today's paper was quite hard. got one part of the qn i dunnoe how do at all. 6marks gone!!!!!!!!!!!! then another whole qn i think i get zero marks liao le. total 18 marks fly liao. then some mcqs were super hard n i dunnoe a no. of them.... all i can hope is that a lot of ppl found the paper hard too and so marks would be moderated up. but i think the paper was harder, since there were much few ppl leaving early this time. in fact i didnt notice anyone leaving till quite late into the paper. like much much later compared to the previous papers.
i really have no idea how wedn papers will be... 2.5hours paper, mcqs exclusively. he didnt tell us got how many qns, niether did he say if its the you can choose more than 1 ans type. today's paper the mcq test super a lot of nitty gritty details that i didnt (as did many ppl) bother to remember. i have absolutely no idea how wedn's paper will be like, cos that sub also dont have so much nitty gritty details to test in the 1st place. and the lecturer said that this yr's paper will be harder than the previous years!!!!! so how is he gonna make it hard is really smthing that i cant figure out. the good thing is that that sub has much less stuff to memorise. most of it is concept based and during the tuts and such i didnt find the concepts hard to understand. really hope that i can do better on wedn. i believe i cant even get an A for today's paper liao... and i was hoping to get all As... haiz. and then my parents are gonna scold me for not studying again. but then i didnt have any motivation to study lehs! NONE. sit in front of comp do nothing. stare at lt notes blanky. force myself off maple then i go play smthing else... so sian lah. at least i still studied more in rg even tho i played super a lot too. haiz. i really hope my gpa this time is good okies. last sem my gpa missed the 1st class honors scored by like 0.1 or less. although you stil need to get an A in the fyp to get 1st class honors, but there's the gpa requirement too... arghs... totally screwed up BIG time today! and my jap wasnt that good too... ARGHS i didnt do well for econs last sem also! dammit all my electives are screwing up my gpa! and i didnt do perfect for my core modules too so my gpa is so screwed!!!!! granted i believe its still much better than a lot of ppl but that's their problem, i have my own standard (yet i dont work to get there, how ironic) ARGHS i suck :(
luckily wedn's sub only had 10 lectures, and all the tuts are written on the back of the lect notes, much lesser things to study but argh the greatest headache comes with 106. biochem which has quite some phy part in the beginning, at least enough to remind me of how my 102 was like th worst sub out of eveything last sem (and the beginning of 106 is quite like 102) and then at the back there's so many chemical formulas, eqns, pathways, enzyme names to remember i dont think i'll be able to finish remember them all. arghs... i think 107 shd be my best paper this sem, if i dont do well on wedn i'm dead!

i really have no idea how wedn papers will be... 2.5hours paper, mcqs exclusively. he didnt tell us got how many qns, niether did he say if its the you can choose more than 1 ans type. today's paper the mcq test super a lot of nitty gritty details that i didnt (as did many ppl) bother to remember. i have absolutely no idea how wedn's paper will be like, cos that sub also dont have so much nitty gritty details to test in the 1st place. and the lecturer said that this yr's paper will be harder than the previous years!!!!! so how is he gonna make it hard is really smthing that i cant figure out. the good thing is that that sub has much less stuff to memorise. most of it is concept based and during the tuts and such i didnt find the concepts hard to understand. really hope that i can do better on wedn. i believe i cant even get an A for today's paper liao... and i was hoping to get all As... haiz. and then my parents are gonna scold me for not studying again. but then i didnt have any motivation to study lehs! NONE. sit in front of comp do nothing. stare at lt notes blanky. force myself off maple then i go play smthing else... so sian lah. at least i still studied more in rg even tho i played super a lot too. haiz. i really hope my gpa this time is good okies. last sem my gpa missed the 1st class honors scored by like 0.1 or less. although you stil need to get an A in the fyp to get 1st class honors, but there's the gpa requirement too... arghs... totally screwed up BIG time today! and my jap wasnt that good too... ARGHS i didnt do well for econs last sem also! dammit all my electives are screwing up my gpa! and i didnt do perfect for my core modules too so my gpa is so screwed!!!!! granted i believe its still much better than a lot of ppl but that's their problem, i have my own standard (yet i dont work to get there, how ironic) ARGHS i suck :(
luckily wedn's sub only had 10 lectures, and all the tuts are written on the back of the lect notes, much lesser things to study but argh the greatest headache comes with 106. biochem which has quite some phy part in the beginning, at least enough to remind me of how my 102 was like th worst sub out of eveything last sem (and the beginning of 106 is quite like 102) and then at the back there's so many chemical formulas, eqns, pathways, enzyme names to remember i dont think i'll be able to finish remember them all. arghs... i think 107 shd be my best paper this sem, if i dont do well on wedn i'm dead!
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