Sunday, August 23, 2015

I can't wait...

I’ve been cursing for the past week… at my laptop. 

Can’t wait for next month… can’t wait for the Apple keynote. And the 21 inch iMac refresh.

This laptop is really at the end of active service. It hangs up too much. It can’t handle all the stuff I need to do on my main computing device anymore. Things like handling multiple downloads… or uploads. Playing videos while having word document open, while searching the web… my video tends to hang up and won’t pause when I want and need it to. 

Still… I say it with a ping of regret because other instances it works fine… until it hangs up and the words I typed comes out in a jumble again. Pfft.

Not something that leaves me in the mood for video watching/subbing/translating.

And then there’s the iPhone too. Will need a new one too. I’ll be mighty broke next month but it can’t be helped. I just hope the stuff lasts. Esp the phone. It has to last me three years this time! Sigh.

Alright… that’s all for now!

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