yay yay so i went to japan for a week... hmm let's just say it was a very interesting experience.
went to hokkaido for the most part... but since there arent any straight flights there, we had to stop over in tokyo to take a domestic flight to hokkaido.
day 1
flight from sg to tokyo international airport... narita international airport.
almost 7hrs long. zzz. tried to play some games on their in game entertainment system. the gamees were boring.... no nintendo!!! wat??? japan airlines got no nintendo in their in flight entertainment??? :( wah! sad. my sis sat SQ in her trip to thailand... SQ got leh:(...
anyways... food on the plane was ok lah. had some beef meal thingy. ani thing...
reached tokyo at abt 5pm? cant really remember already...:S but by the time we got through the customs and took a short bus ride to the hotel it was almost 6... 1st day no tour guide. only tour leader (the one follow us from sg, dunnoe much abt local stuff) bring us take public bus (200yen per trip per pax) which stops right in the hotel lobby! diff from sg eh? to shopping center... bus service is called the narita circle line. serves a few hotels and bring ppl to a few shopping centers in the area. Aeon shopping complex. then we own self find a place to eat dinner in there. and take public bus back ourself. we stayed in excel hotel tokyu for two nights, the 1st day in tokyo b4 taking a flight to hokkaido the 2nd day, and the last day b4 taking a flight back to sg.
Click here for a look at the bus schedue
anyways we took the 6 o clock bus to Aeon shop mall - 3 stops. route A, then took the 9.30 bus back... last bus... a lot of ppl tried to get on the bus... the bus wasnt very crowded per say... esp by japan standards... but those ppl already ont hat last bus were mostly tourist... who arent used to squeezing on buses... there was this huge sized ang moh that refused to move in... so in the end a bunch of ppl (not from my tour tho i think) couldnt get on the bus... :( taxi fare in jap in damn ex... heard from the tour guide that a short trip from the excel hotel to narita airport (abt 15, at most 20 mins?) would cost around 25,000 yen. which is abt S$300? or even more... scary eh?
anyways we found their food court in aeon shop mall n ate some udon, tako yaki (however that thing is spelled... not tako pochi, that's just a brand name!) and guess wat? pepper lunch! they (and many other shops/stalls) have this vending machine thing where u buy a piece of paper and show that to the vendors... instead of having to order from the stall holders. cute i guess... then the person gave me this remote thingy that beeps ultra loudly when ur food is ready... so u can return to ur seat while waiting... but then end up the place freaking nosiy with occasional beeps... cos the device is ultra loud. and u know japanese ppl are very si wen one. they talk softy and dont make a din in public... unlike in sg where our shopping centers and food courts are ultra supper dupper urber noisy. so that beeping device was kinda irritating...
then we shopped for a while... looked at their department store... called jusco... malaysia oso got... then we went to their supermarket! wah... we brought fried chicken... some instant noodles (which we brought back to sg and just ate for dinner yest) and yes sea urchin and octopus!!! the octopus was damn nice! unlike in sg where its very hard, chewy... like cannot bite through, tt one is soft!!!! very tasty, and yeah duh both were much much cheaper than in sg:D sea urchin.. eh well of cos we'd never get to eat so much of it in sg, but that one wasnt very fresh already.... compare to the one we ate later on in hokkaido.... :D
yeah we walked around for a bit there... saw and visited their daiso 100yen shop there, or rather 105 yen after 5% gst, which is equivilant to only abt S$1.40... hey sg one more ex!!! all $2!!!!) got some chocs and drinks from there.
so yeah. that's it for day one. went back to hotel after tt. and oh... we stood outside for quite a while waiting for the bus... damn cold! yeah. cos i was wearing a normal t-shirt... and a normal jacket... the one my sis just brought for me from thailand... the sea games jacket:D like... how thick can tt jacket get? so yeah. cold. standing out at maybe 3 degrees on a winter night in tokyo... lol. nope did wear any of my wool colthing or thermal. just wore wat i would in sg maybe in air-con room. (for u troopers... the jacket is just like the one i wore in sch) lol kinda crazy maybe? but actually, the temperature itself aint that cold. sometimes it feels just like when we turn on the air-con to insanely low temps in sch or in rg... (rj dont remember being tt cold) or like if u go genting in dec then u go out at night. but when the wind blows... gosh. cold man! the winds are like biting... well still not so bad in tokyo, but lol, i wasnt exactly wearing winter clothes. in shopping centers or bus etc its a totally diff story tho. the heater makes it real hot... feels like its even hotter than in sg. u can walk around in a singlet... no probs. its even colder in some of our shopping centers.
day 2.... at last i go to day 2 le... eh... how long did i write on just one day???? oh btw did i mention tt i took a grand total of over 1600 photos on my digi cam??? even more than the 1400+ my dad took on his cam!!!
so day two. had a city tour around tokyo with our 1st tour guide. called tomi sawa. went to their red light district - shinjuku (which is red light no more), then their asakusa kannon temple + nakamise shopping street, and akihabara, the eletric town. had lunch there too. oh btw, all our breakfast where taken at hotels... the pretty standard japan + western mix hotel buffet breakfast. they like to eat a lot of their dishes cold, which i'm not used to, and they also season their food/have sauces that are either rather salty, or rather sweet, or worst a mixture of both. of a while its fine... but then u realise that for every dish its the same kind of very heavily sweeted/salted taste... its kinda boring and not so nice... so i ended up eating a lot of potato salda (pretty normal, like the ones we have in sg) and spagetti/macaroni. oh we went to this underground shopping place also... but nothing much to shop lah... mostly all those fashion stuff that none of my family were interested in. oh we did buy like 2 bottle of avian mineral water there tho... cos cannot bring water onto airplane... n we didnt bring our water bottle to jap also... so we (at least i know i was) desperatly in need of water! yeah... after that we spend a lot of time in the hotel boiling water, pouring them out into glasses for the water to cool fast, THEN pouring it into the water bottles... like everyday... yeah. otherwise no water to drink arh! and yeah i have a habit of drinking a lot of water... esp since there very dry, so it made me all the more thristy... like me n my sis could finish a bottle (500ml) of water or more through the night and in the morn just after we wake up! i never drink tt much in sg!
oh yeah... had lunch b4 going to the asakusa kannon temple. after visiting the temple and the shopping street we went to a nearby supermarket there... brought mandrain oranges and pears (oh we brought those big fuji apples in the supermarket on the 1st day, very nice!) at the suggestion of the tour guide... n of cos we brought a few beers too. oh the beer there, was nice... and damn cheap! a big can for less then 3 bucks! in sg dollars! like 3bucks cant even get u a small can in sg (i'm talking abt the cheapest one available in sg... not the jap brands which are even more ex!)??? wah sg beer and alcholic drinks damn ex sia! yeah the fruits in tokyo very nice. hokkaido got no fruits in winter... they gotta ship over from tokyo and the main land....
after tt we went to haneda airport for domestic flight to hokkaido. hmm after visiting all their airports... and seeing that in thailand and beijing... i understand y sg is like the worlds best... sg one is very spacious, brightly lit, new, and organised. well i'm not saying that japan's ones are messy or very old. well i think the narita airport is rather old already tho... - they developed much eariler then sg did. the one in sapporo was very new and well decorated for the holiday season. but sg one slighty more organised and certainly a lot more spacious. the japan airports were just a little too cramped. lol, not that it was VERY impt any way. but looking at how the narita airport has gotten old and hence not as beautiful set me thinking abt how sg's changi airport will look like in the future. we may furish it nicely, keep it clean, but eventually someday the building is gonna get too old and we'll have to tear it down and build another in place of it. when that day comes... are we going to build a new terminal before closing down the old one or wat? do we have the space to build new terminals? now we have terminal 3 opening real soon and a budget terminal already in place... i wonder how many terminals sg will have in the future?
ok back to the holiday trip... flight to hokkaido... also on japan airline, or JAL for short... well in fact all my flights were on jal... took abt 1 and a half hours? yeah smthing like that. to memanbetsu airport which is ont he east side of hokkaido. hokkaido is on a seperate piece of land from where tokyo is. in fact... japan is divided into 4 main areas... anyways. the map of hokkaido... eh... kinda looks like that of sg. just that the top part is sharper and theres more land sticking out on the bottom of the left side... u know the part where tuas is? yeah... there's more land sticking out over there. yeah i find the shape very similar to sg... but hokkaido is certainly a lot bigger than sg! so yeah for the 1st few days we visited the east side of hokkaido b4 going over the the west side.
reached memanbetsu airport at around 10 plus? cant really remember.. oh yeah.. japan time is +9GMT (sg is +8GMT in case u dont know, same as hk and beijing), so basically they are one hour ahead of sg time. i think its cos of daylight saving time otherwise they are in the same time zone as sg? not too sure abt that tho... and oh yeah in winter the day is ultra short... at 6pm its as dark as its 8 or 9 pm in sg. the sun sets at around 4.30 or even earlier than that in winter. and of cos they have long days and short nights in summer. the sun is still up at 8pm in summer! (if i didnt remember wat the 1st tokyo tour guide said wrongly... )
met the hokkaido tour guide at the airport (in total we had 3 diff guides. main one was the hokkaido one, we stay in hokkaido for 5 days). apparently our sg tour leader had never met this guide b4... 1st time working together... and the 1st time the tour guide 9as int he hokkaido one... his name is..... dunnoe how to spell. diff ppl call him by a slight variation of his name. cos he only intro us his name on the night we met, and we were all like zzzzzzz, plus i'm not gd with jap names. i can remember his name in chinese very well tho, he got tell us which are the 4 characters some more. yeah the sg tour leader pronouce his name as jing san. and then the 3 tour guide i had pronouce as kim san... anyway... around the say lah... some ppl in the tour pronouce in some other ways... awyways he responds to all of it so its fine... lol...) yeah. so we were like the lab rats... cos this jing san never br such a big group b4. my group had 32 ppl. and the most he brought along was 10 ppl... in fact he even got bring around like just a family of 4 one. so yeah... 1st time for everybody. i like his chinese a lot... those beijing chinese like my weiqi lao shi... even more beijing chinese that yang lao shi i think... loved it a lot! his a korean but his parents came to japan n gave birth to him there... then he went to china to study... so he can speak chinese, korean n jap... pretty cool... lol he says its very messy tho... like it gets mixed up in his brain... smtimes when he is speaking jap some korean words come out tt kinda thing... lol... like how we mix chinese n eng so much tt some times its hard to speak proper chinese w.o mixing in a single word of eng... just tt ours... is ... erm... worst... lol. yeah once he started speaking to the sg tour leader in jap after taking a phone call (to some local shop, duh in jap) and got 'scolded' by her... haha yeah anyway his tour guide is a very well mannered guy whos fun loving at the same time...
1st night went to akan view hotel, where we will stay for 2 nights. had a set dinner at hotel. quite a gd meal, then went for a hot spring bath. quite fun... went to the outdoor one also... walking naked in the sub zero weather to get to the pool... wah damn damn damnn cold! not a VERY long distance... but long enough for us when u are naked, wet and out on the FREEZING cold. the path to the hot spring pool was frozen over at the side already.... they had to spray warm water along the path to prevent it from freezing over completely! it was quite an experience. the coldness of it all... and darkness + foggyness making the visibility TERRIBLE. plus the pool had rocks all along the side so i was damn scared i'd fall/bump into some rock and sratch meself... yeah. quite an experience. the warm warm pool water and the freezing cold outside. like i keep trying to keep my hair warm cos outside was really really cold. at the same time u feel that the hot water the boiling you. esp at the toes it feels as tho u are being cooked in 100 degrees water!
day 3
went to see this mou zhou lake 1st. very nice scenery... oh we spent a lot of time on the bus the whole time in hokkaido... the east side is very sparsely populated and the tourist spots are rather far apart. a trip from one place to another would take at least 1hr... and we only spend maybe 15-30mins at the site... lol... so we hardly get to use the winter clothing we brought... so yeah we took a lot of pics from the bus... hokkiado = snow everywhere. i think the highest temp there in winter is like 0degrees... pretty much enjoyed the winter scenary... but well... its all abt he same so yeah u'll get real bored if u are a resident there... like i guess our tour guide is... his eyes only lits up when talking abt playing in the snow/skiing. lol guess so... everything would be pretty boring there for locals. then we visit the ice glaciers hall... n we saw this cute little creatures called cliones... angels of the sea... lives below the ice of those glaciers that flows down from siberia russia... had lunch there too... steamboat... normal food... the worst meal we had in the trip. then there was this small simulation room that was set at -20 degrees that day we went i think... lol very cute... they gave us this moist towel too bring in... which of cos froze into one striaght dish after a while... nice for photo taking:P i think the coldest they can make tat place is -40 degrees... but i think tt day was only -20. not too sure... the guide didnt say properly. his not experienced enough i guess. esp when handling such big groups. so he left out some impt details. but yeah he's a very nice man alright. he helps ppl off the bus to make sure u dun fall... well when there's snow on the floor anyways... and i sae him kicking away the snow where the bus door was to make it easier for ppl to get up... but yeah some pertinant details he failed to inform us/was misinformed himself. still, i'd say his a young guy with room for improvement. he's 34 but doesnt look as old... and certainly behaves more like 24? (picked 24 cos i just subtracted 10 from his actual age.)
yeah after that we went to this lake that doesnt get frozen over in winter... dunnoe the name... cant remember rather... very interesting... cos there's plenty of vocanic activity there in hokkaido... u know jap always have earthquakes. so yeah... the magma there heats up the water and the sand... so if u just dig below the sand maybe 10 or 15cm... u can feel the sand is warm (even tho the temp outside is like below zero) by then it was abt 4 and starting to get dark... so we headed back to the hotel...
after that we visited the shops/village of their local tribal ppl... like the moari tribe in austrilia... dunnoe how to spell the name... cos the whole trip is in chinese mah... gosh it was cold there.... those ppl worship the owl as god's messenger... smthing like dat... then we walked back to the hotel from there... abt 15mins walk or so? quite a nice experience. i realise walking in the snow really aint as hard/scary as popl might make it out to be? dunnoe... never fall down b4... even though some other (young and old alike) have fallen down once or twice... but yeah we didnt really walk in like ankle deep snow... and there wasnt a lt of ice. ice is slippery but well... its managable... like walking on the path in my condo on a wet day... my condo they pathed some part of it with like small stone which are ultra urber slippery when wet... :( stupid designers... yeah... walking on ice is kinda like tat but maybe just a bit more slippery at times... but didnt had to walk on ice much anyway... walking on snow was just like walking in the mud. those kind of sandy soild with water when the snow melts... yeah... that's abt it... i didnt even get my sports shoes wet like a lot of ppl did... dunnoe how some ppl even manage to get their trousers/jeans wet... so that ends our day... oh yeah we had dinner of cos... cant remember where n wat:S
whee i wonder how long i've wrote le?
day... 4 out of 7.
1st thine is the morning we went to lake saroma... which is right beside the russian sea... joined with it in fact, but due to the 14 tributeries flowing into the lake the water moves fromt he lake into the sea, not the other way round, so its a fresh water lake and we saw the layer of ice on it. this lake is the 3rd largest in japan and the largest in hokkaido...
then we went to the kitsune fox village... for lunch and then we saw the hokkaido fox... very cute... just like those keychains or dolls they make... apparently the white ones are the most ex, followed by the grey then orange ones. ex as in most valued for their fur. but lol... i think the orange ones look nicest leh? didnt see any pure white foxes tho... foxes are cute! oh there are many animals in hokkaido. the tour guide tells us that foxes are often spotted along the highways in summer. just like how ppl feed the monkeys in sg making them very bold and expecting ppl to feed them... its a similar situation is hokkiado where, as the guide explains it, the girls find the foxes very cute and fed them, resulting the foxes waiting along highways so as to be fed. bears are pretty common there too. (but they hibernate in winter!) my guide says he met a mother bear bringing a baby bear to cross the highway once when he was driving...
after that we visited the ryu sei no taki and ginga no taki... ie the shooting star and milky way falls. the ginga no taki was frozen over already... but the shooting star one wasnt. nice scenary there... snow n more snow... u can see the layers of snow forming... took a whole bunch of pics there... it was there when we experienced the 1st snow fall too. small slight snow fall but still it was our 1st.
then we head to the hotel ... one that was in the gorges near the water fall. its a pretty hotel. dinner was buffet int he hotel... nice dinner lah... lol the tour guides stayed there for a long long time... normally they would eat ultra fast one... 1st time they ate for soooo long... so yeah... i guess cos the food is better and cos its buffet at the hotel so they didnt really need to run around n make sure everyone is fine and stuff. and we went for hot spring bath again... well not exactly again.. it was the 2nd n last time we went. erh... i'm getting tired of writing this... so long and never ending... :P i'll come back and cont writing later...
Day 5
woke up real early in the morning. breakfast, then 3 and a half hour long bus ride to the west side of hokkaido! i told u hokkaido is much bigger than sg yeah? and no we didnt tranverse the entire width of hokkaido.... its a big place eh? went to otaru, the sea port around there for lunch. hmm the luch was great! fresh crab, scallop n best of all, sea urchin! oh yeah we have salmon sashimi too, but i think the best of it all was the sea urchin, followed by the crab. and oh talking abt food, forgot to mention that we loved the raw prawns there a lot, esp those we had during the breakfast buffet at the akan view hotel... it was supperb! sadly the salmon there aint so gd, think its cos the season has just passed. their breeding season is in october and that's when the salmons supposed to be the best. so yeah we missed the period. the salmon is still gd tho, the meat the very refine and soft, but the strong, unique taste of salmon that i curve for was sadly absent, and the salmon isnt that kind of fatty salmon that taste best. i guess its cos we just missed the season:( well the scallop was kinda dissappointing... it didnt have much tase... it wasnt sweet or anything... just rather tastless:( but i realised the seafood and food in hokkiado were generally more plain... and simple in tastse... the food there dont have a very strong taste... its more plain. the crab was like i just mentioned. the tase it rather plain and a little blend when compared to the crabs we get in sg. it was sweet and u can taste the freshness, but no, its not like those sri lanka crab we get in sg where u can smell the strong 'crab taste/smell' from miles away. we tried the crab raw as sashimi but its quite strange to eat it completly row... cos the meat is likda hard to bite off... kinda like how its hard to cut the raw skin of fish or chicken? so we tried the 1st tour guides advice of dipping it a few times in the hotpot so as to cook it slighty b4 eating. i think that it really taste better when slighty cooked. for one, its so much easier to bite off the meat and the meat wont stick to the shell of the crab. 2ndly, the slighty cooked meat taste sweeter than the raw one. and it was much much easier to chew.
after that went to see their rive in otaru... its a man made river... kinda like our big cannals or the sg river... nothing much very special abt the river per say, but some buildings around the river were pretty unique. after that went to this street there were they had lots of shops selling music box or orgels and cute little glass ornaments. some of the music box were pretty normal, but most were real delicate little lovely pieces. well i wont say that the designs were completly new or creative, but most of them were fine grand pieces of art. my sis got this doll that turns its head and i think the hands moved too... when it is winded up of cos, and i got this glass angel... nice copper blue and gold. the colors i like! boy i love it! many many many music boxes there, not tooo ex lah... think they are around 20-30 each. oh there are the expensive ones of cos, but many of them had reasonable prices. my mum got a music box for herself too. i went there snapping pics n more pics of the music boxes. so even though we only brought 3 home phyiscally, i had pictures of just abt every nice music box in the shop... nah... maybe not most, but certainly more than half... there was just too many designs there. the 2nd floor was a musuem displaying all the music box of the past. like the 1st music boxes made or smthing... didnt spend too much time there cos we already spend like 30mins looking at the music boxes downstairs out of the entire 1 hr we were given to visit the entire street! so yeah we didnt spend much time looking at the glassware... it wasnt really that speacial tho, u can see them in sg too... then we went for ice cream... 5 diff favours in all. melon, strawberry, milk, lavenda and chocolate. the melon tasted kinda funnny, but all the rest were nice! ooooh we saw the russian style steam powered clock too. saw it blow notes using the steam at 2 pm... pretty cool lah. and then there was this other clock tower too that plays some music right after the steam powered clock finishes its performance. that one didnt have much to see, but its an 8 note bell tower... still, the building with the clock tower was great for taking pics:P
visited the white chocolate factory after that. the factory is currently closed cos apparently it sold food past the expiry date a while back... so we cold only see the outside. but it was pretty cute, they had little dolls coming out and stuff like that every hour for 15mins... like a performance kinda thing? some piggies would pop their head out of the piggy house and some windows would open to reveal bakes instead playing music instruments. smthing like dat. kinda like disney land maybe? (not that i've been to one b4 oh wells) quite cute lah... then... erm... say... where did we have dinner? oh yeh... we went to some shopping place in sapporo 1st. saw the lights display and stuff... and walked around the supermarker for a while. yeah its their central park or smthing like that. the unique thing abt that place is that their street names go by things like west 24 north 5... with the center point of referance being the park. so the place is arranged like a weiqi board, literally such, the width and breadth of each street is 100meters. all nice and organised. so there were some pretty christmas lights at the park (which was quite big!) and there was lights of the flowers found in summer of hokkaido too. oh yeah... there was a tower similar to the one found in paris... liknda like a replica actually... and before tt we visited this old clock tower that was once part of a university or smthing... lol the guide didnt know wat's so interesting abt that place and y he must bring us there... he seems very reluctant to go there... only going there cos its on the itinary... so got no choice... lol. but yeah they changed the itinary a lot. didnt take out anything from there (expect we all agreed to go the snow mobile place instead of skiing) but they added a number of places + changed the schedue a lot. yeah... nothing much special abt the tower... looked like some of the churches is sg? not very big either. then we went for dinner at ramen street. the ramen very damn... nice soup as well as noodle... not like the other noodle we had which are frozen and not freshly made. no this one is much better. cost like 700 yen i think? basically its a really small and narrow alley with quite a number of stalls all selling similar stuff. each stall is quite small... like smaller then our classrm. so yeah the tour had to split up into all the diff shops... like one or 2 families in one shop... in any shop that had space... damn hot instead the shop i went to... my dad was sweating like crazy. tour guide was running around making sure everyone got a seat, then he ordered and paid for everyone (while asking for receipt, we already paid for this meal in the tour package!)... hm n e sg tour leader came back to the shop i went to like way after we started eating... n ordered for the two of them. but he finished eating at the same time as my family did. :S and yes, he finished everything... dunnoe how ppl can eat so fast one...? esp hot soup like this... rice i can eat fast... but not noodles in hot soup.... but yeah, it was gd, the ramen is kinda like our instant noodles that type, but the taste was much better. oh got a slice of pork inside also, delicious! got the strong taste of pork.... which i absolutly adore!
day 6
went to the sapporo fish market in the morning... saw load of sea food and we ate raw osyter there! wah damn cool! raw and fresh! tasted pretty salty... cos of the sea water... but still its very sweet. very nice and smooth texture.... sweetness of fresh seafood and the saltiness of the sea water. yeah liked it a lot. and we brought sea urchin, salmon roe, and some preserved squid to br back to sg also... eh... after that i think we went to the rusutsu ski resort for a buffet lunch. italian style. quite nice lah. 1400yen per pax. after lunch we played around with snow at the skiing area in the skit resort. tour guide got naughty and started throwing snowballs (or rather blocks of harderned snow) at the sg tour leader... offered to help her wash her face lol! haha poor boy... we changed from skiing to playing the snow mobile already... otherwise earlier on the offered to give us skiing lessons. yeah he loves playing in the snow lah... well, nothing much you can do in hokkaido i guess? every kid there plays in the snow and knows how to ski... yeah after hanging around there for a while then we went to the snow mobile place. we rode up the mountain... scenary was nice but its was damn freaking cold! 1st cos we are going up a mountain, 2nd cos we are moving... i drove on the way back... really baad at steering cos i think few ppl changed partners on the way down, so everyone else was already used to the steering and stuff and they went real fast... things were really slow at the beginning when we rode up, but when going down? i lost sight of the snow mobile in front of me like ultra fast! and when going up it was more like we were hoping real hard for the ppl in front to move faster so we dont have to keep braking... yeah... the ride down was shorter. we came back from the same we we went but we stopped at halfway down to take photos... and tt's where we swapped places. so sadly by the time i kinda got used to the controls we reached already:( but it was... freezing cold... my toes, feet and fingers were all frozen stiff... numb and feels like u're gonna get frostbite if we were to ride on that snow mobile any longer. the whole thing lasted abt an hour or so, interesting experience, was a lot more fun when driving and also partly cos we rode faster when going back. but say, i still like cycling... how you can lean on one side when going past a curve more specifically... been doing a lot of that lately while cycling... didnt remember myself doing that last time. yeah that's the thing you cant do with a snow mobile... unless u are going up a slope that is. but sadly u can ride a bike in the snow too. oh wells. not that there is snow in sg for me to ride over anyways... night time or windy days are the best u can get in terms of cool weathers. i still got a lot of stuff to learn on my nike:S:X like how to got through curves w/o slowing down cos currently i snow down when going through curves... dont dare to take it at such a fast speed. oh and i need to get better at riding without hands too (oh another thing u can do on a snow mobile... the least u gotta do is have one hand on the accelerator else u wont move:P) i can ride ok with one hand... but if there are sharp bends i wouldnt really dare to take it while riding single handly unless i'm going real slow. tried to riiide w/o hands that time when i went out with ya troopers at pasir ris, as i'm very sure sandra can recall. however it didnt work out well... cos paris ris didnt really have a straight path for me to practice on, and the park is rather old already so the paths were fairly uneven, and most of all the bike seat has very wide but not long enough, so i couldnt control the bike with the thigh... oh well anyways, back to the trip. yeah the snow mobile thing was quite an experience, i guess skiing would be more funn cos its faster... but only when u know how to ski:S and since at most we could have spent maybe 3 hrs skiing (plus we gotta rent all that skiing equipment), its not quite enough for you to become at least an average skiier in tt short period of time... went skiing in 02 in beijing last time... erh... spent most of my time walking around in the snow... trying to get up the slope so that u can ski down... eh.. didnt remember much but well its just not very fun when u cant ski, just like i remember how batminton sucks last time cos we would serve, then pick up the shuttercock, then repeat... so yeah, the snow mobile was a much better alternative, kinda like driving go karts or bumper cars... u dont need any lessons for those. but driving in the freezing weather makes all the difference between driving go karts and snow mobiles... and yeah. the winter scenary was gd. sadly i didnt take any pics on the way up or down. i stuffed the digi cam in my pocket and zipped it up... so couldnt unzip during the ride... and anyways my fingers were frozen stiff already... lol even the guide was feeling cold up at the mountain... cos he was like jumping around to generate heat... but yeah.. those local ppl... wear damn little only... he only wear thermal and a sweater... plus a thin leather jacket outside. and for his legs? even better, normal pants with ankle length socks... no thermal or knee length socks like we do... (and my feet were still forozen after that!) yeah they are used to it duh... like after the snow mobile ride some auntie on the tour was rubbing her hands together to keep warm... then the tour guide was like 'cold meh?' then he touched her hands and he was like saying her hands are colder than his but he doesnt feel that its cold... so yar...
after that we went for dinner... like soul gardern style.. nothing much special abt the food… just that they had a lot of choices… like many diff kinds of beef/chicken etc.
then we head off to Sapporo airport for flight back to Tokyo… *sobs* I miss our tour guide… he’s veri nice lah, shook hands with everyone and bowed and thked us all prior to our departure… aw… miss him… *sniffles*
flight back to tokyo… greeted at the airport by this loud and ultra talkative Taiwan tour guide who has lived in japan for 30 yrs… gosh… 30 years and she still acts like the typical Taiwanese… loud and… obnoxious? Sheesh! Damn freaking noisy… heard earlier on the bus that my Hokkaido tour guide was complaining to the tour leader abt this loud and very rude Taiwanese tour guide… now I know who they were talking abt…:S seriously cant stand her man… she talked crap for like 45 mins of the 1hr journey from haneda airport to excel tokyu hotel! WOW. And it was like 11pm when we landed at Tokyo. How nice of her… damn noisy lah, else I would have sleep on the bus. Can imagine jing san would have turned off the lights for us to sleep instead…
yar, that’s abt it lah, last day just went straight to the airport… went shopping a bit at their duty free place in the air port… then b4 we know it… tada… back to sg le…
haha funny thing was that, I later found out that sw went to japan too… but diff parts of japan lah… met her and hc at the rg cca open hse and we had great fun talking for like dunnoe how many hrs straight… and I exchanged gifts with sw… lol luckily both of us never see each other’s gift b4:P
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
lyke seriously... cant we leave our posts untitled? lyke i just cant think of a proper title to name my post each time? and lyke if u look back then u'll realise that a lot of my posts have same or similar names???
kk enuff of this.
this is stupid adware program in my com... that's giving me plenty of pop up ads... always starts with some 'CID:' thing... did a virus scan many many times with diff programs but just cant remove it... if anyone knows how to/wat program can do the job, pls inform me hor! thks a lot!
anyways... yinster is back le... read her blog for more details:P
aniway... she got me some nice collar pins! YAY! to add to my collection:D:D:D and a nice blue sea games jacket:D:D:D the kind i've been looking for:D just tt it saes sea games on it so feels a bit awkard wearing it out... maybe... but still i lyke it:D like the blue color a lot:D ty dear!
yeah.. yinster is back.... my room light is always on now... compared to when the hse was all dark previously... and the air com in a rm will be on way b4 i go sleep... (since my com and my bed are in diff rms) and yeah... i dont haf the comp all to myself anymore... :( lol.
eh went shopping for some more stuff for our hol tript o jap (tokyo 1 and a half day + hokkaido 5 day) at mustafa and dad finnally got his crampler (how u spell that?) cam bag... oh and did i say earlier that we got a new digi cam a few days back? i think its real neat... just tt i dunnoe how often i'll use it. man i gotta improve my typing... a hell lot.... esp yes... my right hand... which is like never on the home keys unless i force it to. left hand is ok tho... strange... and i'm a right hander... maybe tt's why? dunnoe. gotta practise....
tmr's my cousin's baby's 1st month. so needless to say i'll be going out again...
ma's in love with sudoku... i swear she's gonna finish my entire bk of sudoku puzzles.
no one comes to read my blog... which is just abt fine with me tho:P
update on trickster: lvl 70 now:D base lvl tt is:D tm lvl is 59 i think.. fst right? abt 2 lvls per day (when i got play)... damn fast... more fun than maple cos of tt. lol. kinda threw maple aside now. for now at least. well but i really shd be reading more than wat i'm doing.... tho i did finish a bk and half of the other. but not enough. on the other hand. i did learn some basics on scripting irc bots... lyke enough to make the bot bring me soup and wine... and random types too... not too shabby considering all the education i had on scripting was from copying the code of others... lol.
1am. 2am in japan. i'm surprised we are going out this yr.... i swear my parents are spending a bomb (maybe 10) on this trip. dunnoe. i've never been too fond of travelling. i prefer staying at home... playing games... okok maybe even reading books... to travelling... maybe... its fun but after that, u kinda forget everything... lyke the trip i had to beijing...? i've forgotten the bulk of it...fun, was a gd experience.... but still... not very cheap eh? dunnoe. i just dun like going out as much as others do. yeah. smthing like dat. kk i am looking forward to playing pokemon on thier in flight entertainment. if they even have it that is. but 7 hours of flight in the day? u know i'm not a fan of movies... wat else can i do? i am a fan of games tho... and i prefer games like pokemon (not the card game, prefer the other one more...) then say mario for eg... cos... i keep dieing... keep dieing=not fun. pokemon is fun tho... kinda like a strategy game so yeah i lyke it. downloaded an emulator on my com for the game... BUT. the save function doesnt work properly. and since i'm not one to keep my com on 24/7... its as gd as useless cos each time i have to wat??? START ALL OVER FROM THE BEGINNING??? tt just wont do... i'll never finish the game lyke dat.. so yeah. tried a few times and gave up on it.
i'm likinh my new phone. but the battery life seems to be slighty shorter than the k700i. maybe its becos the previous phone's batt life indicator seem to stay at full bar longer but goes down fast after the halfway mark... but this one's more evenly spread out. dunnoe. but still i estimate it can last 3 days with comfortable usage of the mp3 player and cam and still be left with abt 20% of batt life (tho the indicator has gone down to the reds) so yeah, i'll say the batt life is quite gd. not sure how fast it'll drain if i listen to mp3 for 5hrs straight... but it'll probably last tho. cos i discovered in my previous phone tt playing mp3 hardly drains the batt life at all. the only thing tt drains the batt fast is when u play the game called super real tennis. even the other games dont really drain the batt life much. i haven tried on this w660i to see which of the two games drain the batt more and by how much and how fast tho. didnt play much of the two games. one is a snowboarding game -- which i've gotten rather bored of. and the other some tower building game tt i've played on the com b4... and found it to be ok fun but not fun enuff to play again... so yeah... anyways... one charge every 3-4 days is quite gd i guess. not sure how batt life drains when making calls... cos i hardly call ppl on the phone... any phone... lol. so dont noe abt tt for both the w660i and the k700i. yeah i really love the walkman design... tho i keep pressing the down button instead of the walkman button to change songs... and i seriously need to figure out if there was anyway i can make playlists on the phone itself... and not transfer playlists from the com.... other that tt i'm quite satistfied with it. saddly i lost a no of contacts such as my bio teacher's hp no cos i dont have any backup:(
threw my hp away in the bin... how careless can i get???
leaving on the 20th. taking flight back on the 26th... reach sg at around 5.35pm... so tt'll be a while till i can touch the com and check my stuff on daily maintance required games like utopia. yeah i love utopia esp. ultimate strategy game. all the other in browser daily maintance games i can give up but not utopia. okok i'll be some wat sad to leave KOL too cos its really funny.... but sometimes it does become a little bit of a chore. utopia too sometimes i guess, but much less often... and considering tt i'll take on monarchy for the 1st time ever (in wol tt is) next age... things are really going not bad at all... well i always liked utopia anyways... lol.
made a single pathetic keychain... pathetic results from my art n craft. hmph. i wanted to make a soft case for the digi cam for the jap trip... lol i wonder if i'll ever get it done in time... :S remind me abt it again... and i gotta finish my bks/renew them... due on the 21st i think..... haiz.... and i still got 6 more unread bks and 1 read half way (which i renewed already... was due ont he 13th) haiz. and the bks i borrowed were all heavy weight stuff... all bio and chem books which i take much longer to read. and i'm trying my best to remember as much as possible wat i've read too. esp those abt facts... kk u probly dunnoe wat i'm talking abt so nvm.
but in short, i got a lot of reading to do and too little time + too addicted to trickster. lol.
me bad. dun follow me.
double lols.
trickster i must say... is real fun tho. i love dark dragon for the high damage from arrow rush, but i've also fallen in love with the fantastic AOE skills of sheep. i'll probably make a fire and lit sheep when i get my dragon high lvled enuff. fire cos its the most powerful of all the elements, and lighting cos its also very powerful and has great AOE skills.
haiz... got prob with the new lens pa brought... sighz.
zzz.... gonna sleep soon. so i wont be playing tricks today... lol not impt anyways... unlike utopia... where everyday counts... even all the rest of the so called daily maintanence games can be neglected with minimum consequence... unlike utopia... luckily for utopia theres smthing calle dthe vacation mode tho:P
haiz... all of tricksters characters looks so fun to play... well many of them at least... well given enuff time i'll like to play all of them... lol rather similar to maple i guess... all of the chars are great in some way or another... lol... has to be so.. else no one would play tt char at all... lol... but just like in maple... where some chars still seem better than the rest... dragons are one of the most powerful chars of the game... hence my reason for choosing it:P
same for chosing crus (to be) i guess... cos crus with combo then coma and panic does the most damage of all classes. but only much later on that is... for now... i'm still in the ultra hard to lvl stage and straggling to lvl... places that are great exp are only playable for me at night when not many ppl are on... cos i keep getting ksed at all... and getting forced out of the map/channel by others... even getting defamed... haiz. suxs man. seriously sux. hence the reason why i made a sin i guess. so that for once i can lvl in those places my warrior couldnt.and being able to ks ppl for once. tho i must say tt my current damge sux real bad cos i'm a lvl 42 still wearing lvl 25 meba and lousy lvl 30 (or 35 cant rmr) or lvl equips... well great news is that my sis found a lvl 50 hat, and my warrior found a lvl 50 top (already with my rouge) and my sis oso got a lvl 40 claw... tho the claw is the basic steel one, but still it has a much better weapon attack... well i'm gonna make a lvl 50 dark slain (claw) for my theif but i'm still a whole 8 lvls away... haiz. now only got 1 comp so i cant transfer stuff btw acts tho. haiz. sux. partly the reason why i dun maple anymore too. no yinster to play wif:(:(:(
kk i'm tired le. gonna use up some adventures (like turns) in KOL and head off to bed... gotta wake up earlier tmr to bath, then go see da baby.. yay... they called him kai ye. lol i thought it sounds like a girls name... dunnoe wat's his english/christain name... they gave him one apparently... well i guess so... considering his mum is an indonesian chinese who cant speak mandrain all that well yet i think... duinnoe a lot abt her but i must say she's a very cheerful and fun person... her actions when i 1st met her during granny's bday a few years back reminded me terribly of hhx... u know... they sorta got that similar character of being fun and very playful...
btw hhx is getting married le(or got married already???)... did i mention it already? in fact they even got the wedding photos taken le... lol jlf kindly sent me one... she looks soooooooooooossssssssssooooooooooooossssssssssoooooooooooooooo sosososososo different.. like i thought i was looking at another person... partly cos she's dressed up maybe. but she certainly changed a lot... ahiz. no face to see her still. my chem sux so bad now:S:(
i wonder wat time i'll wake up tmr... need to bath b4 going to the party(?) well i think gathering might be more appropriate:P kk the word looks weird... like i spelt it wrongly... but i'm too lazy to check i think i'm gonna zzz le. so cya!
kk enuff of this.
this is stupid adware program in my com... that's giving me plenty of pop up ads... always starts with some 'CID:' thing... did a virus scan many many times with diff programs but just cant remove it... if anyone knows how to/wat program can do the job, pls inform me hor! thks a lot!
anyways... yinster is back le... read her blog for more details:P
aniway... she got me some nice collar pins! YAY! to add to my collection:D:D:D and a nice blue sea games jacket:D:D:D the kind i've been looking for:D just tt it saes sea games on it so feels a bit awkard wearing it out... maybe... but still i lyke it:D like the blue color a lot:D ty dear!
yeah.. yinster is back.... my room light is always on now... compared to when the hse was all dark previously... and the air com in a rm will be on way b4 i go sleep... (since my com and my bed are in diff rms) and yeah... i dont haf the comp all to myself anymore... :( lol.
eh went shopping for some more stuff for our hol tript o jap (tokyo 1 and a half day + hokkaido 5 day) at mustafa and dad finnally got his crampler (how u spell that?) cam bag... oh and did i say earlier that we got a new digi cam a few days back? i think its real neat... just tt i dunnoe how often i'll use it. man i gotta improve my typing... a hell lot.... esp yes... my right hand... which is like never on the home keys unless i force it to. left hand is ok tho... strange... and i'm a right hander... maybe tt's why? dunnoe. gotta practise....
tmr's my cousin's baby's 1st month. so needless to say i'll be going out again...
ma's in love with sudoku... i swear she's gonna finish my entire bk of sudoku puzzles.
no one comes to read my blog... which is just abt fine with me tho:P
update on trickster: lvl 70 now:D base lvl tt is:D tm lvl is 59 i think.. fst right? abt 2 lvls per day (when i got play)... damn fast... more fun than maple cos of tt. lol. kinda threw maple aside now. for now at least. well but i really shd be reading more than wat i'm doing.... tho i did finish a bk and half of the other. but not enough. on the other hand. i did learn some basics on scripting irc bots... lyke enough to make the bot bring me soup and wine... and random types too... not too shabby considering all the education i had on scripting was from copying the code of others... lol.
1am. 2am in japan. i'm surprised we are going out this yr.... i swear my parents are spending a bomb (maybe 10) on this trip. dunnoe. i've never been too fond of travelling. i prefer staying at home... playing games... okok maybe even reading books... to travelling... maybe... its fun but after that, u kinda forget everything... lyke the trip i had to beijing...? i've forgotten the bulk of it...fun, was a gd experience.... but still... not very cheap eh? dunnoe. i just dun like going out as much as others do. yeah. smthing like dat. kk i am looking forward to playing pokemon on thier in flight entertainment. if they even have it that is. but 7 hours of flight in the day? u know i'm not a fan of movies... wat else can i do? i am a fan of games tho... and i prefer games like pokemon (not the card game, prefer the other one more...) then say mario for eg... cos... i keep dieing... keep dieing=not fun. pokemon is fun tho... kinda like a strategy game so yeah i lyke it. downloaded an emulator on my com for the game... BUT. the save function doesnt work properly. and since i'm not one to keep my com on 24/7... its as gd as useless cos each time i have to wat??? START ALL OVER FROM THE BEGINNING??? tt just wont do... i'll never finish the game lyke dat.. so yeah. tried a few times and gave up on it.
i'm likinh my new phone. but the battery life seems to be slighty shorter than the k700i. maybe its becos the previous phone's batt life indicator seem to stay at full bar longer but goes down fast after the halfway mark... but this one's more evenly spread out. dunnoe. but still i estimate it can last 3 days with comfortable usage of the mp3 player and cam and still be left with abt 20% of batt life (tho the indicator has gone down to the reds) so yeah, i'll say the batt life is quite gd. not sure how fast it'll drain if i listen to mp3 for 5hrs straight... but it'll probably last tho. cos i discovered in my previous phone tt playing mp3 hardly drains the batt life at all. the only thing tt drains the batt fast is when u play the game called super real tennis. even the other games dont really drain the batt life much. i haven tried on this w660i to see which of the two games drain the batt more and by how much and how fast tho. didnt play much of the two games. one is a snowboarding game -- which i've gotten rather bored of. and the other some tower building game tt i've played on the com b4... and found it to be ok fun but not fun enuff to play again... so yeah... anyways... one charge every 3-4 days is quite gd i guess. not sure how batt life drains when making calls... cos i hardly call ppl on the phone... any phone... lol. so dont noe abt tt for both the w660i and the k700i. yeah i really love the walkman design... tho i keep pressing the down button instead of the walkman button to change songs... and i seriously need to figure out if there was anyway i can make playlists on the phone itself... and not transfer playlists from the com.... other that tt i'm quite satistfied with it. saddly i lost a no of contacts such as my bio teacher's hp no cos i dont have any backup:(
threw my hp away in the bin... how careless can i get???
leaving on the 20th. taking flight back on the 26th... reach sg at around 5.35pm... so tt'll be a while till i can touch the com and check my stuff on daily maintance required games like utopia. yeah i love utopia esp. ultimate strategy game. all the other in browser daily maintance games i can give up but not utopia. okok i'll be some wat sad to leave KOL too cos its really funny.... but sometimes it does become a little bit of a chore. utopia too sometimes i guess, but much less often... and considering tt i'll take on monarchy for the 1st time ever (in wol tt is) next age... things are really going not bad at all... well i always liked utopia anyways... lol.
made a single pathetic keychain... pathetic results from my art n craft. hmph. i wanted to make a soft case for the digi cam for the jap trip... lol i wonder if i'll ever get it done in time... :S remind me abt it again... and i gotta finish my bks/renew them... due on the 21st i think..... haiz.... and i still got 6 more unread bks and 1 read half way (which i renewed already... was due ont he 13th) haiz. and the bks i borrowed were all heavy weight stuff... all bio and chem books which i take much longer to read. and i'm trying my best to remember as much as possible wat i've read too. esp those abt facts... kk u probly dunnoe wat i'm talking abt so nvm.
but in short, i got a lot of reading to do and too little time + too addicted to trickster. lol.
me bad. dun follow me.
double lols.
trickster i must say... is real fun tho. i love dark dragon for the high damage from arrow rush, but i've also fallen in love with the fantastic AOE skills of sheep. i'll probably make a fire and lit sheep when i get my dragon high lvled enuff. fire cos its the most powerful of all the elements, and lighting cos its also very powerful and has great AOE skills.
haiz... got prob with the new lens pa brought... sighz.
zzz.... gonna sleep soon. so i wont be playing tricks today... lol not impt anyways... unlike utopia... where everyday counts... even all the rest of the so called daily maintanence games can be neglected with minimum consequence... unlike utopia... luckily for utopia theres smthing calle dthe vacation mode tho:P
haiz... all of tricksters characters looks so fun to play... well many of them at least... well given enuff time i'll like to play all of them... lol rather similar to maple i guess... all of the chars are great in some way or another... lol... has to be so.. else no one would play tt char at all... lol... but just like in maple... where some chars still seem better than the rest... dragons are one of the most powerful chars of the game... hence my reason for choosing it:P
same for chosing crus (to be) i guess... cos crus with combo then coma and panic does the most damage of all classes. but only much later on that is... for now... i'm still in the ultra hard to lvl stage and straggling to lvl... places that are great exp are only playable for me at night when not many ppl are on... cos i keep getting ksed at all... and getting forced out of the map/channel by others... even getting defamed... haiz. suxs man. seriously sux. hence the reason why i made a sin i guess. so that for once i can lvl in those places my warrior couldnt.and being able to ks ppl for once. tho i must say tt my current damge sux real bad cos i'm a lvl 42 still wearing lvl 25 meba and lousy lvl 30 (or 35 cant rmr) or lvl equips... well great news is that my sis found a lvl 50 hat, and my warrior found a lvl 50 top (already with my rouge) and my sis oso got a lvl 40 claw... tho the claw is the basic steel one, but still it has a much better weapon attack... well i'm gonna make a lvl 50 dark slain (claw) for my theif but i'm still a whole 8 lvls away... haiz. now only got 1 comp so i cant transfer stuff btw acts tho. haiz. sux. partly the reason why i dun maple anymore too. no yinster to play wif:(:(:(
kk i'm tired le. gonna use up some adventures (like turns) in KOL and head off to bed... gotta wake up earlier tmr to bath, then go see da baby.. yay... they called him kai ye. lol i thought it sounds like a girls name... dunnoe wat's his english/christain name... they gave him one apparently... well i guess so... considering his mum is an indonesian chinese who cant speak mandrain all that well yet i think... duinnoe a lot abt her but i must say she's a very cheerful and fun person... her actions when i 1st met her during granny's bday a few years back reminded me terribly of hhx... u know... they sorta got that similar character of being fun and very playful...
btw hhx is getting married le(or got married already???)... did i mention it already? in fact they even got the wedding photos taken le... lol jlf kindly sent me one... she looks soooooooooooossssssssssooooooooooooossssssssssoooooooooooooooo sosososososo different.. like i thought i was looking at another person... partly cos she's dressed up maybe. but she certainly changed a lot... ahiz. no face to see her still. my chem sux so bad now:S:(
i wonder wat time i'll wake up tmr... need to bath b4 going to the party(?) well i think gathering might be more appropriate:P kk the word looks weird... like i spelt it wrongly... but i'm too lazy to check i think i'm gonna zzz le. so cya!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
gotta read finish a bk by tmr... cos its due tmr... or maybe i can renew it.... dunnoe.
gotta read finish a bk by tmr... cos its due tmr... or maybe i can renew it.... dunnoe.
been out alot lately
like going to shop and stuff... basically just being dragged around by my parents.... ok not really but smthing like dat maybe. tried to get new jeans today... to no avail. did manage to get a pair of great looking sports shoes in uber quick time tho... like maybe half an hour or so? lol fast rite? and i think it looks damn cool too, nice shiny metallic blue with dark blue background, coupled with some sliver and white... love it man!
haha, haven acheived much apart from tt. did manage to finish a book and start on another tho. sci/fantasy bks ftw! (who cares abt silly little romance stories???) haha.
lalala. trickster online is fun, u shd go try it! lvl 62 now whoo hoo! i rock man. on the other hand... i haven played maple at all:S lol yy is gonna kill me methinks... oh well. for now, trickster rulezzz! haha, yes i finally found the cards to master arrow rush, now to get enuff tm points to master mist of mana, then i can get my 1st ever dark skill called hellfire! cool eh?
oh go try out www.kingdomofloathing.com too! its a great game, sacarstic n damn funny! free and plays right in the broswer. no need to download anything at all! yup i love that game, go try it out peeps!
kk. dunnoe wat else to say le. so i shall stop ranting and go play trickster for a while before zzzing.
like going to shop and stuff... basically just being dragged around by my parents.... ok not really but smthing like dat maybe. tried to get new jeans today... to no avail. did manage to get a pair of great looking sports shoes in uber quick time tho... like maybe half an hour or so? lol fast rite? and i think it looks damn cool too, nice shiny metallic blue with dark blue background, coupled with some sliver and white... love it man!
haha, haven acheived much apart from tt. did manage to finish a book and start on another tho. sci/fantasy bks ftw! (who cares abt silly little romance stories???) haha.
lalala. trickster online is fun, u shd go try it! lvl 62 now whoo hoo! i rock man. on the other hand... i haven played maple at all:S lol yy is gonna kill me methinks... oh well. for now, trickster rulezzz! haha, yes i finally found the cards to master arrow rush, now to get enuff tm points to master mist of mana, then i can get my 1st ever dark skill called hellfire! cool eh?
oh go try out www.kingdomofloathing.com too! its a great game, sacarstic n damn funny! free and plays right in the broswer. no need to download anything at all! yup i love that game, go try it out peeps!
kk. dunnoe wat else to say le. so i shall stop ranting and go play trickster for a while before zzzing.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
my sis it flying off to thailand for the weiqi comp today... coming back next thurs...
so apart from playing games these few days.... i've...
1. read half a book
2. downloaded a few programs to make screenshot videos
3. set up my irc winbot, and made a few scripts for it.
and oh gaming... i've made it to 2nd job on trickster! arrow rush!!!! yay OHKOing and THKOing monsters with arrow rush! now to find the cards to master arrow rush:S
so apart from playing games these few days.... i've...
1. read half a book
2. downloaded a few programs to make screenshot videos
3. set up my irc winbot, and made a few scripts for it.
and oh gaming... i've made it to 2nd job on trickster! arrow rush!!!! yay OHKOing and THKOing monsters with arrow rush! now to find the cards to master arrow rush:S
Friday, November 30, 2007
playing all day long. and yesh, read books. haha, went to jurong lib and got 7 books yest man, hurrah for the double loan period during hols! wah i like borrowed a lot of books on bio and two on chem.... yay, now to sit down and read them. read three books so far... k, not a lot. must go read more, besides playing.
haha just for the record, i play MS and TO. just started trickster with a lvl 47/46 pure MA 1441 dark dragon (dark to be, most likely going pure too)
MS i got a lvl 43 assasin and a lvl 49 fighter. sigh, fighter lvling so slowly. and i train my sis's lvl 20 cleric to be and lvl 39 ice/lighting too.
haha. playing all day long and my mum is mad at me for not studying sats. waste of 100 bucks. i totally agree. really shdnt have signed up. :S:X dammit.
stuff to do during hols:
1. get TO acct as high lvl as possible
2. get fighter and sin to 2nd job by dec, which sounds impossible.
3. continue my sewing project... i guess. i started on it like soooo long ago its time to finish it.
4. teach my left hand to write better,
5. learn how to type properly. my left hand cant but my right hand is always not following the correct way to type... :S strange, and i'm a right hander?
continue with my beads work, yeah design and art! yay!
6. read! read! read!
7. read campbell, and this other bio book i got. yeah, imagine that, reading campbell AFTER As. yesh, i'm gonna do that. read all the parts that arent in our syllabus, i shd still remember those that is in syllabus, so shdnt need to read again.
8. maybe try to learn some photoshop/music editing.... maybe. probably will not int he end.
9. compile a list of game guides, get them on a webby. guide to DEs and elves in utopia ftw! the guides are already there, website isnt, still haven decide if i'll really go share my secret with the world. secrets that makes me like the best De and elf user ever... jk a little, but comes close.
10. ok dunnoe wat else to go le. but 6 and 7 is a must. 1 and 2 i will definity play but lol dunnoe if i can hit 70 by dec, though i'd really love to. 5 i'll need to do... erm... for christmas prezzies!
going japan for hol in dec... cool! haha. nuff for now::D whee!!!
haha just for the record, i play MS and TO. just started trickster with a lvl 47/46 pure MA 1441 dark dragon (dark to be, most likely going pure too)
MS i got a lvl 43 assasin and a lvl 49 fighter. sigh, fighter lvling so slowly. and i train my sis's lvl 20 cleric to be and lvl 39 ice/lighting too.
haha. playing all day long and my mum is mad at me for not studying sats. waste of 100 bucks. i totally agree. really shdnt have signed up. :S:X dammit.
stuff to do during hols:
1. get TO acct as high lvl as possible
2. get fighter and sin to 2nd job by dec, which sounds impossible.
3. continue my sewing project... i guess. i started on it like soooo long ago its time to finish it.
4. teach my left hand to write better,
5. learn how to type properly. my left hand cant but my right hand is always not following the correct way to type... :S strange, and i'm a right hander?
continue with my beads work, yeah design and art! yay!
6. read! read! read!
7. read campbell, and this other bio book i got. yeah, imagine that, reading campbell AFTER As. yesh, i'm gonna do that. read all the parts that arent in our syllabus, i shd still remember those that is in syllabus, so shdnt need to read again.
8. maybe try to learn some photoshop/music editing.... maybe. probably will not int he end.
9. compile a list of game guides, get them on a webby. guide to DEs and elves in utopia ftw! the guides are already there, website isnt, still haven decide if i'll really go share my secret with the world. secrets that makes me like the best De and elf user ever... jk a little, but comes close.
10. ok dunnoe wat else to go le. but 6 and 7 is a must. 1 and 2 i will definity play but lol dunnoe if i can hit 70 by dec, though i'd really love to. 5 i'll need to do... erm... for christmas prezzies!
going japan for hol in dec... cool! haha. nuff for now::D whee!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
whoohoo... its been a long time since i've been here. no As isnt over yet i know, i'm left with bio papers 1 and 3 and h3 chem. i'm kinda scrrrrewed for h3 chem. yeah. bio is fine, pretty much enjoyed myself during paper 2. screwed up all my chem papers though. i've already said gdbye to A for chem... *sobs*. hopefully i can still pass my h3. and hopefully i didnt screw up econs toooooo badly and i can scape a B for math. hopefully.
darn it.
i hate it when everything boils down to like... luck. which it what happens when you arent gd enuff like the way i am.
sux but i just arent gd enuff.
niwaes. was thinking abt how i ha*e the sch system. didnt learn much from it save for how to memorise whole chuncks of words, punk them all out, then forget it in three days. not useful at all in my opinion. everything else is extremely limited by the syllabus.
ha. this time round i'm positive the examiners are trying to stop ppl from mugging/putting those who only mug but cant think at a disadvantage. cos they can up with some creative qns that kinda forces you to think on the spot. well at lesat it was most evident during bio paper 2. well unless u read a h*ll lot i really doubt anyone would have known those stuff they asked b4 hand. like u'll have to think up the ans on e spot... i'll say less then 1% of the students would have known seen the answers b4. no, maybe more like 0.001% or smthing... watever.
i think this kinda mugging exams system sux, and if they are really trying to shift away from it, i'm gald. of cos ppl will come up with ways to get round it the easy way round, but still i'm sure it'll still force ppl to think in the process... at least slightly more than it used to.
there's one person in the sch who demostrate exactly wat i feel the education system does to ppl. this one person who gets on my nerve (and my friends too!) a h*ll lot. this person, i feel, is exetremely inflexible/corrupt/results oriented/etc/etc to the point of insanity... this person doesnt seem to be able to understand the feelings of others... amongst many many other things. and i will never forgive this person for hurting my friend. never. i know this sound horrendously vague but saying anymore would mean i'll leak that person's identity. something which i do not intend to do at all.
till the 22 of nov!
darn it.
i hate it when everything boils down to like... luck. which it what happens when you arent gd enuff like the way i am.
sux but i just arent gd enuff.
niwaes. was thinking abt how i ha*e the sch system. didnt learn much from it save for how to memorise whole chuncks of words, punk them all out, then forget it in three days. not useful at all in my opinion. everything else is extremely limited by the syllabus.
ha. this time round i'm positive the examiners are trying to stop ppl from mugging/putting those who only mug but cant think at a disadvantage. cos they can up with some creative qns that kinda forces you to think on the spot. well at lesat it was most evident during bio paper 2. well unless u read a h*ll lot i really doubt anyone would have known those stuff they asked b4 hand. like u'll have to think up the ans on e spot... i'll say less then 1% of the students would have known seen the answers b4. no, maybe more like 0.001% or smthing... watever.
i think this kinda mugging exams system sux, and if they are really trying to shift away from it, i'm gald. of cos ppl will come up with ways to get round it the easy way round, but still i'm sure it'll still force ppl to think in the process... at least slightly more than it used to.
there's one person in the sch who demostrate exactly wat i feel the education system does to ppl. this one person who gets on my nerve (and my friends too!) a h*ll lot. this person, i feel, is exetremely inflexible/corrupt/results oriented/etc/etc to the point of insanity... this person doesnt seem to be able to understand the feelings of others... amongst many many other things. and i will never forgive this person for hurting my friend. never. i know this sound horrendously vague but saying anymore would mean i'll leak that person's identity. something which i do not intend to do at all.
till the 22 of nov!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
play it by the rulez
some ppl just play it by the rulez, others follow their own believes and stand frim on their point of view, others have no opinion at all, just going with the flow like backboneless amoeba drifting with the current.
i still miss h2x, and clc is almost just like hhx sia... man i wish we'd gotten her... or that c guy... too bad his not teaching our year. darn.
been playing a lot lately. whee!
i still miss h2x, and clc is almost just like hhx sia... man i wish we'd gotten her... or that c guy... too bad his not teaching our year. darn.
been playing a lot lately. whee!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Three weeks to h3 chem prelims, our 1st test in which we are gonna have to study for ALL the topics. i'm so dead...! barely touched on h3 chem and like i'm hopeless for just abt every topic! esp stuff like rxn mechanisms in which we are gonna have a tut abt this friday.
i'm freaking pissed now. get out!
i'm freaking pissed now. get out!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
its sad... like i wasnt born in the right time or smthing... things could have ended up better if i was born later... well i'm sure there are things that made me being born in 89 an advantage, but then there are times in which i'd really wished i was born later too...
my weiqi friend was just telling me abt how they are hold the nat ladies in sept this yr, and the top 6 will get into another round of comp to choose the top 4 to go sea games... shessh how come there wasnt any thing like dat in my time????? i didnt get the chance to go overseas at all... being shadowed by one better player (only one when do not coun the inactives)... i mean if they only chose 1 player to go sea games, heck i know i wont be the one even in the past, but 4??? like hello in all my year taking part in niu zi sai i've always gotten a prize (i.e. end up in the top 6)... like even last yr i miracously still got a proze despite my horrid showing... but no, never gotten a chance to go overseas. came chose to it once in the shuang da but no, never went overseas before.
in a sese my weiqi 'career' has been a very short lived and sad one. personally i'd say that my standard peaked like in perhaps sec2-3. then i kinda lost interest in sec 4 after being overshadowed by all the boys and knowing that there wasnt anything soley for girls except for niu zi sai, which even in sec 4 was no longer a place for me to show off cos of some china girls who came and pawned everyone. pretty much gave up after that. after all, why continue? not that i can get anything out of it really, no overseas comp chances for me or anything like that... and honestly i'd rather read a science book then a weiqi book, so why bother?
but ending my weiqi 'career' like dat is really kind of sad.... like ending it on such a low note. not a single rep country comp, not even a single champion trophy in local games.... after all these years and $ and time. wasted.
which is as much as i have gathered when i decided to stop playing. i decided not to waste anymore time and $ on smthing that would gain me nothing, and smthing that wasnt my most beloved.
weiqi still isnt my most beloved, that glory will forever belong to science, but perhaps i've started loving it a bit more then last time... or perhaps its just becos i haven played in a long while and my interest for weiqi will drop back in a while. in anycase, such new opportunities have 1) made me lament that they wont present in my time. and 2) made me ponder if i should still play after As and how active i shd stay in the weiqi scene.
one thing is clear though, if i still take part in comps actively after As, i'd be the 1st girl to do so, and if i go back for lessons after As, i'd probably be the 1st person to do so. chances are that i wont go back for lessons though... they are kinda ex and the last time i went for them i was straggling to stay awake... kinda wasting money yeah? well maybe it'd be different next time but i doubt so.
weiqi is fun, no doubt, but i wonder if other stuff would be interesting enough in uni for me to have no time for weiqi... or even forget abt it all together.
in short, i do not know wat my heart wants. i wanna study med, but will probably go into clinical research later on... but then again i wonder if i'd be able to cope... with all that knowledge abt the human body it would greatly change my outlook of things and no doubt influence my own behaviours and habits. then i look at the sci fac and i wonder what the heck courses do i want to take... in the 1st place i do not even know if i want chem or bio more... (or just get a double degree is there such a thing even???)
well no i'm not saying that i can get into med sch or even the sci fac, but hey? i dont even know what to put as my 1st choice/wat uni i shd be applying for/wat ishd be looking out for right now...!?!?!? the thing is that i still do not know what i want and time is running short. apart from studying i still have to look at wat i wanna do in the future. i shdnt have been satistfied with just knowing that i liked chem and bio last time... i shd have found out more abt the courses i wanted to take in uni, then i wouldnt be worrying now!!!
in the past i always told myself --- no med, i'd like to study it, know a hell lot abt it, but i'm not a very socialable person so i wouldnt (at least i dont think so) want to practise med. but now? clinical research is becoming hell hot and yes despite cheating myself after all these years i'd really like to study med (practising, like i said, is a diff matter). and there are many examples of ppl taking med then going into research, which is wat i really do want (at least i hope)... so med has become an avaliable choice already.
but i know that if my grades keep at wat they are now, i wont be going into med sch so lets look at science --- bio, chem, biochemistry, pharmacy????? i'm cluless. honestly. and i hope my grades would get me into sci fac cos otherwise i dont know wat else i could study... physcology maybe...? hmph. i dont even know how hard it is to get into physcology... and there are probably more components to physcology that'll give my a huge headache in deciding wat to study.
and the thing is that so far all that i have done... all that srp and attachments are geared towards research and sci fac.... i wonder how those activities of mine would help in gaining me access to med fac...
so basically my prob all lies down to: which fac is my 1st choice?
that, i really do not know.
hopefully my education life wont end up as sad as my weiqi one. hopefully.
but i guess for now i'd better go back to studying hard, but its been a nice (dunnoe how long) spent on blogging... makes me feel much better... lol... blogging therapy...
hell... i've finally gotten into the studying mode... if only i've gotten into the studying mode like at the start of the year or b4 the cts, things would probably be different now... well at least i'm now in the mode to work hard. and i'd better get started now.
my weiqi friend was just telling me abt how they are hold the nat ladies in sept this yr, and the top 6 will get into another round of comp to choose the top 4 to go sea games... shessh how come there wasnt any thing like dat in my time????? i didnt get the chance to go overseas at all... being shadowed by one better player (only one when do not coun the inactives)... i mean if they only chose 1 player to go sea games, heck i know i wont be the one even in the past, but 4??? like hello in all my year taking part in niu zi sai i've always gotten a prize (i.e. end up in the top 6)... like even last yr i miracously still got a proze despite my horrid showing... but no, never gotten a chance to go overseas. came chose to it once in the shuang da but no, never went overseas before.
in a sese my weiqi 'career' has been a very short lived and sad one. personally i'd say that my standard peaked like in perhaps sec2-3. then i kinda lost interest in sec 4 after being overshadowed by all the boys and knowing that there wasnt anything soley for girls except for niu zi sai, which even in sec 4 was no longer a place for me to show off cos of some china girls who came and pawned everyone. pretty much gave up after that. after all, why continue? not that i can get anything out of it really, no overseas comp chances for me or anything like that... and honestly i'd rather read a science book then a weiqi book, so why bother?
but ending my weiqi 'career' like dat is really kind of sad.... like ending it on such a low note. not a single rep country comp, not even a single champion trophy in local games.... after all these years and $ and time. wasted.
which is as much as i have gathered when i decided to stop playing. i decided not to waste anymore time and $ on smthing that would gain me nothing, and smthing that wasnt my most beloved.
weiqi still isnt my most beloved, that glory will forever belong to science, but perhaps i've started loving it a bit more then last time... or perhaps its just becos i haven played in a long while and my interest for weiqi will drop back in a while. in anycase, such new opportunities have 1) made me lament that they wont present in my time. and 2) made me ponder if i should still play after As and how active i shd stay in the weiqi scene.
one thing is clear though, if i still take part in comps actively after As, i'd be the 1st girl to do so, and if i go back for lessons after As, i'd probably be the 1st person to do so. chances are that i wont go back for lessons though... they are kinda ex and the last time i went for them i was straggling to stay awake... kinda wasting money yeah? well maybe it'd be different next time but i doubt so.
weiqi is fun, no doubt, but i wonder if other stuff would be interesting enough in uni for me to have no time for weiqi... or even forget abt it all together.
in short, i do not know wat my heart wants. i wanna study med, but will probably go into clinical research later on... but then again i wonder if i'd be able to cope... with all that knowledge abt the human body it would greatly change my outlook of things and no doubt influence my own behaviours and habits. then i look at the sci fac and i wonder what the heck courses do i want to take... in the 1st place i do not even know if i want chem or bio more... (or just get a double degree is there such a thing even???)
well no i'm not saying that i can get into med sch or even the sci fac, but hey? i dont even know what to put as my 1st choice/wat uni i shd be applying for/wat ishd be looking out for right now...!?!?!? the thing is that i still do not know what i want and time is running short. apart from studying i still have to look at wat i wanna do in the future. i shdnt have been satistfied with just knowing that i liked chem and bio last time... i shd have found out more abt the courses i wanted to take in uni, then i wouldnt be worrying now!!!
in the past i always told myself --- no med, i'd like to study it, know a hell lot abt it, but i'm not a very socialable person so i wouldnt (at least i dont think so) want to practise med. but now? clinical research is becoming hell hot and yes despite cheating myself after all these years i'd really like to study med (practising, like i said, is a diff matter). and there are many examples of ppl taking med then going into research, which is wat i really do want (at least i hope)... so med has become an avaliable choice already.
but i know that if my grades keep at wat they are now, i wont be going into med sch so lets look at science --- bio, chem, biochemistry, pharmacy????? i'm cluless. honestly. and i hope my grades would get me into sci fac cos otherwise i dont know wat else i could study... physcology maybe...? hmph. i dont even know how hard it is to get into physcology... and there are probably more components to physcology that'll give my a huge headache in deciding wat to study.
and the thing is that so far all that i have done... all that srp and attachments are geared towards research and sci fac.... i wonder how those activities of mine would help in gaining me access to med fac...
so basically my prob all lies down to: which fac is my 1st choice?
that, i really do not know.
hopefully my education life wont end up as sad as my weiqi one. hopefully.
but i guess for now i'd better go back to studying hard, but its been a nice (dunnoe how long) spent on blogging... makes me feel much better... lol... blogging therapy...
hell... i've finally gotten into the studying mode... if only i've gotten into the studying mode like at the start of the year or b4 the cts, things would probably be different now... well at least i'm now in the mode to work hard. and i'd better get started now.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
blogging my time and life away
yest out of my 6 troopers only 2 (including myself) went to sch... like spontaneus ponning of sch man! sheesh.
now i'm eight buck poorer cos i paid this chem thingy for the 4 of them... tsk tsk... u guys own me... erm... i dunnoe wat... lol
mon is hols... yay... one day for us to study for chem test on tues. how nice.
now i'm eight buck poorer cos i paid this chem thingy for the 4 of them... tsk tsk... u guys own me... erm... i dunnoe wat... lol
mon is hols... yay... one day for us to study for chem test on tues. how nice.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Chaos Fantasy
life is meaningless without smthing to live for, and i hate the sch for taking away wat i lived for, cos they have essentialy made my life meaningless.
sch has been rather sad and pathetic these few days. like haven been gaining much... probably didnt either last time when i was sleeping through all those lects. but now that that particular day our bloody dam sch has been stressing abt is drawing nearer, it seems much more significant, and it even makes missing sch/lessons justifiable... ask the sch to blame themselves for incalculating this kinda attitude, really, they've only got themselves to blame.
i hate myself for listening to the sch.
sch has been rather sad and pathetic these few days. like haven been gaining much... probably didnt either last time when i was sleeping through all those lects. but now that that particular day our bloody dam sch has been stressing abt is drawing nearer, it seems much more significant, and it even makes missing sch/lessons justifiable... ask the sch to blame themselves for incalculating this kinda attitude, really, they've only got themselves to blame.
i hate myself for listening to the sch.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
one test a day
this week is the one test a day save for monday week.
our thurs just got filled with a chem lect test.... tsk tsk tsk... cant they tell us earlier that there was gonna be a lect test? might have studied over the weekend...
anyways my class has no h3 chem this week... dunnoe how are they gonna schedule all that small grp consultations... like didnt they say they might have to have 2 h3 sessions in a week cos otherwise they cant squeeze in all the smaller grp consultation sessions? k maybe for the rest of the weeks my class will be down twice a week or smthig... or maybe cos they dont want to schedule it this wedn since there isnt enough time to inform us and for the teachers to prepare. gah i AM worried for h3 chem ks?
thk fully its gp test tmr and there isnt much u can carm in for gp in one night. (therefor i'm not studying!) lol.
bleh, darn that stupid econs lect test on fri. dont feel like studying econs. or doing that essay qn 2 which we will be going through in class tmr.
tmr is a stupid day really. only have like econs and gp. dang.
well speaking of which today was a total waste of time for me as well. bio tut was just doing the test 9which you could've done urself at home. he didnt even bother to go through like the mcq qns with us. he's just gonna put up the answers on the web and ask us to check ourselves.... math lect was useless for me, since the guy is still slower that wat my tut teacher did in like less thatn 2 hrs... like his going ULTRA slowly.... zzz... than civics was watching movie --- angela's ashes. a nice movies i guess but smthing i could've done as well w/o. chem lect would've been useful, but i fell asleep. besides i always preferred to study on my own for chem anyways, like i'll never be able to figure out much in lect/class, apart from wat i'd already knew. most of the impt 'discoveries' were made at home/out of class.... or just on my own.
tsk tsk. wasted a day in sch like dat... didnt even do anything during the free pe block... save for reading a few pages of the tm notes. gah. waste of time. and now i've wasted abt 10 more mins typing this post... hurrah!
our thurs just got filled with a chem lect test.... tsk tsk tsk... cant they tell us earlier that there was gonna be a lect test? might have studied over the weekend...
anyways my class has no h3 chem this week... dunnoe how are they gonna schedule all that small grp consultations... like didnt they say they might have to have 2 h3 sessions in a week cos otherwise they cant squeeze in all the smaller grp consultation sessions? k maybe for the rest of the weeks my class will be down twice a week or smthig... or maybe cos they dont want to schedule it this wedn since there isnt enough time to inform us and for the teachers to prepare. gah i AM worried for h3 chem ks?
thk fully its gp test tmr and there isnt much u can carm in for gp in one night. (therefor i'm not studying!) lol.
bleh, darn that stupid econs lect test on fri. dont feel like studying econs. or doing that essay qn 2 which we will be going through in class tmr.
tmr is a stupid day really. only have like econs and gp. dang.
well speaking of which today was a total waste of time for me as well. bio tut was just doing the test 9which you could've done urself at home. he didnt even bother to go through like the mcq qns with us. he's just gonna put up the answers on the web and ask us to check ourselves.... math lect was useless for me, since the guy is still slower that wat my tut teacher did in like less thatn 2 hrs... like his going ULTRA slowly.... zzz... than civics was watching movie --- angela's ashes. a nice movies i guess but smthing i could've done as well w/o. chem lect would've been useful, but i fell asleep. besides i always preferred to study on my own for chem anyways, like i'll never be able to figure out much in lect/class, apart from wat i'd already knew. most of the impt 'discoveries' were made at home/out of class.... or just on my own.
tsk tsk. wasted a day in sch like dat... didnt even do anything during the free pe block... save for reading a few pages of the tm notes. gah. waste of time. and now i've wasted abt 10 more mins typing this post... hurrah!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
i am far from being able to retype all my h3 notes. i've come up with 7 pages of retyped notes so far and that's like less then 1/4 of a topic done. and i am running out of time.
plus i have NOT done any of the hw i stated in the post i made two days ago... nor have i studied for any of the tests....
plus i have NOT done any of the hw i stated in the post i made two days ago... nor have i studied for any of the tests....
Saturday, July 21, 2007
i've been spamming my blog man...
trying to rewrite/consolidate/add on to our h3 chem notes.... cos i think that our lect notes + the h3 chem booklet is really really messy... like some time the book is better but other times the notes are much more detailed.... therefore i have embarked on the near impossible task of trying to unify the notes + summarize them + add in some definitions that wasnt inside + add in more info on drugs that could possibly appear in the exam.
h3 chem ---> 6 chapters
h3 chem prelims ---> wk 10
which means that i have to do like more than 1 chapter per week to finish b4 prelims!!!
which means this is yet another impossible project that i have embarked on. sheesh someone help me pls! bleh i don want to get a u for h3 chem how?
trying to rewrite/consolidate/add on to our h3 chem notes.... cos i think that our lect notes + the h3 chem booklet is really really messy... like some time the book is better but other times the notes are much more detailed.... therefore i have embarked on the near impossible task of trying to unify the notes + summarize them + add in some definitions that wasnt inside + add in more info on drugs that could possibly appear in the exam.
h3 chem ---> 6 chapters
h3 chem prelims ---> wk 10
which means that i have to do like more than 1 chapter per week to finish b4 prelims!!!
which means this is yet another impossible project that i have embarked on. sheesh someone help me pls! bleh i don want to get a u for h3 chem how?
Friday, July 20, 2007
sad sad week
next week is a sad sad week man.
Tues: virus test
Wedn: Gp essay test
Fri: econs lecture essay test
Chem Tut grp 7 and transition metals
Maths Tut S5
Econs Essays
wahahaha hh3 chem tut today was such a killer man. i shall attempt to comfort myself by saying that i haven read through the notes in like dunnoe how many months...
better start mugging hard... like got the prelims schedule today.... and h3 chem prelims is like on wk 10 tues lah... WAHHHHHHHHHHH
and i realised we have:
1) a total of 13 written papers (exculding spas)
2) and all our prelim papers are held in the mph.
now back to mugging h3 chem (and maybe read up on globalisation for gp after that)
Tues: virus test
Wedn: Gp essay test
Fri: econs lecture essay test
Chem Tut grp 7 and transition metals
Maths Tut S5
Econs Essays
wahahaha hh3 chem tut today was such a killer man. i shall attempt to comfort myself by saying that i haven read through the notes in like dunnoe how many months...
better start mugging hard... like got the prelims schedule today.... and h3 chem prelims is like on wk 10 tues lah... WAHHHHHHHHHHH
and i realised we have:
1) a total of 13 written papers (exculding spas)
2) and all our prelim papers are held in the mph.
now back to mugging h3 chem (and maybe read up on globalisation for gp after that)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
i just realised i haven blogged abt weiqi cca farewell... really must say a big thank you to all my juniors esp sw for the farewell. yeah even though i couldnt be there during the actual farewell, thks so much guys for writing that card and bringing so much food! u guys made me feel so inadequate thinking abt how little i haf donw for the club. yeah i know i had a lot of promises, but when it came down to the actual thing, i realised that i was just sick and tired of being the weiqi spokesperson.... like after four years of it in rg, i was just kinda sick of it all... no cip, no activities, no placing in lanke. sorry i didnt do better.
on a totally different note, mich my darling girl has just turned 18 on 18th of july! (a fact which she kept reminding us... :P ) went to sakea sushi for lunch, its was rather enjoyable lah haha mich was like sooooo excited by how they have this hot water tap thingy right beside the table which is in a sense so damn cheapskate cos they waiters dont need to serve you anymore.... lol... anyways we had fun yeah.... oh and after that saw this musical fountain thingy that incorporated music + lights to give an ultra nice effect. really liked that one.... like never knew that fountain existed lah:P its damn cool, next time i will visit that fountain again, plus i loved the music too:)
hmm... had econs case study test early in the morn when i was still half asleep and couldnt think of anything to write. then was pe in which we went to ultra late cos of the cs test. then the teacher was damn pissed cos we were late and decided the cancel pe in the end as a punishment (like wat kinda punishment is this? i say thank you very very much for cancelling pe man!) but lol mich was so enthu that in the end we went to play bball by ourselves in the bball court (er where else do u play bball?) haha. then was wonderful wonderful gp, where we completed THREE WHOLE COMPRE QNS. yes. in 1 hr. wat an accomplishment! and by that, i mean as a class we went through 3 qns. like we didnt even do the aq lah. k she wants us to go home and do some research (wat?) and do the aq in class on fri (so that's three lesson to do a 6 qn long compre, w/o summary)... i mean like, i cant help but feel worried that we are way tooooo slack for gp. if we dont want to go through phlio info pack/module since chances are we wont write phlio essay qns its perfectly fine with me but cant we be a bit more productive? and its not that i dont enjoy the movies we watched, but still i cant help worrying abt my a lvl grade cos my eng isnt very fantastic yeah?
on a totally different note, mich my darling girl has just turned 18 on 18th of july! (a fact which she kept reminding us... :P ) went to sakea sushi for lunch, its was rather enjoyable lah haha mich was like sooooo excited by how they have this hot water tap thingy right beside the table which is in a sense so damn cheapskate cos they waiters dont need to serve you anymore.... lol... anyways we had fun yeah.... oh and after that saw this musical fountain thingy that incorporated music + lights to give an ultra nice effect. really liked that one.... like never knew that fountain existed lah:P its damn cool, next time i will visit that fountain again, plus i loved the music too:)
hmm... had econs case study test early in the morn when i was still half asleep and couldnt think of anything to write. then was pe in which we went to ultra late cos of the cs test. then the teacher was damn pissed cos we were late and decided the cancel pe in the end as a punishment (like wat kinda punishment is this? i say thank you very very much for cancelling pe man!) but lol mich was so enthu that in the end we went to play bball by ourselves in the bball court (er where else do u play bball?) haha. then was wonderful wonderful gp, where we completed THREE WHOLE COMPRE QNS. yes. in 1 hr. wat an accomplishment! and by that, i mean as a class we went through 3 qns. like we didnt even do the aq lah. k she wants us to go home and do some research (wat?) and do the aq in class on fri (so that's three lesson to do a 6 qn long compre, w/o summary)... i mean like, i cant help but feel worried that we are way tooooo slack for gp. if we dont want to go through phlio info pack/module since chances are we wont write phlio essay qns its perfectly fine with me but cant we be a bit more productive? and its not that i dont enjoy the movies we watched, but still i cant help worrying abt my a lvl grade cos my eng isnt very fantastic yeah?
Monday, July 16, 2007
did some teeny weenie bit of math tut s5 today, then attempeted to do chem tut only to realise that i cant do just abt every qn. gah... :(
did some research on genetic modification and the human genome project for gp on sun as well... before i side tracked and went to download like 7 new songs... whoohoo! plus the 6 new songs my sis downloaded, that makes 13 new songs for me today yay! well not that i liked all of them, but there were quite a few which i really enjoy... shall list them here:
Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
Never Again by Kelly Claskson
Icebox by Omarion
Last Night by P. Diddy and somebody else
Bleed it Out by Linkin Park
did some teeny weenie bit of math tut s5 today, then attempeted to do chem tut only to realise that i cant do just abt every qn. gah... :(
did some research on genetic modification and the human genome project for gp on sun as well... before i side tracked and went to download like 7 new songs... whoohoo! plus the 6 new songs my sis downloaded, that makes 13 new songs for me today yay! well not that i liked all of them, but there were quite a few which i really enjoy... shall list them here:
Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
Never Again by Kelly Claskson
Icebox by Omarion
Last Night by P. Diddy and somebody else
Bleed it Out by Linkin Park
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
B is for Bio
slacked at home today... (or rather yest?)
anyway the cts wasnt that bad... although my econs grade dropped:( and i could have done better for chem. was looking through bio papers on mon night and i realised that i read one of the qn wrongly and like lost 1m for nothing... and then me the spelling idiot spelled vaculeo or smthing like that... and that's another 1m gone... and if only i'd paid more attention to plant cloning at least i shd have gotten the definition of explants correct:( {and get an a}
arhs well anyways this time bio paper was easy, esp cos they didnt test all the topics that i CANNOT do eg. all that dna replication and prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome stuff.... and yes i didnt pay enough attention to details and lost a few marks in the mcq too:(
chem was a major disaster though. phy chem all die, inorg chem also die. mcq was really bad too... (though surprisingly my friends who got overall higher then me did worst for mcq!) well i guess that just means i shd practise A LOT more electrochem and ionic/chem eqm qns. hmph
maths was surprising... but honestly i only scrapped thr thks to stats. still i made the stupid mistake of not writing donw 'in on week' when defining one of my random variables - 1m gone. and i certainly COULD have done that probability qn, esp the sum to infinity part which i could have gotten correct if only i was more careful and remember that after the 1st person gets a 6, the other person will still get a throw.... arghs that's like quite a few marks gone for nothing:(. and of cos i'm not going to comment on the rest of the qns.... gah.
anyway the cts wasnt that bad... although my econs grade dropped:( and i could have done better for chem. was looking through bio papers on mon night and i realised that i read one of the qn wrongly and like lost 1m for nothing... and then me the spelling idiot spelled vaculeo or smthing like that... and that's another 1m gone... and if only i'd paid more attention to plant cloning at least i shd have gotten the definition of explants correct:( {and get an a}
arhs well anyways this time bio paper was easy, esp cos they didnt test all the topics that i CANNOT do eg. all that dna replication and prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome stuff.... and yes i didnt pay enough attention to details and lost a few marks in the mcq too:(
chem was a major disaster though. phy chem all die, inorg chem also die. mcq was really bad too... (though surprisingly my friends who got overall higher then me did worst for mcq!) well i guess that just means i shd practise A LOT more electrochem and ionic/chem eqm qns. hmph
maths was surprising... but honestly i only scrapped thr thks to stats. still i made the stupid mistake of not writing donw 'in on week' when defining one of my random variables - 1m gone. and i certainly COULD have done that probability qn, esp the sum to infinity part which i could have gotten correct if only i was more careful and remember that after the 1st person gets a 6, the other person will still get a throw.... arghs that's like quite a few marks gone for nothing:(. and of cos i'm not going to comment on the rest of the qns.... gah.
Monday, July 09, 2007
hthree chem
man i love reading nmr's... haha well i guess its becos the ones they are giving us are rather simple else i would probably have died of a terrible headache le.
well anyways i havent finish the entire h3 tut... only part one:S :X haiz.
gah... dont feel very well still... like my stomach feels very gassy and dunnoe wat...
a new song i like:
Title: Famous Last Words
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Now I know,
That I can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your,
And I know.
There's nothing I can say
.To change that part.
To change that part.
To change.
So many,
Bright lights to cast a shadow,
But can I speak?
Well is it hard understanding?
I'm incomplete.
A life that's so demanding,
I get so weak.
A love that's so demanding,
I can't speak.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
Can you see?
My eyes are shining bright,
'Cause I'm out here, on the other side,
Of a jet black hotel mirror,
And I'm so weak.
Is it hard understanding?
I'm incomplete.
A love that's so demanding, I
get weak.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
These bright lights have always blinded me.
These bright lights have always blinded me.
I said.
Honey, I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead.
'Cause I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead.
'Cause I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead.'
Cause I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead...
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone(or dead)
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home(Or dead)
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone(Or dead)
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.(Or dead)
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone(Or dead)
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
i guess this song is condered kinda emo? not that i know wat emo actually refers to lol... hmm just like this song... like fell in love with it today... lol... i tend to like songs with this kinda style... with the music so powerful and raw it makes ur nerves stand on an end. i also like songs with nice lyrics + music... hmm yeah. but generally if a song portrays a like of dark and dangerous mood and isnt too slow paced and doesnt have really horrid lyrics i would like it... like thks for the memories and welcome to the black parade that kinda songs... remeber the name is nice too, but i dont really like the rapping part as much as i like the music... oh yeah i dont really like raps too... i go more for music.
hmm i'm kinda in a dark mood right now... as you might hear...
*edit*: the song is now permanently on my blog (on the sidebar)! until i change my mood that it......
well i dont like the music video, finally found a place where i can just put the song onto my blog:)
well anyways i havent finish the entire h3 tut... only part one:S :X haiz.
gah... dont feel very well still... like my stomach feels very gassy and dunnoe wat...
a new song i like:
Title: Famous Last Words
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Now I know,
That I can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your,
And I know.
There's nothing I can say
.To change that part.
To change that part.
To change.
So many,
Bright lights to cast a shadow,
But can I speak?
Well is it hard understanding?
I'm incomplete.
A life that's so demanding,
I get so weak.
A love that's so demanding,
I can't speak.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
Can you see?
My eyes are shining bright,
'Cause I'm out here, on the other side,
Of a jet black hotel mirror,
And I'm so weak.
Is it hard understanding?
I'm incomplete.
A love that's so demanding, I
get weak.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
These bright lights have always blinded me.
These bright lights have always blinded me.
I said.
Honey, I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead.
'Cause I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead.
'Cause I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead.'
Cause I see you lying next to me,
With words I thought I'd never speak,
Awake, and unafraid.
Asleep, or dead...
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone(or dead)
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home(Or dead)
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone(Or dead)
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.(Or dead)
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone(Or dead)
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home.
i guess this song is condered kinda emo? not that i know wat emo actually refers to lol... hmm just like this song... like fell in love with it today... lol... i tend to like songs with this kinda style... with the music so powerful and raw it makes ur nerves stand on an end. i also like songs with nice lyrics + music... hmm yeah. but generally if a song portrays a like of dark and dangerous mood and isnt too slow paced and doesnt have really horrid lyrics i would like it... like thks for the memories and welcome to the black parade that kinda songs... remeber the name is nice too, but i dont really like the rapping part as much as i like the music... oh yeah i dont really like raps too... i go more for music.
hmm i'm kinda in a dark mood right now... as you might hear...
*edit*: the song is now permanently on my blog (on the sidebar)! until i change my mood that it......
well i dont like the music video, finally found a place where i can just put the song onto my blog:)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
i cant believe the chem paper was that hard. well basically i flunked again and i flunked it much worst then i thought... like ten marks worst, well maybe that isnt too much... if you just add in careless mistakes and stuff you probably lose ten marks already... but hey i thought i could get 5-10% better then wat i got:( like qns i thought i got correct were well... i really need to practice a lot more phy chem qns... and yes mcq. flunked mcq lah. we will probably get back math tmr. sh!t.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
i'm starting to get drowsy... even though its like less then half an hour since i took that medicine.... hmphs.
gd thing abt it is that i managed to get seven days off pe which means that i no need to take pe next week... yay!
gd thing abt it is that i managed to get seven days off pe which means that i no need to take pe next week... yay!
good day, bad day
thks goodness we didnt get back chem paper today... but then i'm quite sure we'll get it back on friday.. :S friday the doomsday. thk god they postponed h3 chem test to next week...
heh today was quite happy after bio cos i didnt flunk my mcq so at least i have a very remote chance of getting a b... though like i said i think its very remote. nah said we'll get back the rest by mon... eeks.
well anyways i was quite gald they didnt destroy my temporary sense of bliss by giving back the chem paper/math paper during lects... phew... temporary relief. sighz.
heh today was quite happy after bio cos i didnt flunk my mcq so at least i have a very remote chance of getting a b... though like i said i think its very remote. nah said we'll get back the rest by mon... eeks.
well anyways i was quite gald they didnt destroy my temporary sense of bliss by giving back the chem paper/math paper during lects... phew... temporary relief. sighz.
Monday, July 02, 2007
its youth day!
wahahaha last youth day hols i'm gonna enjoy i guess, i'd better make gd use of it to mug for h3... spectoryscopy and analitical techniques... i think i shd mug for the other topics for h3 that we have learnt so far too... i really really need to put in a lot of work in drugs and reaction mechanisms else i'm gonna get a u man....
hmm last year for sch... last year of using student pass... guess that will affect me the most cos thks to my hse being 5mins away fromt he mrt station, mrt is like the only public transport i take... and mrt fares are kinda ex for edults:X, i think. i think its more ex than buses but well i'm not too sure with all the fare hikes and so on... since unlike mrt where they display the fare needed to travel to each station there aint such a thing for buses so i really have no idea how much a bus ride cost...
hmphs. wish me luck for h3, will ya?
hmm last year for sch... last year of using student pass... guess that will affect me the most cos thks to my hse being 5mins away fromt he mrt station, mrt is like the only public transport i take... and mrt fares are kinda ex for edults:X, i think. i think its more ex than buses but well i'm not too sure with all the fare hikes and so on... since unlike mrt where they display the fare needed to travel to each station there aint such a thing for buses so i really have no idea how much a bus ride cost...
hmphs. wish me luck for h3, will ya?
Friday, June 29, 2007
bleh its amazing i'm still alive, bio paper was in my opinion the most ok of all the papers, though i still do not understand why they can give us lesser time for mcq and more time for the essay and structured qns. i mean like 3 mini essays and dunnoe how many structured qns in 1hr 15 mins is like a bomb lah... i rushed like siao throughout... and then i was so pissed cos i for the death of me just cant recall wat dye is it that is used to stain dna after agarose gel electrophorasis... like so pissed ok... i mean i learnt it in sec 4 and was still reading abt it in the morning and i cant recall it during the exam???? sucks man...
i refuse to comment on the rest of the papers.
i refuse to comment on the rest of the papers.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
stupid sore throat has morphed into an irritating cough
stupid yahoo grps photo feature is NOT working, so i cant post my cca photos up there.... and some member is asking me to do so....
my econs notes are all in one big mess
stupid sore throat has morphed into an irritating cough
stupid yahoo grps photo feature is NOT working, so i cant post my cca photos up there.... and some member is asking me to do so....
my econs notes are all in one big mess
Thursday, June 07, 2007
hols so far
If you're an axon, I'll be your Schwann cell.
If you're a glomerular capillary, I'll be your podocyte.
If you're a glomerulus, I'll be your Bowman's capsule,
and together, we'll be a renal corpuscle.
If you're guanine, I'll be your cytosine.
If you're adenosine, I'll be your thymine.
We'll embrace each other like two strands of a double helix.
You understand me like a ribosome understand mRNA.
I'll be your alpha-helix, if you'll be my beta-pleated sheet.
Others have their hydrogen bonds; we have our disulphide linkages.
Our love runs straight and true like a cellulose chain,
no alpha-amylase can break us apart.
You raise me up like water in a xylem vessel.
I'll be your cuticle, to protect you from rain or shine.
I wish I could be a chloroplast, to capture the light in your eyes.
I reach out to you like a plant growing towards sunlight.
If you're an enzyme, I'll be your optimum conditions.
You're the only substrate for my active site.
My love for you keeps increasing like positive feedback,
no external factor can terminate my love for you.
this lame/funny/watever song i got off my friend's blog, who in turn got it off somewhere else....
been having sore throat since sat night, and it only seems to be getting worst each day... hmphs...
weiqi comp on 2 n 3rd june... same performance as last yr in terms of no. of rounds won... but then my standard has dropped ridiculously... made A LOT of stupid and unforgivable mistakes, and hence lost a lot of rounds i could have otherwise won. apart from that i've been reduced to an idotic barbarian attacking non-stop. all that planning and ding shi etc i learnt over the past wat... 7 yrs? gone outta the window. seriously haven decided if i'll ever touch the weiqi board again. i mean, there's really no point in continuing on... struggling to stay afloat... and looking back at the glorious times i had in the past where i was once at the top. no point in hoarding on to those past and long forgotten glory so long as i'm not going to put in hard work to get it back. and the truth is that, the weiqi standard has risen so much over the years (no doubt highly thks to the numerous migrations of players from china/taiwan etc) that its hard for me to catch up even if i put in 1-2 hours of work into weiqi. something i really doubt i'd bother to do. maybe once a week of casual reading is fine, but it'll never be enough to get me anywhere. so here goes the dilema: shd i put in more work into weiqi after As, or not? if i dont, shd i even bother to play it casually? after all while i do enjoy weiqi to a certain extend, there ARE other more enjoyable things for me to do.
weiqi stuff aside, mon to wedn we held the raffles cup comp. well i sorta cheated and didnt go on tues, but then again, my vice didnt turn up either... and they DID NOT make any request for me to be present on all three days... plus their own memebers like didnt even help out either????? well heck... i was hoping i could get rid of the sore throat on tues by drinking plenty of water... but sadly my plan didnt work... did manage to finish a bit of org chem though... a puny little bit.
my plans for the rest of the hols:
MUG MUG MUG econs and finish by this sunday LATEST
Math from next mon to fri(or maybe sat), org chem in btw math
Finish up chem by wk 4 wedn
bio for all the rest of the days...
now that i'm looking at my schedue though, i wonder if its wise to study econs earlier since i might forget everything later on... oh wells... the idea is NOT to remember all that i learnt now short term...
i've got this big plan to finish my 1000 mcq qns from tys from chem/watever other sub i have before As... ok maybe i shd make it b4 prelims instead... k sounds impossible already... blah. die.
stupid... y must i fall sick during the mugging period???? sheesh even falling sick after cts might not be that bad... even though the pace would be a lot faster then. i mean, not while i'm already so pressed for time and i've got so much stuff taking up my hols already and then i wake up feeling dizzy and very sleepy everyday (even though i slept at 10 the night b4)... like i'm sleeping ultra early, waking up ultra late, and still needing naps in btw where the heck can i fins enough time to study like this i'm going to DIE.
think i may end up flunking As and... gah... just die. since we cant like repeat j2 anymore... or maybe we can. in anycase i'm just dead.
If you're a glomerular capillary, I'll be your podocyte.
If you're a glomerulus, I'll be your Bowman's capsule,
and together, we'll be a renal corpuscle.
If you're guanine, I'll be your cytosine.
If you're adenosine, I'll be your thymine.
We'll embrace each other like two strands of a double helix.
You understand me like a ribosome understand mRNA.
I'll be your alpha-helix, if you'll be my beta-pleated sheet.
Others have their hydrogen bonds; we have our disulphide linkages.
Our love runs straight and true like a cellulose chain,
no alpha-amylase can break us apart.
You raise me up like water in a xylem vessel.
I'll be your cuticle, to protect you from rain or shine.
I wish I could be a chloroplast, to capture the light in your eyes.
I reach out to you like a plant growing towards sunlight.
If you're an enzyme, I'll be your optimum conditions.
You're the only substrate for my active site.
My love for you keeps increasing like positive feedback,
no external factor can terminate my love for you.
this lame/funny/watever song i got off my friend's blog, who in turn got it off somewhere else....
been having sore throat since sat night, and it only seems to be getting worst each day... hmphs...
weiqi comp on 2 n 3rd june... same performance as last yr in terms of no. of rounds won... but then my standard has dropped ridiculously... made A LOT of stupid and unforgivable mistakes, and hence lost a lot of rounds i could have otherwise won. apart from that i've been reduced to an idotic barbarian attacking non-stop. all that planning and ding shi etc i learnt over the past wat... 7 yrs? gone outta the window. seriously haven decided if i'll ever touch the weiqi board again. i mean, there's really no point in continuing on... struggling to stay afloat... and looking back at the glorious times i had in the past where i was once at the top. no point in hoarding on to those past and long forgotten glory so long as i'm not going to put in hard work to get it back. and the truth is that, the weiqi standard has risen so much over the years (no doubt highly thks to the numerous migrations of players from china/taiwan etc) that its hard for me to catch up even if i put in 1-2 hours of work into weiqi. something i really doubt i'd bother to do. maybe once a week of casual reading is fine, but it'll never be enough to get me anywhere. so here goes the dilema: shd i put in more work into weiqi after As, or not? if i dont, shd i even bother to play it casually? after all while i do enjoy weiqi to a certain extend, there ARE other more enjoyable things for me to do.
weiqi stuff aside, mon to wedn we held the raffles cup comp. well i sorta cheated and didnt go on tues, but then again, my vice didnt turn up either... and they DID NOT make any request for me to be present on all three days... plus their own memebers like didnt even help out either????? well heck... i was hoping i could get rid of the sore throat on tues by drinking plenty of water... but sadly my plan didnt work... did manage to finish a bit of org chem though... a puny little bit.
my plans for the rest of the hols:
MUG MUG MUG econs and finish by this sunday LATEST
Math from next mon to fri(or maybe sat), org chem in btw math
Finish up chem by wk 4 wedn
bio for all the rest of the days...
now that i'm looking at my schedue though, i wonder if its wise to study econs earlier since i might forget everything later on... oh wells... the idea is NOT to remember all that i learnt now short term...
i've got this big plan to finish my 1000 mcq qns from tys from chem/watever other sub i have before As... ok maybe i shd make it b4 prelims instead... k sounds impossible already... blah. die.
stupid... y must i fall sick during the mugging period???? sheesh even falling sick after cts might not be that bad... even though the pace would be a lot faster then. i mean, not while i'm already so pressed for time and i've got so much stuff taking up my hols already and then i wake up feeling dizzy and very sleepy everyday (even though i slept at 10 the night b4)... like i'm sleeping ultra early, waking up ultra late, and still needing naps in btw where the heck can i fins enough time to study like this i'm going to DIE.
think i may end up flunking As and... gah... just die. since we cant like repeat j2 anymore... or maybe we can. in anycase i'm just dead.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Lonely Tueday Night
Remember, Remember
The fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.
whoo hoo, tuesday is a slack day, but i guess wedn is worst... writing some gp essay tmr... well actually we were given the qns already, but its another one of those looks ok but dunnoe which qn to do paper... vj 05 prelims... someone save me... i'm gonna spend half an hour chosing e qn during As man.... shessh this is just not gonna work out. HELP!
watch V for Vendetta today during civics, horrahs for ms nair! haha anyways the movie was gd sia... never imagined it to be like dat at all... much better then expected... gonna watch the rest of it on thurs... double horrah! here's some more quotes/taglines/catchy phrases from the film:
sandra u'd like this one;)...
Voilà ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you, and you may call me V.
No. What you have are bullets and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer standing, because if I am, you'll all be dead before you've reloaded.
Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
The fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.
whoo hoo, tuesday is a slack day, but i guess wedn is worst... writing some gp essay tmr... well actually we were given the qns already, but its another one of those looks ok but dunnoe which qn to do paper... vj 05 prelims... someone save me... i'm gonna spend half an hour chosing e qn during As man.... shessh this is just not gonna work out. HELP!
watch V for Vendetta today during civics, horrahs for ms nair! haha anyways the movie was gd sia... never imagined it to be like dat at all... much better then expected... gonna watch the rest of it on thurs... double horrah! here's some more quotes/taglines/catchy phrases from the film:
sandra u'd like this one;)...
Voilà ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you, and you may call me V.
No. What you have are bullets and the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer standing, because if I am, you'll all be dead before you've reloaded.
Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
<3 troopers!
horrah for having a bunch of close friends to spend (nearly) each moment of the sch day with!
downloaded a bunch of songs yest, after hearing em over the radio and at the VIB street dance concert. the concert was gd, i especially liked the little kids from m.a.t.k. , they're so cute and small, and they dance with attitude, plus they enjoyed the dance themselves... well at least its more obvios from them. one of the chinese girl definatly overdressed though... watever she (or her parents of whoever) was thinking... it was really awful... apart from that shiny glittery pink shirt she was wearing she just HAD to put the same glittery thing in her hair... plus some other weird stuff she wore... not nice leh... too much pink le lah. like the two boys in the grp though, esp the taller one... he really walked with ATTITUDE at the very end sia, dam cool! the foreign bodies peeps from nyp were also gd...
ks gonna nap 1st or smthing...
downloaded a bunch of songs yest, after hearing em over the radio and at the VIB street dance concert. the concert was gd, i especially liked the little kids from m.a.t.k. , they're so cute and small, and they dance with attitude, plus they enjoyed the dance themselves... well at least its more obvios from them. one of the chinese girl definatly overdressed though... watever she (or her parents of whoever) was thinking... it was really awful... apart from that shiny glittery pink shirt she was wearing she just HAD to put the same glittery thing in her hair... plus some other weird stuff she wore... not nice leh... too much pink le lah. like the two boys in the grp though, esp the taller one... he really walked with ATTITUDE at the very end sia, dam cool! the foreign bodies peeps from nyp were also gd...
ks gonna nap 1st or smthing...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Analogy
Imagine the aluminium drink can. Opened. Emptied of its contents. Filled with plain water. And slowly heated up. The water boils. Nothing seems wrong. Steam appears. Alarm bells sound. 'Remove the heat' they say, "Place the can in cold water. "Splat!" The can is crushed, by invisible forces.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
finally things are starting to head somewhere with the exco nominations.... its been a worrysome thing, but at least it'll hopefully get settled soon... like very soon... oh wells
here's some pics from my calculator i drew a while ago... :)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
strange sleeping time ftw!
erm anyways i've been so tired that i do half an hour's worth of work then go to bed... :S and then do nothing else till i'm back in sch... :S
erm anyways i've been so tired that i do half an hour's worth of work then go to bed... :S and then do nothing else till i'm back in sch... :S
Thursday, April 19, 2007
been meaning to blog abt events for a long time... events that happened like last week... lol
yeah wells, not very meaningful to talk abt stuff that happened a week ago but still i guess its pretty amusing. yeah, fell sick last tues, like after doing the 5 items for pft. quite amazingly passed:P barely but hey its still a passs k? but fell sick with fever like right after that, or maybe it was before, cos i already had like diarrhea in the morn. went home when it was drizzling, but as i walked from sch to j8 the rain just bog bigger and bigger and honesty i never got more soaked in my entire life (well stuff like swimming/bathing aint counted ks?). shoes all wet (well that happened before) but having my bag and skirt dripping wet (and i was carrying an umbrella!) is an absolute 1st... so didnt feel like going to sch on wedn and i was definatly not gonna do 2.4 the next day... so went of a polyclinic soley for the sake of the mc... only like took the medicine twice lah... and yeah, i spent like 1hr +++ baking my ws with a hair dyer. my brand new foolscape pad got totally ruined though. the whole book is so uneven now i can only use it for rough working cos its real hard to write on it... :S
last fri was mock spa... pretty crappy really, like nonbody bothered to carry out the experiment... only a few attempted at the end when they had the time.... and no i didnt even study for the spa at all lah:p and yes i still got 10mins +++ left.... wasted my time by playing with the indicators, and i was making this deep pink ribena/red wine juice from phenothalien... and yeah basically i was wasting all their indicator solutions:P too bad my lab partner wasnt there... missed the entertainment...
mon had math complex nos. test, which was an absolute disaster. i'll be grateful if i can even get 3 marks.
had cchess exco interviews till quite late yest, but i'd say the time spent was worth the while. weiqi exco interviews tmr... prett of trouble with chosing the new exco... sighz. i'll leave it at that for now. ihc next week, totally unprepared, and i just realised it clashes with my bio mock spa... like wow! and the ihc is next mon mind you........ yay....! haven borrowed more sets yet.... lol basically it feels like the ihc she be next next mon, not next mon. we're just not prepared for it.... and of cos i wonder how the turn up will be like.... -.-'''
knowledge binds.
yeah wells, not very meaningful to talk abt stuff that happened a week ago but still i guess its pretty amusing. yeah, fell sick last tues, like after doing the 5 items for pft. quite amazingly passed:P barely but hey its still a passs k? but fell sick with fever like right after that, or maybe it was before, cos i already had like diarrhea in the morn. went home when it was drizzling, but as i walked from sch to j8 the rain just bog bigger and bigger and honesty i never got more soaked in my entire life (well stuff like swimming/bathing aint counted ks?). shoes all wet (well that happened before) but having my bag and skirt dripping wet (and i was carrying an umbrella!) is an absolute 1st... so didnt feel like going to sch on wedn and i was definatly not gonna do 2.4 the next day... so went of a polyclinic soley for the sake of the mc... only like took the medicine twice lah... and yeah, i spent like 1hr +++ baking my ws with a hair dyer. my brand new foolscape pad got totally ruined though. the whole book is so uneven now i can only use it for rough working cos its real hard to write on it... :S
last fri was mock spa... pretty crappy really, like nonbody bothered to carry out the experiment... only a few attempted at the end when they had the time.... and no i didnt even study for the spa at all lah:p and yes i still got 10mins +++ left.... wasted my time by playing with the indicators, and i was making this deep pink ribena/red wine juice from phenothalien... and yeah basically i was wasting all their indicator solutions:P too bad my lab partner wasnt there... missed the entertainment...
mon had math complex nos. test, which was an absolute disaster. i'll be grateful if i can even get 3 marks.
had cchess exco interviews till quite late yest, but i'd say the time spent was worth the while. weiqi exco interviews tmr... prett of trouble with chosing the new exco... sighz. i'll leave it at that for now. ihc next week, totally unprepared, and i just realised it clashes with my bio mock spa... like wow! and the ihc is next mon mind you........ yay....! haven borrowed more sets yet.... lol basically it feels like the ihc she be next next mon, not next mon. we're just not prepared for it.... and of cos i wonder how the turn up will be like.... -.-'''
knowledge binds.
Monday, April 09, 2007
the mask
do you guys ever feel like things are just getting more and more superficial these days? like everyone is just wearing a mask and pretending to be who their absolutely not?

here's a random drawing of mine... just got really sick of doing work, sch, the teachers, the sub, the education syste.... bleh watever... drew it on recycled paper plus my scanner too gd so yeah u can see the 'colored' background that's actually wat's printed on the other side of the paper... ks watever...
i'm getting quite fed up... just cant find my bluetooth device, so i cant download the million and 1 photos in my hp to the com... and my phone is gonna run outta space soon... sheesh.....
Monday, April 02, 2007
time trappings
oh how time flies!
its so easy to waste time, lying on your bed trying to fall asleep, reading books, day dreaming... if only it were as easy to make time...
its so easy to waste time, lying on your bed trying to fall asleep, reading books, day dreaming... if only it were as easy to make time...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
what's up this wk
fri: lib books due, h3 chem test
last wk's cts wa a bomb... did i mention it b4? yeah a big blast really, prepared to go for chem focus, stay in math remedial... nothing else lah... since econs and bio never had any remedial... otherwise my whole week will be full of remedials. lol.
last wk's cts wa a bomb... did i mention it b4? yeah a big blast really, prepared to go for chem focus, stay in math remedial... nothing else lah... since econs and bio never had any remedial... otherwise my whole week will be full of remedials. lol.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
so cts are over, those counted for me are at least... huge atomic bomb just lannded yeah... died over and over again during every sub... and gonna die again for gp tmr... sighz. not a pretty sight.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
had cip on last sat, it was professionally organised, to say the least. most kids were coorperative lah, thought some started throwing tandrums at the end. overall i'd still say it was a great day.
trying to paste stuff all over my rm now... stuff as in things to remember for exams... but then i was printing halfway yest when my stupid printer ran out of ink AND refused to print ANYTHING! i'm not gonna complain abt how fast the ink ran out though, because in actual fact i did print out a lot of stuff already... like more then 150 pages for ssef alone, plus all that bio and gp stuff that came thought yahoo grps.... (or the email for bio, since i'm the one who put them up on yahoo grps!) . haiz.
ct schedule:
Mon: econs
Tues: bio
Wedn: maths
Thurs: chem
for once our subs end earlier then the physics students, but then again we'd have lesser time to study. there's always a trade off i guess...
trying to paste stuff all over my rm now... stuff as in things to remember for exams... but then i was printing halfway yest when my stupid printer ran out of ink AND refused to print ANYTHING! i'm not gonna complain abt how fast the ink ran out though, because in actual fact i did print out a lot of stuff already... like more then 150 pages for ssef alone, plus all that bio and gp stuff that came thought yahoo grps.... (or the email for bio, since i'm the one who put them up on yahoo grps!) . haiz.
ct schedule:
Mon: econs
Tues: bio
Wedn: maths
Thurs: chem
for once our subs end earlier then the physics students, but then again we'd have lesser time to study. there's always a trade off i guess...
Friday, March 09, 2007
no more slacking!
k ssef is over, thks to my troopers for coming down! really appreciated it! hope u guys had fun viewing the exhibits too, and riding that segway or watever thing that wx rode until she bang into the wall... lol:P
oh wells, sadly my attachment at ibn couldnt end on a higher note, but in a sense i'm quite gald its all over, really time to catch up on all the work i have been missing last week and this week. missed quite a bunch of lessons this few days... bleh:S
anyways we got back h3 chem test today... didnt pass lah... wasnt expecting to at all, considering that i didnt have much time to study and that i really was NOT paying ANY attention to h3 last yr, i was really surprised by my marks... didnt at a single digit score and was still rather near the passing mark... and the teacher wrote this comment saying 'keep going on' beside my script... quite a nice encouragement really. not that my marks was anything to be pround of, but after them starting the lecture by saying how ppl shd consider quiting h3 if they cant catch up, i was kinda considering whether i'd be able a get even a merit in a lvls. k so maybe there's still hope. hopefully... mah, it was really quite a bunch of shock looking at the h3 chem paper tt day lah... but as i read on i realised there were some parts so absolutly copied from our lect notes, and some parts that i could have answered based on my sec 4 options knowledge alone, guess that's the reason y i didnt completely flunk... cos i really couldnt remember all the mechanism stuff AT ALL:(:S, mah i have a lot of revising to do for org chem this coming common test:S
class cip tmr... so sorrieh mich but i really must leave early, anyway u can switch the stn masters around or smthing?
oh wells, sadly my attachment at ibn couldnt end on a higher note, but in a sense i'm quite gald its all over, really time to catch up on all the work i have been missing last week and this week. missed quite a bunch of lessons this few days... bleh:S
anyways we got back h3 chem test today... didnt pass lah... wasnt expecting to at all, considering that i didnt have much time to study and that i really was NOT paying ANY attention to h3 last yr, i was really surprised by my marks... didnt at a single digit score and was still rather near the passing mark... and the teacher wrote this comment saying 'keep going on' beside my script... quite a nice encouragement really. not that my marks was anything to be pround of, but after them starting the lecture by saying how ppl shd consider quiting h3 if they cant catch up, i was kinda considering whether i'd be able a get even a merit in a lvls. k so maybe there's still hope. hopefully... mah, it was really quite a bunch of shock looking at the h3 chem paper tt day lah... but as i read on i realised there were some parts so absolutly copied from our lect notes, and some parts that i could have answered based on my sec 4 options knowledge alone, guess that's the reason y i didnt completely flunk... cos i really couldnt remember all the mechanism stuff AT ALL:(:S, mah i have a lot of revising to do for org chem this coming common test:S
class cip tmr... so sorrieh mich but i really must leave early, anyway u can switch the stn masters around or smthing?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
this week has been a real busy week, trying to get my poster done and rushing my sch work.. surprisingly i managed to finish all my work w/o TOO much delay... surprise surprise....
mentor sent back comments for poster, not done with the changes yet. :S guess i'm kinda slow...
borrowed the sch blazer yest, was surprised yet another time when they actually had my skirt size... the counciller was like 'wat's ur skirt size' and i'm like 'erm wat's the biggest size u have?'... fat fat me... and yeah amazingly their biggest size is actually my size... i was expecting it to be smaller... so yes, gald that's settled.
not confident abt the presentation part for ssef. haven even started yet. wow.
mentor sent back comments for poster, not done with the changes yet. :S guess i'm kinda slow...
borrowed the sch blazer yest, was surprised yet another time when they actually had my skirt size... the counciller was like 'wat's ur skirt size' and i'm like 'erm wat's the biggest size u have?'... fat fat me... and yeah amazingly their biggest size is actually my size... i was expecting it to be smaller... so yes, gald that's settled.
not confident abt the presentation part for ssef. haven even started yet. wow.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
ssef here i come! i'm feeling really ambivalent abt it though really. sure a chance for me to make my big break, but it can just as easily end up in nothingness. plus, the fact that i have yet to prepare for smthing coming up like 1 week and 6 days is not a VERY fun thought.
need to make posters, and not sure if i'll also use a power point... anyways, at least the breifing at science center transformed me froma totally clueless to being only half clueless abt ssef. not a bad accomplishment. and at least i get to miss chem lect test and gp common test since it clashes nicely with the dates and timing... so at least its NOT so bad... and sheesh the results will be relased the day after the judging... really fast lah. so anyways that fair thing lasts for 2 days... the 1st will be the judging day and the 2nd is open to school teachers and students + the public... sighz. hope that at least i'll get shortlisted for ats. i.e. i hope that at least i'll get a medal... otherwise really nowhere to hide my face also lah... like the past few ppl who did their srp/ssef projects in ibn all got like gold medals in ssef lah... sighz. and yes there's a lot of ppl in the breifing today. plus some are prob not around. so like wah so many grps man! comp will no doubt be v tough. even just looking at my sch's shortlisted participants like like a really tough fight le... like all the smart smart geppers n non-geppers whom i used to gawk and stare in awe at their mental prowness... are now my competitors!!!! wah... :(
so econs essay test indeed was postponed. gp essay test proceed normally though. the qns were ok, no science qn but i managed to find an ok geo qn to write on. but i think my essay structure is horrid though. like all my paragraphings are wrong, cos i have too many indiv egs. to put in (yet they are related enough for them to look strange in a new para) so in the end my paras end up being very very long. and yes i did try my best to keep reminding the examiner wat the essay qn is abt at the end of every para, but i doubt i expressed it nicely so it like plain repetative and boring. plus i failed to define keywords and stuff clearly at the start again:( and of cos i had no stats. read an article on what i was writing on a real long while back, but just COULDNT reacall ANY of the stats written in the article:( haiz.
bio and econs test tmr. wish me luck.
need to make posters, and not sure if i'll also use a power point... anyways, at least the breifing at science center transformed me froma totally clueless to being only half clueless abt ssef. not a bad accomplishment. and at least i get to miss chem lect test and gp common test since it clashes nicely with the dates and timing... so at least its NOT so bad... and sheesh the results will be relased the day after the judging... really fast lah. so anyways that fair thing lasts for 2 days... the 1st will be the judging day and the 2nd is open to school teachers and students + the public... sighz. hope that at least i'll get shortlisted for ats. i.e. i hope that at least i'll get a medal... otherwise really nowhere to hide my face also lah... like the past few ppl who did their srp/ssef projects in ibn all got like gold medals in ssef lah... sighz. and yes there's a lot of ppl in the breifing today. plus some are prob not around. so like wah so many grps man! comp will no doubt be v tough. even just looking at my sch's shortlisted participants like like a really tough fight le... like all the smart smart geppers n non-geppers whom i used to gawk and stare in awe at their mental prowness... are now my competitors!!!! wah... :(
so econs essay test indeed was postponed. gp essay test proceed normally though. the qns were ok, no science qn but i managed to find an ok geo qn to write on. but i think my essay structure is horrid though. like all my paragraphings are wrong, cos i have too many indiv egs. to put in (yet they are related enough for them to look strange in a new para) so in the end my paras end up being very very long. and yes i did try my best to keep reminding the examiner wat the essay qn is abt at the end of every para, but i doubt i expressed it nicely so it like plain repetative and boring. plus i failed to define keywords and stuff clearly at the start again:( and of cos i had no stats. read an article on what i was writing on a real long while back, but just COULDNT reacall ANY of the stats written in the article:( haiz.
bio and econs test tmr. wish me luck.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
wat? back to sch so soon?!?!?
time flies... as usual i guess. before u know it the hols's gone. and when u start counting the tasks accomplished you realise its close to none.
well anyways, here's a report on how thing's going with my attempt at studying for tests:
managed to finish studying for half of bio, and 1/10th of chem, and sorta done econs, which we are supposed to have the test tmr but apparently i heard a rumour that it's postponed to thurs... oh wells... just read through the tuts and lect notes anyways... i find the rumor pretty strange though... met my econs teacher last fri and she didnt say a thing abt it... apparently she told my class ct rep, who forgot to inform the class... which really makes me wonder why she didnt make the announcement on yahoo grps though... and yet the info come from a pretty trustworthy person, so i have no idea what to believe.
oh wells... attempted to make notes for bio but i think i'm gonna end up reproducing/copying out my entire lect notes as usual... i dunnoe how ppl can make their own notes... i always fail to do so... somehow its like everything is impt to me so i basically end up with a copy of my lect notes only this time in shortform n ptform....
so that's just abt it for my academic pursuits... oh yeah a *tried* doing that gp mcq qns on politics and man... i cant do 99% of the qns!!!!!! like w**??? k, shows how stupid i am when it comes to such matters... :S
4 days and counting... and still not used to my new specs... feels like i cant really focus on anything at times... like i cant see clearly... sighz. just the right time to be forced to change specs i guess. with all the lovely dovey tests coming up... and bio spa nxt mon... how exciting...
but on a more serious note, i'm getting used to this horrid system of spoon feedin ppl.... no need to memorize/study like crazy for spa anymore... everything is just coming to me naturally.... i didnt even study for the last chem spa and i still had plenty of time to shake my leg... like 15 over mins in fact:P haha, maybe things ARE actually starting to go back to the gd o' days when i can just heck abt chem... or maybe not... still have to remember all the rxns for org chem... and practise for phy chem which i so absolutly suck at... but well its econs that i'm most worried abt. i dont seem to be getting anything abt writing essays at all. at least gp i know that my teacher will be throwing plenty of hw to make sure that everyone gets at least a b, and maths at least i'm able to catch the last few topics... but econs... like cant write essay? byebye to you! i think my mistake in writing econs essays is that i fail to pt in the econs concepts properly... but that DOES NOT come naturally to me and i do not know how to do it properly... hopefully i'll learn soon enough, and ge used to it soon enough to get a decent grade for econs... hopefully. bio... not confident abt it either... sighz... basically, smtime i really feel like dropping maths and econs... and then i'm left with gp chem and bio, of which gp and bio i'm really not confident of, and then that leaves me with 1 sub... wow chem ftw!
oh wells... that basically sums up what i'm feeling right now... and i guess that's a long enough entry for now, so i guess i'll just shut up and go back to studying, before you have to hear me rant abt failing some test..... gd nite!
well anyways, here's a report on how thing's going with my attempt at studying for tests:
managed to finish studying for half of bio, and 1/10th of chem, and sorta done econs, which we are supposed to have the test tmr but apparently i heard a rumour that it's postponed to thurs... oh wells... just read through the tuts and lect notes anyways... i find the rumor pretty strange though... met my econs teacher last fri and she didnt say a thing abt it... apparently she told my class ct rep, who forgot to inform the class... which really makes me wonder why she didnt make the announcement on yahoo grps though... and yet the info come from a pretty trustworthy person, so i have no idea what to believe.
oh wells... attempted to make notes for bio but i think i'm gonna end up reproducing/copying out my entire lect notes as usual... i dunnoe how ppl can make their own notes... i always fail to do so... somehow its like everything is impt to me so i basically end up with a copy of my lect notes only this time in shortform n ptform....
so that's just abt it for my academic pursuits... oh yeah a *tried* doing that gp mcq qns on politics and man... i cant do 99% of the qns!!!!!! like w**??? k, shows how stupid i am when it comes to such matters... :S
4 days and counting... and still not used to my new specs... feels like i cant really focus on anything at times... like i cant see clearly... sighz. just the right time to be forced to change specs i guess. with all the lovely dovey tests coming up... and bio spa nxt mon... how exciting...
but on a more serious note, i'm getting used to this horrid system of spoon feedin ppl.... no need to memorize/study like crazy for spa anymore... everything is just coming to me naturally.... i didnt even study for the last chem spa and i still had plenty of time to shake my leg... like 15 over mins in fact:P haha, maybe things ARE actually starting to go back to the gd o' days when i can just heck abt chem... or maybe not... still have to remember all the rxns for org chem... and practise for phy chem which i so absolutly suck at... but well its econs that i'm most worried abt. i dont seem to be getting anything abt writing essays at all. at least gp i know that my teacher will be throwing plenty of hw to make sure that everyone gets at least a b, and maths at least i'm able to catch the last few topics... but econs... like cant write essay? byebye to you! i think my mistake in writing econs essays is that i fail to pt in the econs concepts properly... but that DOES NOT come naturally to me and i do not know how to do it properly... hopefully i'll learn soon enough, and ge used to it soon enough to get a decent grade for econs... hopefully. bio... not confident abt it either... sighz... basically, smtime i really feel like dropping maths and econs... and then i'm left with gp chem and bio, of which gp and bio i'm really not confident of, and then that leaves me with 1 sub... wow chem ftw!
oh wells... that basically sums up what i'm feeling right now... and i guess that's a long enough entry for now, so i guess i'll just shut up and go back to studying, before you have to hear me rant abt failing some test..... gd nite!
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