 1 biz module for clear my electives... that's also the LAST thing elective that i'll need to clear. Haven had a single class of cell bio and muscles yet... well at least my friends said muscles is ok.. wonder how cell bio will be.
So far, the one sub i like best is Mol evo. really really fun. We have our lectures in the comp lab... all the lectures... how's that for a start? pretty cool eh? no? i really love the lecturer's style of teaching... his style really fits my way of learning things... really got me all excited abt the class, smthing that i've not felt in a long time. very very long time... since the time in rgs perhaps? now that's like 6 or so years ago... he's set up a site for the course... this guy prefers to use the website as a teaching tool rather than powerpoint... he's got all the links on the site so we can go read up on our own... and than there's on mini assignments/exercises on the site that we have to work on in class (hence the venue). He's really cool, made us use Evernote to write the mini exercises answers and share the notebook with him so he can see our progress. Which means that we are also free to work on those exercises anytime outside of class when we are free. He also puts up the course material about 1 week ahead of time, so if you're interested you can go read up and do those stuff as you wish... I find it quite cool that he picked Evernote, since i've already installed that program on my mac and iphone quite some times ago and tried playing around with it a bit. I'm not really used to using notes and stuff tho, hence i didn’t use Evernote much than... now i WILL have to use it a lot though lol. That means that i can browse any course notes with ease on my phone too, either on the website or my own notes. COOL. he's got me sooo pumped up about the class.
The lecturer is really a sucker for new technologies... he's also making use of this new SMS feedback system that the sch installed. We can SMS in comments and it'll show up in a program on his comp screen... so that gives us another avenue to ask qns... polls can be done with the system too... now is this cool or not? haha. yup, really glad that i took this class... not only do i already love the lecture material to began with (took a somewat similar class in... erm... sec 4), his style of teaching is really fun and exciting. The whole thing about putting the lect in the comp lab also makes things feel more casual, and it makes me a lot more inclined to ask qns... something which i erm... never ever did in lects before. till friday. record breaking eh...
Gonna visit my jc teacher tmr with my classmates... wonder how it'll turn out. pretty much stopped coming in contact with all my jc classmates except for my troopers... been so long since we last meet... hmm... i wonder how it'll be there...
ok, high time to sleep, nite nite all.