Friday, October 17, 2008


Finishing up my stup!d @#$%#$ biophysical chem lab report... This is the stupidest report i've ever seen!!!! either the report is stup!d or i am, and i am incline to believe that it is the former. format of report: intro - standard, although its like copying the intro they gave up in the lab ws, but ok at least you can TRY to add in smthing new/diff

tables of results - duh its needed

disccussion of results - erm okies...

answer qns - NOW HERE COMES THE BIG BIG PROBLEM. the qns they ask are the only few things are can discuss abt in the discussion section!!!!!! Plus the qns itself would require u to repeat the same concepts over and over and over again!!!! wat kind of lab report is this? a testing of you r english skills to see how you can present the same thing in multiple different ways WHILE meaning its scientific accuracy??? with the qns they have asked, the discussion section becomes completely redundant! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lab reports are really crappy in uni... like seriously man. involves of a lot using your own words to summarise from their handout kinda thing. -.-'''

wat's the point???

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