Friday, June 29, 2007


bleh its amazing i'm still alive, bio paper was in my opinion the most ok of all the papers, though i still do not understand why they can give us lesser time for mcq and more time for the essay and structured qns. i mean like 3 mini essays and dunnoe how many structured qns in 1hr 15 mins is like a bomb lah... i rushed like siao throughout... and then i was so pissed cos i for the death of me just cant recall wat dye is it that is used to stain dna after agarose gel electrophorasis... like so pissed ok... i mean i learnt it in sec 4 and was still reading abt it in the morning and i cant recall it during the exam???? sucks man...

i refuse to comment on the rest of the papers.


Sunday, June 10, 2007


stupid sore throat has morphed into an irritating cough

stupid yahoo grps photo feature is NOT working, so i cant post my cca photos up there.... and some member is asking me to do so....

my econs notes are all in one big mess

Thursday, June 07, 2007

hols so far

If you're an axon, I'll be your Schwann cell.
If you're a glomerular capillary, I'll be your podocyte.
If you're a glomerulus, I'll be your Bowman's capsule,
and together, we'll be a renal corpuscle.

If you're guanine, I'll be your cytosine.
If you're adenosine, I'll be your thymine.
We'll embrace each other like two strands of a double helix.
You understand me like a ribosome understand mRNA.

I'll be your alpha-helix, if you'll be my beta-pleated sheet.
Others have their hydrogen bonds; we have our disulphide linkages.
Our love runs straight and true like a cellulose chain,
no alpha-amylase can break us apart.

You raise me up like water in a xylem vessel.
I'll be your cuticle, to protect you from rain or shine.
I wish I could be a chloroplast, to capture the light in your eyes.
I reach out to you like a plant growing towards sunlight.

If you're an enzyme, I'll be your optimum conditions.
You're the only substrate for my active site.
My love for you keeps increasing like positive feedback,
no external factor can terminate my love for you.

this lame/funny/watever song i got off my friend's blog, who in turn got it off somewhere else....

been having sore throat since sat night, and it only seems to be getting worst each day... hmphs...

weiqi comp on 2 n 3rd june... same performance as last yr in terms of no. of rounds won... but then my standard has dropped ridiculously... made A LOT of stupid and unforgivable mistakes, and hence lost a lot of rounds i could have otherwise won. apart from that i've been reduced to an idotic barbarian attacking non-stop. all that planning and ding shi etc i learnt over the past wat... 7 yrs? gone outta the window. seriously haven decided if i'll ever touch the weiqi board again. i mean, there's really no point in continuing on... struggling to stay afloat... and looking back at the glorious times i had in the past where i was once at the top. no point in hoarding on to those past and long forgotten glory so long as i'm not going to put in hard work to get it back. and the truth is that, the weiqi standard has risen so much over the years (no doubt highly thks to the numerous migrations of players from china/taiwan etc) that its hard for me to catch up even if i put in 1-2 hours of work into weiqi. something i really doubt i'd bother to do. maybe once a week of casual reading is fine, but it'll never be enough to get me anywhere. so here goes the dilema: shd i put in more work into weiqi after As, or not? if i dont, shd i even bother to play it casually? after all while i do enjoy weiqi to a certain extend, there ARE other more enjoyable things for me to do.

weiqi stuff aside, mon to wedn we held the raffles cup comp. well i sorta cheated and didnt go on tues, but then again, my vice didnt turn up either... and they DID NOT make any request for me to be present on all three days... plus their own memebers like didnt even help out either????? well heck... i was hoping i could get rid of the sore throat on tues by drinking plenty of water... but sadly my plan didnt work... did manage to finish a bit of org chem though... a puny little bit.

my plans for the rest of the hols:
MUG MUG MUG econs and finish by this sunday LATEST
Math from next mon to fri(or maybe sat), org chem in btw math
Finish up chem by wk 4 wedn
bio for all the rest of the days...

now that i'm looking at my schedue though, i wonder if its wise to study econs earlier since i might forget everything later on... oh wells... the idea is NOT to remember all that i learnt now short term...

i've got this big plan to finish my 1000 mcq qns from tys from chem/watever other sub i have before As... ok maybe i shd make it b4 prelims instead... k sounds impossible already... blah. die.

stupid... y must i fall sick during the mugging period???? sheesh even falling sick after cts might not be that bad... even though the pace would be a lot faster then. i mean, not while i'm already so pressed for time and i've got so much stuff taking up my hols already and then i wake up feeling dizzy and very sleepy everyday (even though i slept at 10 the night b4)... like i'm sleeping ultra early, waking up ultra late, and still needing naps in btw where the heck can i fins enough time to study like this i'm going to DIE.

think i may end up flunking As and... gah... just die. since we cant like repeat j2 anymore... or maybe we can. in anycase i'm just dead.