hmm... attachment started on mon... pretty alright... been doing lit search whole of yest n tis afternoon... kinda tiring... esp when u know that u probably already found more then half of all the papers in the whole that could help you... and the other half of the papers remain elusivly out of reach... and when the half u have is only like 13 papers... and that they cannot help slove the problem which sparked the lit search in the 1st place:S
ks in other words... the lit search thus far hasnt really helped...
ks watever... there's better stuff to talk abt then that...
lab... plenty of new ppl... its getting a tat toooo crowded... and the machine that my whole experiment is based on (i.e. no machine=noexperiment n results) is oso being used by several other ppl... so its no longer like last time when i'm like the sole user and can run experiments morn, afternoon and night...
so many stuff to bother abt... all the application forms for ssef and a star ts... gotta get them sorted out somehow sometime b4 dec... and all the cca stuff that i have completey chunked aside... and comps too... sighz... and sch work... arghs.
dont remind me anymore... y do i even bother listing them out?
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