been so long since i last made a post specially for this blog. most of the time its a shared entry btw this and my gaming blog but... today is special! went out with fellow troopers (and more) for dinner! attendance check: me, mich, joy, sandra, ash cant make it cos she gng out with her family for her mum's bday... and a newcomer - zi ying! she's one year our jr at rg n rj, not too sure why she was with joy cos they dont seem to know each other very well either, but anyway we all got along just fine so all was well XD
(pic abv: its a tag to let the cashier know which table we are from when we 'check out'-- ma maison (the shop name) apparently means 'my house/home' in french - says the shop menu/brochure)
food... went to ma maison at bugis, its this western styled japanese restaurant. really cool i tell ya, the menu (too bad no pic) is in japanese (larger font), with english(smaller font) at the bottom. what's so cool abt this you ask? cos normally in sg, the japanese restaurants have menus that place more emphasize on romanji (to cater to us non-japanese speaking/reading singaporeans. alot of the menus dont have japanese at all, only romanji...). the atmosphere and deco of the restaurant was really good, darkened room, lovely stained-glass table lamps, tea-light candles for each table... the food ah... the food was great too. (at least mine was, mich order this rice n meat thingy, which was in japanese brown sauce... erm... idk how to describe the sauce... its not really sweet, its a lil bit tangy like vinegar... the taste is kinda strong and didnt really suit my taste buds [nor mich's])
joy sandra zi ying ordered hamburger steak, i had a chicken steak with garlic.
gotta skip abit to talk abt the staff there... there was this really cute young lady who recommended some dishes to us... quite cute/funny the way she spoke abt their dishes... like she was saying how this wine of theirs is, in her words, 'supposedly the best' and how 'according to my friend, i mean my college, the rest of the wine are not as nice'... well she was whispering the last part and i didnt quite catch it, but yeah i guess u get my drift. the cashier is a japanese... which surprised me. saw a japanese man patronizing the shop too, he was joining his friends who were already at a table, so i guess the food must be pretty good?
anyway, back to the food... here's my chicken steak with garlic:
the chicken was good. really good... the broth was superb, i cant really describe the taste somehow... there was shredded meat in the broth. even the cherry tomato taste great... pardon my lack of vocab today >< href="">found this blog post abt it tarts... go take a look for some nice pics, i only used my itoy (iphone) after all... and in that poor lighting it was kinda dark. not sure abt the price now at the other shops, but our was at 8+ almost 9 bucks per slice. very expensive but i understood why it was priced as such the moment i tried it... 1st off, here's the pics:
From top, clockwise:
Banana caramel
Strawberry with white chocolate
so yeah, we bought 3 and the 5 of us shared... was... absolutely heavenly... the 1st one that i tried was the blueberry. fresh blueberries was used, covered in a layer of clear jelly. the overall taste was very light and refreshing... the blueberries were very fresh, slightly sweet, and there was a slight bit of sourness to the whole mixture that gives it the light and refreshing taste. the crust at the sides and bottom was very hard (we had a hell of a time cutting it with our forks) and it was very crunchy... the strawberry one tasted quite similar to the blueberry... the typical kind of refreshing taste of fresh berries... both the creams tasted strongly of the respective berries as well... the cream was very light too, you wont feel sick even if you eat more of it... the banana one was the most memorable one for me... tasted... of those banana sweets kind of taste... or like banana cake... cream and whipped cream both tasted of bananas too... most unique one to me... very nice (sry, running out of words, and time...) the caramel and white choc in both the tarts were kinda... non-existent for me... for those who are wondering if the fruits will be overly sour, ya dont have to worry... its hardly sour at all... just slightly tangy, and ever so refreshing.
was quite excited abt the fruit tarts aft my sis told me they appeared in arashi ni shiyagare (if my memory doesnt fail me, its either AnS or hitmitsu... like duh...) and she was telling me how gd the fruit tarts looked... now i got to eat them! must go out with my sis to eat them one day!!! gonna see if i can find that episode later to watch :P
we walked to city hall n went to esplanade rooftop after all... for all the times that mich suggested gng there, we finally WENT there this time! last time we went there was like... the whole lot of us troopers gng to the rooftop for a super short period of time, cos the place was so crowded as esplanade had just opened... (and all the kiasu singaporeans rushed there to take a look...) very nice view of MBS (marina bay sands) from there... can see the merlion at sg river too but my nub itoy is... well... just a toy... didnt stay there for long. i wanted to go take a walk on the 'DNA' bridge since mich (didnt get ard to asking the rest) haven been there before... but it was getting rather late so we decided to head home (went to the DNA bridge with my mum n dad while waiting for my sis who was watching some play in esplanade, its really quite nice to walk ard there, took pics, but still haven gotten round to posting them)
ok, so here are the pics...
marina bay sands...
i know, i know, itoy pics shd stay on the phone and not appear anywhere else where they'll look really horrid... but this lazy bum finds it much more convenient to take pics on the itoy and post them to fb n twitter directly w/o having to upload them to the comp 1st... hence this lazy bum decided not to bring the camera out just now.
you can somewat make out the shape of the merlion in the photo... its that bright spot on the other bank, just abv that row of lights by the river
that bowl shaped thing doesnt look too bad when viewed from afar...
the singapore flyer, and the DNA bridge beside it... (its that intertwining/spiral string of lights)
ah, the merlion once more (you'll see it if the pic quality was a lil better :P)
yup... that's abt all to the trip... had a nice chat over a nice meal with my friends, and made a new acquittance...
side note: did i say this already? i'm using mac dual booting to xp now, but somehow dual boot driver cant install properly, so now the drivers are... not working. i cant access my mac disk drive from xp, cant read dvds/cds... keyboard fn keys not working etc... sucks but... deleting and re-installing the entire xp drive didnt work... got sick of trying so i'm just sticking with things as it is now, but really troublesome like i'm on xp and making this blog post now, but i cant access my pics and post those DNA bridge pics as i would have loved to... -.-'''
man, i really gotta type more. since i hardly write anything in sch these days... my handwriting has become atrocious, and now my typing skills have greatly deteriorated - so many typos. worst still is that i cant spell many words right cos i've not spelled out anything in such a long time! in sch the essays i wrote for exams and the lab reports i do.. its all scientific stuff, no fanciful words or language... so its been quite a while since i used many words... thank goodness for spell check else i'll nvr be able to finish up this post. gosh, its so late now, i guess i shd head to bed now!!!
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